
Terms for subject Microsoft containing device | all forms | exact matches only
absolute pointing devicedispositivo señalador absoluto (A mechanical or physical pointing device whose location is associated with the position of the on-screen cursor. For example, if the user of a graphics tablet places the pen on the upper right corner of the tablet, the cursor moves to the upper right corner of the screen or on-screen window associated with the pen)
add-on devicedispositivo complementario (A device that is traditionally added to the base computer system to increase functionality, such as audio, networking, graphics, or SCSI controller)
audio devicedispositivo de audio (A hardware device capable of reproducing sound)
audio input devicedispositivo de entrada de audio (An audio input device records music and voice input into your computer. Examples of audio input devices are CD-ROM players and microphones)
backup devicedispositivo de copia de seguridad (A tape or disk drive containing a backup medium)
Bluetooth devicedispositivo Bluetooth (A device such as a cellular phone, printer, keyboard, mouse, or computer that has a Bluetooth radio transmitter installed in it)
bonded devicedispositivo asociado (A Bluetooth device that has been paired to another one)
calling devicedispositivo de llamada (Equipment, telephone or computer, used to place a call)
capture devicedispositivo de captura (Hardware that transfers audio and video from an external source, such as a VCR or camcorder, to a computer)
charge-coupled devicedispositivo de carga acoplado (A device in which individual semiconductor components are connected so that the electrical charge at the output of one device provides the input to the next)
computing devicedispositivo informático (A piece of equipment that is used for running programs)
control device objectobjeto de dispositivo de control (A device object that represents the filter driver to the system and to user-mode application and which allows applications to communicate with the filter driver directly, even before the filter is attached to a file system or volume device object)
custom devicedispositivo personalizado (A microphone and speaker combination configured by the user in Lync and Office Communicator)
default deviceDispositivo predeterminado (The device that Lync and Communicator uses by default when the user places a call (either PBX telephone phone or computer through a VOIP connection))
desktop device appaplicación de escritorio para dispositivo (A device app built in C++/Win32/COM)
Device Access APIAPI de acceso a dispositivos (A set of COM interfaces that a device companion app can use to send requests, to a specialized device, synchronously or asynchronously)
device adapteradaptador de dispositivo (An ASP.NET page framework class that adapts the behavior of mobile pages and controls based on the target device)
device agentagente de dispositivos (An application that a desktop application deploys and executes on a smart device. Usually, a device agent communicates or exchanges data with the desktop application that deployed it)
device authenticationautenticación de dispositivo (Allowing only specific users to connect and configure a device)
device barrequisitos mínimos de dispositivo (The minimum requirements a LUN device has to meet in order to be included in MPIO transfers)
device capabilityfuncionalidad del dispositivo (A device functionality available through the HasCapability method or the element)
device capability (A device functionality available through the HasCapability method or thefuncionalidad del dispositivo
Device CenterCentro de dispositivos (An application designed for managing Microsoft Windows Mobile® devices via a Windows Vista client computer. When the mobile device is connected to the computer by cable, cradle, infrared, or wireless LAN, the mobile user uses Windows Mobile Device Center to create a partnership between the desktop computer and the mobile device to configure the device, manage settings, add & remove applications, and synchronize data. After the partnership is created, the mobile user can manage the device using any of the connection mechanisms. While connected, the mobile user can also use the Windows Vista client computer without a partnership to do such things as browse the device and configure settings for the device)
device channelcanal de dispositivo (In a site collection, a group of settings that is configured to include certain mobile devices based on defined criteria, and that can be mapped to a SharePoint master page to optimize a publishing site for those devices)
Device ChannelsCanales de dispositivo (A SharePoint feature that enables a single publishing site to be rendered differently for different mobile devices in order to optimize the user experience)
device claimnotificación de dispositivo (A statement that a device makes to indicate that it can be trusted to access secure resources, such a folder on a file share)
device contextcontexto de dispositivo (A data structure that defines the graphic objects, their associated attributes, and the graphic modes that affect output on a device)
device coordinatecoordenada del dispositivo (The coordinate used by the physical device being drawn on, such as a screen or sheet of paper)
device definitiondefinición del dispositivo (The characteristics of a device available through the MobileCapabilities class and the DeviceSpecific control)
device drivercontrolador de dispositivo (Software that enables hardware or peripherals (such as a printer, mouse, or keyboard) to work with your computer or mobile device)
device driver interfaceinterfaz de controlador de dispositivo (A set of functions that are implemented by the operating system for use by drivers)
Device Driver WizardAsistente para controladores de dispositivos (A wizard that helps a driver developer get the new driver packages up and going quickly in Visual Studio)
Device EncryptionCifrado de dispositivo (The out-of-the-box encryption capabilities that are automatically included on PCs running Windows RT.)
