
Terms for subject General containing during | all forms | exact matches only
area inaccessible during normal plant operationzona inaccesible durante el funcionamiento normal de la planta
both during and after their term of officemientras dure su mandato y aún después de finalizar éste
can become highly flammable during usepuede inflamarse fácilmente al usarlo
Convention concerning Employment of Women during the NightConvenio sobre el trabajo nocturno mujeres
Convention concerning Employment of Women during the Night RevisedConvenio relativo al trabajo nocturno de las mujeres
Convention concerning Employment of Women during the Night RevisedConvenio revisado sobre el trabajo nocturno mujeres, 1934
Convention concerning Employment of Women during the NightConvenio relativo al Trabajo Nocturno de las Mujeres
do not eat,drink or smoke during workno comer ni beber ni fumar durante el trabajo
during fumigation/spraying wear suitable respiratory equipment appropriate wording to be specified by the manufacturerS42
during fumigation/spraying wear suitable respiratory equipment appropriate wording to be specified by the manufacturerdurante las fumigaciones/pulverizaciones, use equipo respiratorio adecuado.Denominación (es) adecuada a especificar por el fabricante
During surgery clogged arteries are obliteratedDurante la cirugía se obliteran las arteras obstruidas
during use,may form flammable/explosive vapour-air mixtureal usarlo pueden formarse mezclas aire-vapor explosivas/inflamables
European initiative on the exchange of young officers during their initial training inspired by Erasmusiniciativa europea de intercambio de jóvenes oficiales inspirada en Erasmus
European initiative on the exchange of young officers during their initial training inspired by ErasmusErasmus militar
European Union military operation in support of the United Nations Organisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo MONUC during the election processOperación Militar de la Unión Europea de apoyo a la Misión de las Naciones Unidas en la República Democrática del Congo MONUC durante el proceso electoral
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia for the Prosecution of Crimes Committed during the Period of Democratic KampucheaSalas Especiales en los tribunales de Camboya
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia for the Prosecution of Crimes Committed during the Period of Democratic KampucheaSalas Especiales en los tribunales de Camboya para el procesamiento de los crímenes cometidos en el período de la Kampuchea Democrática
to give way during his speechinterrumpir su discurso
to give way during his speechinterrumpir su exposición
input during the meltdown periodpotencia de fusión
It is very important to inhale and exhale deeply during meditationEs muy importante inhalar y exhalar profundamente durante la meditación
Montreux Document on Pertinent International Legal Obligations and Good Practices for States related to Operations of Private Military and Security Companies during Armed ConflictDocumento de Montreux sobre las empresas militares y de seguridad privadas
on-the-job training during an operationentrenamiento durante la operación
painkiller during childbirthsobre o por fuera de la duramadre
period during which the allowance is payableperíodo de indemnización
safe during transportationseguridad de transporte
the members of the Commission, during their term of office...los miembros de la Comisión..., mientras dure su mandato...
The worm becomes a butterfly during metamorphosisEl gusano se transforma en mariposa durante l metamorfosis
-to create a disturbance during the proceedingspromover desordenmuy graveen la sesión
We closed the store during the holidaysCerramos la tienda durante las vacaciones