
Terms for subject Microsoft containing engine | all forms | exact matches only
Access Connectivity Enginemotor de conectividad de Access (Part of the Access database system that retrieves and stores data in user and system databases. The engine can be thought of as a data manager on which database systems are built)
Access database enginemotor de base de datos de Access (Part of the Access database system that retrieves and stores data in user and system databases. The engine can be thought of as a data manager on which database systems are built)
ACS rules enginemotor de reglas de ACS (The component in ACS that processes the input claims that are present in the security tokens that ACS receives from clients and which generates the output claims that are present in the security tokens that ACS issues to relying-party applications)
antivirus engineprograma antivirus (A computer program that identifies viruses)
Base Filtering EngineMotor de filtrado de base (A service that coordinates the filtering platform components)
BPA enginemotor BPA (The engine that captures and processes the results of the Best Practice Analyzer (BPA))
Business Rule EngineMotor de reglas de negocios (A run-time inference engine that evaluates rules against facts and initiates actions based on the results of that evaluation)
CEP enginemotor de procesamiento de eventos complejos (The core engine and adapter framework components of Microsoft StreamInsight. The StreamInsight server can be used to process and analyze the event streams associated with a complex event processing application)
data flow enginemotor de flujo de datos (An engine that executes the data flow in a package)
database enginemotor de base de datos (The program module or modules that provide access to a database management system (DBMS))
decision enginemotor de decisión (Software or service able to process a large amount of data and provide reports that help users make more informed decisions)
DPM enginemotor de DPM (A policy-driven engine that DPM uses to protect and recover data)
Duet enginemotor Duet (A Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 and Information Bridge Framework based client runtime that interprets Duet end-user application metadata, creates the end-user experience in Microsoft Office, and executes the application logic)
engine adapteradaptador del motor (An adapter that performs various core biometric operations: cleanup of sensor data, feature extraction, template generation, matching, and indexing. These functions can either be implemented by software in the engine adapter, or by the engine adapter making use of some piece of processing hardware)
Engine Input Filearchivo de entrada del motor (A compiled version of a document schema. The EIF is used to expedite translations for distribution among other users in a closed user group. The EIF is automatically compiled whenever an XML Schema Definition language (XSD) schema is generated or edited, using BizTalk Server)
event processing enginemotor de procesamiento de eventos (The core component of BizTalk RFID. The event processing engine creates and manages an event processing pipeline by using the device and component bindings in each custom source)
Extensible Storage EngineMotor de almacenamiento extensible (A method that defines a low-level API to the underlying database structures in Exchange Server. Extensible Storage Engine is also used by other databases, such as the Active Directory directory service database)
Gesture EngineMotor de reconocimiento de movimientos (An engine that specifically recognizes and processes touch input and multi-touch input as commands)
group policy enginemotor de directivas de grupo (The framework that handles common functionalities across client-side extensions including scheduling of Group Policy application, obtaining GPOs from relevant configuration locations, and filtering and ordering of GPOs)
Jet enginemotor Jet (A client/server data engine that provides local data storage on a smaller computer system and that is compatible with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and prior)
MEF composition enginemotor de composición de MEF (An object that resolves a MEF part's dependencies and exposes its capabilities to other MEF parts and apps through composition, that is, by binding MEF imports to MEF exports)
repository enginemotor del repositorio (Object-oriented software that provides management support for and customer access to a repository database)
Rules Engine FrameworkMarco de trabajo del motor de reglas (The .NET component library, APIs, and services used by application developers to write rule-based applications)
Rules Engine Update serviceservicio Actualización del motor de reglas (A service that performs dynamic policy updates)
scan enginemotor de detección (Software used to inspect messages to detect viruses or to identify spam)
scripting enginemotor de scripting (A program that interprets and executes a script)
search enginemotor de búsqueda (A program that searches for key words in documents, databases, Internet content or other files)
search engine optimizationoptimización del motor de búsqueda (The act of modifying the pages of a Web site so that its content is more easily discoverable by Internet search engines)
storage enginemotor de almacenamiento (A component of SQL Server that is responsible for managing the raw physical data in your database. For example, reading and writing the data to disk is a task handled by the storage engine)
synchronization enginemotor de sincronización (A software system that retrieves information from a source data store and synchronizes (pushes) to a target data store. Examples of synchronization engines are the ILM 2007 and FIM 2010 synchronization engines, and the service that synchronizes data rows in the SQL Server Express database with objects in the Microsoft Office Outlook data store)
text-to-speech enginemotor de conversión de texto a voz (The component of Speech Engine Services that processes text input and produces speech output by synthesizing words and phrases)
theme enginemotor de temas (The program module that applies a predefined graphic theme to the user interface)
tiering enginemotor de niveles (A service that tracks regions of storage and may move data between them based on an input/output policy or other administrator-specified rules)
tiering policy enginemotor de directiva de niveles (A service that tracks regions of storage and may move data between them based on an input/output policy or other administrator-specified rules)
Touch Interaction EngineMotor de interacción táctil (The engine that detects and decides what a gesture (tap, pinch, zoom) means)
TTS enginemotor de conversión de texto a voz (The component of Speech Engine Services that processes text input and produces speech output by synthesizing words and phrases)