device encryptioncifrado del dispositivo (The use of encryption to protect local device data from offline hardware attacks)
device experienceexperiencia de dispositivo (The combination of device, device driver, device metadata, and Windows Store device app)
device filterfiltro del dispositivo (A section of the Web.config file where you specify values for specific mobile devices. These values are used to create device-specific content)
device fontfuente de dispositivo (A font residing in or intended for a printer. Font cartridges are available for laser printers that allow your printer print additional fonts. Printer fonts are distinct from screen fonts, which are designed for displaying text on a computer)
device groupgrupo de dispositivos (A collection of devices that are grouped together for convenience of administration. Devices can be grouped together if they have similar characteristics such as device vendor or device location. This helps effectively manage several devices at one time, instead of individually)
device handleidentificador de dispositivo (A piece of software code or an ID that allows a user to programmatically access the mobile device)
device IDid. de dispositivo (A unique ASCII string for the device created by enumerators to identify a hardware device and used to cross-reference data about the device stored in the registry. Distinguishes each logical device and bus from all others on the system)
device independent pixelpíxel independiente del dispositivo (A unit of measure that equals 1/96 of an inch)
device independent unitunidad independiente del dispositivo (A unit of measure that equals 1/96 of an inch)
Device Information RetrievalRecuperación de información de dispositivos (A feature that sends information about a computer's hardware to Microsoft (e.g. local, model ID, date of last update) and retrieves device information, e.g. model name, description, device manufacturer logo, and device-related tasks, that is then stored on the computer)
device licenselicencia para dispositivo (A software license assigned to a client computer; it allows any authorized person access to the software by using that computer)
device lockbloqueo de dispositivo (A feature that provides enhanced protection for data by locking the device and requiring user authentication through a password)
device managementadministración de dispositivos (The exchange of requests and responses that control and configure the operational state of a device. Device management requires the use of a Communication Class interface)
device management pointpunto de administración de dispositivos (A Configuration Manager site system that communicates with mobile device clients and that must be hosted on a Configuration Manager management point)
Device ManagerAdministrador de dispositivos (An administrative tool that you can use to manage the devices on your computer. Using Device Manager, you can view and change device properties, update device drivers, configure device settings, and uninstall devices)
device metadata packagepaquete de metadatos del dispositivo (A .cab file that can only have one locale support and that provides all the hardware display components in order for your device information to be shown in the Control Panel)
Device Metadata Retrieval ClientCliente de recuperación de metadatos de dispositivos (A feature that provides an interface for acquiring rich metadata in order to support showing device detail information in the Device Center and the Device Stage)
device namenombre de dispositivo (A user-defined description of a particular device)
device pairingemparejamiento de dispositivo (The process of establishing a Bluetooth link or connection between two Bluetooth–enabled devices)
device passwordcontraseña del dispositivo (A passcode that a user enters on a mobile device that supports the Exchange ActiveSync protocol. The device password unlocks the device and allows access to the data stored on the device)
device PCequipo miembro (A computer that is part of a OneCare circle but is not a hub PC or a monitor PC. A device PC has no privileges to monitor or make changes to any other computer in the OneCare circle)
device propertypropiedad de dispositivo (The configuration setting of a device, such as name, vendor, location, and source)
device registrationregistro de dispositivos (The process of verifying a user's credentials and the server certificate, as well as to register information about the device on the server)
Device Security ManagerAdministrador de seguridad de dispositivos (A feature in Visual Studio that allows you to configure device security and manage certificates on Windows Mobile-based devices)
