
Terms for subject Environment containing disaster | all forms | exact matches only
agricultural disasterdesastre agricola
agricultural disaster Violent, sudden and destructive change in the environment either affecting or caused by land cultivation or the raising of crops or livestockdesastre agricola
area prone to natural disasterszona propensa a los desastres naturales
Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of DisastersCentro de Investigación de Epidemiología de Desastres
Convention on the Prevention of Industrial Disastersconvenio sobre la prevención de las catástrofes industriales
creeping disastercatástrofe de evolución lenta
disaster cleanup operationoperación de limpieza general de desastre
disaster cleanup operationoperaciones de limpieza después de desastres
disaster cleanup operation A course or procedure of activity designed to clear the debris or remove harmful substances left by an ecological calamity, natural or human in origin, in a given areaoperación de limpieza general de desastre
disaster contingency planplan de protección civil
disaster contingency planplan de contingencia de desastre
disaster contingency plan An anticipatory emergency plan to be followed in an expected or eventual disaster, based on risk assessment, availability of human and material resources, community preparedness, local and international response capability, etc.plan de contingencia de desastre
disaster control serviceservicio de control de desastre
disaster control service Work done or agency established to analyze, plan, assign and coordinate available resources in order to prepare for, respond to, mitigate and recover from damage caused by an ecological calamity, natural or human in originservicio de control de desastre
disaster decadedecenio de los desastres
Disaster Management Training ProgrammePrograma de capacitación en materia de gestión de actividades en casos de desastre
disaster preparednessestado de preparación al desastre
disaster preparednesspreparación para casos de desastres
disaster preparedness The aggregate of measures to be taken in view of disasters, consisting of plans and action programmes designed to minimize loss of life and damage, to organize and facilitate effective rescue and relief, and to rehabilitate after disaster. Preparedness requires the necessary legislation and means to cope with disaster or similar emergency situations. It is also concerned with forecasting and warning, the education and training of the public, organization and management, including plans, training of personnel, the stockpiling of supplies and ensuring the needed funds and other resourcesestado de preparación al desastre
disaster preventionprevención de desastre
disaster prevention The aggregate of approaches and measures to ensure that human action or natural phenomena do not cause or result in disaster or similar emergency. It implies the formulation and implementation of long-range policies and programmes to eliminate or prevent the occurrence of disastersprevención de desastre
Disaster Prevention and PreparednessPrevención de Catástrofes y Protección Civil
disaster-prone areazona propensa a los desastres naturales
disaster reductionreducción del riesgo de desastres
disaster reliefalivio de desastre
disaster reliefauxilio en caso de desastre
disaster relief Money, food or other assistance provided for those surviving a sudden, calamitous event causing loss of life, damage or hardshipalivio de desastre
disaster responsereacción en caso de catástrofe
disaster response capacitycapacidad de reacción en caso de catástrofes
disaster riskriesgo de desastre
disaster risk reductionreducción del riesgo de desastres
disaster risk reductionreducción de desastres
disaster zonezona de desastre
disaster zone Zone that has been stricken by a disaster and where measures must be taken to reduce the severity of the human and material damage caused by itzona de desastre
ecological disastercatástrofe ecológica
Euromediterranean system of mitigation, prevention and management of natural and man-made disasterssistema euromediterráneo de prevención, atenuación y gestión de catástrofes naturales y provocadas por el hombre
geological disaster Disasters caused by movements and deformation of the earth's crustdesastres geológicos
Global Disaster Information NetworkRed Mundial de Información sobre Desastres
Global Platform for Disaster Risk ReductionPlataforma Mundial para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres
human-made disasterdesastres provocados por el hombre
human-made disaster Violent, sudden and destructive change in the environment caused by mandesastres provocados por el hombre
hydrologic disaster Violent, sudden and destructive change either in the quality of the earth's water or in the distribution or movement of water on land, below the surface or in the atmospheredesastres hidrológicos
Inter-Agency Task Force for Disaster ReductionEquipo de Tareas Interinstitucional sobre Reducción de Desastres
International Conference on Early Warning Systems for the Reduction of Natural DisastersConferencia Internacional sobre Sistemas de Alerta Temprana para la Reducción de los Desastres Naturales
International Day for Natural Disaster ReductionDía Internacional para la Reducción de los Desastres Naturales
International Decade for Natural Disaster ReductionDecenio Internacional para la Reducción de los Desastres Naturales
International Strategy for Disaster ReductionEstrategia Internacional de Reducción de Desastres
man-made disastercatástrofe de origen humano
manmade disasterdesastre causado por el hombre
manmade disasterdesastre antropogénico
meteorological disaster Violent, sudden and destructive change to the environment related to, produced by, or affecting the earth's atmosphere, especially the weather-forming processesdesastres meteorológicos
National Disaster Coordination CouncilConsejo Coordinador de Catástrofes Nacionales
Natural and Environmental Disaster Information Exchange SystemSistema de Intercambio de Información sobre Desastres Naturales y Ambientales
natural disaster Violent, sudden and destructive change in the environment without cause from human activity, due to phenomena such as floods, earthquakes, fire and hurricanesdesastres naturales
oil disastercatástrofe petrolera
oil disaster The disaster caused by the dumping and accidental spillage of oil into waterways from ships and land-based or offshore installations. Oil pollution may destroy or damage aquatic life and wildlife such as birds, contaminate water supplies and create fire hazardscatástrofe petrolera
Open partial agreement on the prevention of, protection against, and organisation of relief in major natural and technological disastersAcuerdo Parcial Abierto en materia de Prevención, de Protección y de Organización de los Socorros contra los Riesgos Naturales y Tecnológicos Mayores
UN Office for Disaster Risk ReductionUNISDR
UN Office for Disaster Risk ReductionSecretaría Interinstitucional de la Estrategia Internacional para la Reducción de los Desastres
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk ReductionUNISDR
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk ReductionSecretaría Interinstitucional de la Estrategia Internacional para la Reducción de los Desastres
World Conference on Disaster ReductionConferencia Mundial sobre la Reducción de los Desastres Naturales