
Terms for subject Environment containing dune | all forms | exact matches only
creeping seif duneduna deslizante de tipo seif
creeping seif duneduna de tipo seif
disappearance of the dune beltdesaparición del cordón de dunas
dune beltcordón de dunas
dune grasslandpastizal de dunas
dune woodlandbosque de dunas
grey duneduna gris
humid dune slackdepresión intradunal húmeda
Pannonic inland duneduna continental panónica
sand duneduna de arena
sand dune An accumulation of loose sand heaped up by the wind, commonly found along low-lying seashores above high-tide level, more rarely on the border of large lakes or river valleys, as well as in various desert regions, where there is abundant dry surface sand during some part of the yearduna de arena
sand dune fixationestabilización de dunas
sand dune fixation Stabilization of dunes effected by the planting of marram grass (Ammophila arenaria), or rice grass, whose long roots bind the surface layers of sand and so hinder its removal by wind. A larger scale method of dealing with the same problem is by afforestationestabilización de dunas
sea duneduna litoral
sea dunes on Atlantic shoresdunas marítimas de las costas atlánticas
seif duneduna deslizante de tipo seif
seif duneduna de tipo seif
shifting duneduna móvil
stable decalcified duneduna fija decalcificada
stable, decalcified eu-Atlantic duneduna fija decalcificada eu-atlántica
wooded duneduna arbolada
wooded dunesduna con bosques