Device Service Provider Interface An abstract layer that facilitates device discovery, configuration, communication, and management of various RFID devices in a uniform waycapa DSPI (Device Service Provider Interface)
device-specific modulemódulo específico del dispositivo (A storage array manufacturer's module that incorporates knowledge of the manufacturer's hardware and interacts with the MPIO driver. The DSM plays a crucial role in device initialization and I/O request handling, including I/O request error handling)
Device Sync optionsOpciones de sincronización de dispositivos (A dialog for synchronizing photos to a device)
device typetipo de dispositivo (A value from a developer-defined list that specifies the types of devices that a given application will support)
Devices charmacceso a Dispositivos (A user interface element that provides access to external devices like media players or printers)
display devicepantalla (A visual output device aimed at displaying various type of information)
dump devicedispositivo de volcado (A tape or disk drive containing a backup medium)
Enable device syncing in Digital Image LibraryHabilitar la sincronización de dispositivos en el Archivo fotográfico (A checkbox that turns the Device Syncing feature on or off. If it is off, no UI is exposed to the user)
Enhanced Storage devicedispositivo Almacenamiento mejorado (A storage device that provides storage function and authentication. Such devices are usually small form-factor devices such as USB thumb drives)
export a deviceexportar un dispositivo (To move device information into a file, either by copying the device information to another BizTalk RFID server or by making a backup of the device properties)
ghost devicedispositivo fantasma (A device that is detected by a computer even though it is no longer installed or connected. You can remove ghost devices in Device Manager)
Graphics Device InterfaceInterfaz de dispositivo gráfico (An executable program that processes graphical function calls from a Windows-based application and passes those calls to the appropriate device driver, which performs the hardware-specific functions that generate output. By acting as a buffer between applications and output devices, GDI presents a device-independent view of the world for the application while interacting in a device-dependent format with the device)
handwriting input devicedispositivo de entrada de escritura a mano (A tool, such as a digital pen and tablet, used to enter text by writing instead of typing. Along with writing tablets, you can use 3-D drawing or Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) tablets, or a tablet-PC. You can also write by moving your mouse on the mouse pad)
Hardware and Devices troubleshooterSolucionador de problemas de hardware y dispositivos (A troubleshooter that helps find and fix problems about hardware and devices)
health devicedispositivo de salud (A variety of health and fitness devices that can be connected with HealthVault, including blood pressure monitors, peak flow meters, blood glucose meters, pedometers, and scales)
IEEE Standard Protocol for Authentication in Host Attachments of Transient Storage DevicesIEEE 1667 (The IEEE industry standard that defines methods for authenticating transient removable storage devices (e.g. USB flash drives, memory cards, and portable hard disks) when they are mounted to host computers in corporate, government, academic, and other environments)
imaging devicedispositivo de imagen (A hardware type for digital cameras and scanners)
import a deviceimportar un dispositivo (To move device information and properties into the BizTalk RFID server from a file)
Import from a deviceImportar desde un dispositivo (An option that allows user to import images from a device as opposed to some form of media. Device denotes an electronic device capable of showing or transmitting digital images)
infrared devicedispositivo de infrarrojos (A computer, or a computer peripheral such as a printer, that can communicate using infrared light)
input devicedispositivo de entrada (A peripheral device whose purpose is to allow the user to provide input to a computer system. Examples of input devices are keyboards, mice, joysticks, and styluses)
integrated device electronicselectrónica integrada de dispositivos (A type of disk-drive interface in which the controller electronics reside on the drive itself, eliminating the need for a separate adapter card. IDE offers advantages such as look-ahead caching to increase overall performance)
legacy devicedispositivo antiguo (A device that does not use (PCI), (USB), 1394, or later physical interconnect, but is fully (PnP) compliant. A legacy device cannot be configured or managed by using either mechanisms or PnP methods to specify resource configurations)
logical devicedispositivo lógico (An entity that contains devices and/or device groups. A system administrator can create a logical device to provide business context to a set of devices. Examples are shipping devices, shelf devices, and receiving devices)
logical deviceunidad lógica (A volume that you create within an extended partition on a basic master boot record (MBR) disk. Logical drives are similar to primary partitions, except that you are limited to four primary partitions per disk, whereas you can create an unlimited number of logical drives per disk. A logical drive can be formatted and assigned a drive letter)
LPT devicedispositivo LPT (A device that uses a parallel connection)
mass storage devicedispositivo de almacenamiento (A generic term for disk, optical disk, or other device that provides persistent storage for computer data)
medical devicedispositivo médico (A medical instrument used in the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of a disease)
MFC Smart Device DLL WizardAsistente para archivos DLL de Smart Device MFC (A wizard in Smart Device Development. It is used to create an MFC DLL project. The users get a working starter application that has built-in functionality that, when it is compiled, will implement the basic features of a DLL)
mobile devicedispositivo móvil (A piece of handheld equipment such as a portable music or video player, PDA (personal digital assistant), mobile phone, or Windows Mobile device that works on its own but can also connect to a computer. Many of these devices can sync information with Windows)
multifunction devicedispositivo multifunción (A piece of hardware that supports multiple discrete capabilities, such as audio, mixer, and music, on a single card. This device is sometimes treated as a bus that can be enumerated to locate the devices on that bus)
My DeviceMi dispositivo (A menu choice or remote button that offers access to the user's portable media device)
Network Device Enrollment ServiceServicio de inscripción de dispositivos de red (In Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 the Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) is the Microsoft implementation of the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP). There is also an add-on module for SCEP for Windows Server 2003 Certificate Services. NDES and the SCEP add-on provide support for the SCEP protocol which allows Cisco routers and other intermediate network devices to obtain certificates)
offline devicedispositivo sin conexión (A device that is physically disconnected from, or that is not available in, BizTalk RFID)
online devicedispositivo en línea (A device that is physically connected or is available in BizTalk RFID)
Open Device Access ModelModelo de acceso abierto a dispositivo (The access model for horizontal solutions, which enables a horizontal strategy. Open Device Access enables many different Windows Store apps to access a specialized device. Examples: a smartphone with multiple apps that synchronize contacts; a pedometer that allows multiple apps to read its data and post it to a website)
output devicedispositivo de salida (Any peripheral which purpose is to convey information from a computer to a user in the form of text, images, sounds or other)
parallel devicedispositivo paralelo (A device that uses a parallel connection)
partnered devicedispositivo asociado (A device that has been set to establish device-to-device connection with another one, such as by radio, Bluetooth or infrared)
PCMCIA devicedispositivo PCMCIA (A removable device, approximately the size of a credit card, that can be plugged into a PCMCIA slot in a portable computer. PCMCIA devices can include modems, network adapters, and hard disk drives)
Per Device licensing modemodo de licencia por dispositivo (A mode in which the remote desktop server requests an RDS Per Device client access license (RDS Per Device CAL) from a Remote Desktop license server so that a device can connect remotely to the remote desktop server)
Ping devicehacer ping al dispositivo (The action of testing a particular device on the network for troubleshooting purposes using the ping utility)
PnP devicedispositivo PnP (A type of device, such as a game controller or printer, that automatically works when you connect it to your computer. The computer configures the settings and installs the necessary drivers by itself)
pointing devicedispositivo señalador (" An input device used to control an on-screen cursor for such actions as "pressing" on-screen buttons in dialog boxes, choosing menu items, and selecting ranges of cells in spreadsheets or groups of words in a document.")
portable devicedispositivo portátil (A device that is light enough, rugged enough, and free enough of encumbering external connections to be carried by a user)
primary devicedispositivo primario (A software deployment condition that defines one or more devices that a specific user uses. A primary device is typically determined either by frequency of use or by business requirements)
primary storage devicedispositivo de almacenamiento principal (A storage device that holds data in temporary memory such as RAM)
print devicedispositivo de impresión (A device that puts text or images on paper or other print media)
Printing and Imaging DevicesDispositivos de impresión e imagen (A feature in Windows that allows users to access and manage printers, multi-function printers, digital cameras and scanners)
puff and sip devicedispositivo de succión y soplo (An assistive computer technology for people with mobility impairments. A puff and sip device is a head-mounted alternative to using the mouse. The device allows a user to move the mouse pointer without using his or her hands by puffing air into a tube)
RDS Per Device CALCAL por dispositivo de RDS (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one device (used by any user) to connect to a remote desktop server)
Remote Desktop Services Per Device client access licenselicencia de acceso de cliente por dispositivo para Servicios de Escritorio remoto (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one device (used by any user) to connect to a remote desktop server)
remote device wipeeliminación remota de datos del dispositivo móvil (A technology that enables the Exchange server to set a mobile device to erase all data the next time the device connects to the Exchange server)
Resize for mobile deviceCambiar el tamaño para un dispositivo móvil (An option that allows a user to resize an image to fit on a mobile device, such as a cell phone or PDA)
Restricted Device Access ModelModelo de acceso restringido a dispositivo (The device access model for vertical solutions. Restricted Device Access does not allow other applications to access a specialized device)
SerialKey devicedispositivo SerialKey (Enables you to attach an alternate input device (also called an augmentative communication device) to your computer's serial port. This feature is designed for people who are unable to use the computer's standard keyboard and mouse)
single switch devicedispositivo de conmutador único (An assistive computer technology for people with mobility impairments. A single switch device allows users to interact with a computer by using slight body movements)
smart deviceSmart Device (A hardware device based on the Windows Embedded CE operating system or a derivative such as Windows Mobile or Windows Automotive)
Smart Device Connectivity APIAPI de conectividad de dispositivos Smart Device (An application programming interface that enables developers to establish a connection between a desktop computer and a device. This API enables developers to focus on creating remote tools, while it handles the details of device interconnectivity and transport mechanisms)
specialized devicedispositivo especializado (A new type of device that we don't have built-in support for in Windows)
Specialized Device Access ModelModelo de acceso a dispositivo especializado (The model that describes the two ways that a Windows Store app can access a specialized device: Open Access Model and Restricted Device Access Model)
storage devicedispositivo de almacenamiento (A device that you can connect to a computer to copy and store files. Common storage devices include external hard disk drives and flash memory cards)
system devicedispositivo de sistema (A device on a system board, such as an interrupt controller, keyboard controller, real-time clock, DMA page register, DMA controller, memory controller, FDC, IDE port, serial and parallel port, PCI bridge, and so on. In today's PCs, these devices are typically integrated in the supporting chip set)
target devicedispositivo de destino (" A device that receives an action specified by the OneCare administrator. For example, an external hard drive that is the designated the place for file backup would be considered to be the "target device" of the backup function. ")
telephone device for the deafteléfono para personas con discapacidades auditivas (A device that enables the transmission of typed messages over phone lines. These devices typically include keyboards for typing messages to send and display and/or printers to receive messages from one device to another)
telephone typewriter deviceteletipo (A device that enables the transmission of typed messages over phone lines. These devices typically include keyboards for typing messages to send and display and/or printers to receive messages from one device to another)
video capture devicedispositivo de captura de vídeo (A device that converts analog images (for example, from a television or VCR) into digital images)
virtual display device drivercontrolador de dispositivo de pantalla virtual (Software in Windows 9x that manages a display)
volume snapshot devicedispositivo de instantánea de volúmen (A virtual device created by System Restore that is needed to set a system restore point)
Windows Live DevicesDispositivos de Windows Live (The website where customers add computers (both PCs and Macs), mobile phones, and digital photo frames so they can access their synced folders and connect remotely to their devices)
Windows Media Device ManagerAdministrador de dispositivos de Windows Media (An element in Microsoft Windows Media that acts as a broker between an application, the Microsoft Digital Rights Management (DRM) system, and the service provider. All communication requests between the application and the portable audio player must go through Microsoft Windows Media Device Manager)
Windows Mobile Device CenterCentro de dispositivos de Windows Mobile (An application designed for managing Microsoft Windows Mobile® devices via a Windows Vista client computer. When the mobile device is connected to the computer by cable, cradle, infrared, or wireless LAN, the mobile user uses Windows Mobile Device Center to create a partnership between the desktop computer and the mobile device to configure the device, manage settings, add & remove applications, and synchronize data. After the partnership is created, the mobile user can manage the device using any of the connection mechanisms. While connected, the mobile user can also use the Windows Vista client computer without a partnership to do such things as browse the device and configure settings for the device)
Windows Portable Device APIAPI de dispositivos portátiles de Windows (An API that provides access to digital still cameras, media players, and multi-function cellular phones that implement Media Transfer Protocol (MTP))
Windows Store device appaplicación para dispositivo de la Tienda Windows (An app that's downloaded from the Windows Store and installed automatically to the PC when a user attaches a certified device to the PC, provided that the device manufacturer has submitted the app to the Windows Store)