
Terms for subject Environment containing cycle | all forms | exact matches only
alimentary cycleciclo alimentario
audit cycleciclo de auditoría ambiental
audit cycleciclo de auditoría
biogeochemical cycleciclos biogeoquímicos
biogeochemical cycle Movement of chemical elements in a circular pathway, from organisms to physical environment, back to organisms. The process is termed a nutrient cycle if the elements concerned are trace elements, which are essential to life. A biogeochemical cycle occurs when vegetation decomposes and minerals are incorporated naturally in the humus for future plant growthciclos biogeoquímicos
biological cycle A series of transformations or biological events which follow one after the other one, reaching at the end of the cycle the initial conditions, as in the life cycle of many animal and plant organismsciclo biológico
carbon cycleciclo del carbono
carbon cycleciclo del carbón
carbon cycle The cycle of carbon in the biosphere, in which plants convert carbon dioxide to organic compounds that are consumed by plants and animals, and the carbon is returned to the biosphere in inorganic form by processes of respiration and decayciclo del carbón
catalytic destruction cycledestrucción catalítica
catalytic destruction cyclecadena de destrucción catalítica
catalytic ozone destruction cycledestrucción catalítica del ozono
catalytic ozone destruction cycleciclo de destrucción catalítica del ozono
climatic cycleciclo climático
combined cycle-power stationcentral eléctrica de ciclo combinado
combined cycle-power station This type of plant is flexible in response and can be built in the 100-600 MW capacity range. It produces electrical power from both a gas turbine (ca. 1300°C gas inlet temperature), fuelled by natural gas or oil plus a steam turbine supplied with the steam generated by the 500°C exhaust gases from the gas turbine. The thermal efficiency of these stations is ca. 50 per cent compared with a maximum of 40 per cent from steam turbine coal fired power stations. This type of plant can be built in two years compared with six years for a coal-fired station and 10-15 years for nuclearcentral eléctrica de ciclo combinado
cycle pathsenda cíclica
cycle path Part of the road or a special path for the use of people riding bicyclessenda cíclica
environmental management of the production cyclegestión medioambiental del ciclo productivo
European Reference Life Cycle Databasebase europea de datos de referencia sobre el ciclo de vida
European Reference Life Cycle Databasebase de datos de la ELCD
fire cyclerotación de quemas
fire-flood cycleciclo de incendios e inundaciones
food cycleciclo alimentario
hydrologic cycle The movement of water between the oceans, ground surface and atmosphere by evaporation, precipitation and the activity of living organisms, as one of the mayor biogeochemical cycles. Each day water evaporates from the oceans and is carried in the air from the sea over the land, which receives it as precipitation, and finally returns from the land to the sea through rivers, thus completing the cycleciclo hidrológico
hydrological cycleciclo hidrológico
hydrological cycleciclo del agua
International Reference Life Cycle Data Systemsistema internacional de referencia de datos sobre el ciclo de vida
International Reference Life Cycle Data Systemsistema internacional de datos de referencia sobre el ciclo de vida
International Reference Life Cycle Data System ILCD Data Networkred de datos del sistema internacional de datos de referencia sobre el ciclo de vida ILCD
lethal change in the life cyclealteración letal durante el ciclo vital
lethal change in the life cyclealteración letal del ciclo vital
life cycle The phases, changes, or stages through which an organism passes throughout its lifetimeciclo biológico
life cycle analysisevaluación del ciclo vital
life cycle analysisanálisis del ciclo de vida
life cycle analysis methodmétodo de análisis de los ciclos biológicos
life cycle assessmentevaluación del ciclo vital
life cycle assessmentanálisis del ciclo de vida
Life Cycle Impact Assessmentevaluación de impacto del ciclo de vida
Life Cycle Inventoryinventario del ciclo de vida
life-cycle managementgestión del ciclo de vida
life-cycle management Management of all the stages involved in the life of a product such as raw materials acquisition, manufacturing, distribution and retail, use and re-use and maintenance, recycling and waste management, in order to create less environmentally harmful productsgestión del ciclo de vida
life-cycle thinkinganálisis del ciclo de vida
Life Cycle Thinkinganálisis del ciclo de vida
material life cycleciclo de vida material
material life cycle All the stages involved in the manufacturing, distribution and retail, use and re-use and maintenance, recycling and waste management of materialsciclo de vida material
13-mode test cycleprueba de trece fases
nitrogen cycle The complex set of processes by which crops acquire the large amount of nitrogen they need to make proteins, nucleic acids and other biochemicals of which they are composed, and how the nitrogen returns to the atmosphereciclo del nitrógeno
Nitrogen cycle and effects on the oxidation of atmospheric trace species at high latitudesciclo del nitrógeno y efectos sobre la oxidación de los compuestos residuales atmosféricos en altas latitudes
nuclear fuel cycle centercentro del ciclo de combustible nuclear
nutrient cycleciclo nutritivo
nutrient cycle A biogeochemical cycle, in which inorganic nutrients move through the soil, living organisms, air and water or through some of theseciclo nutritivo
open cycle cooling techniquetécnica de refrigeración de ciclo abierto
ozone cycleciclo del ozono
pre-conditioning cycleciclo de preacondicionamiento
product life cycleciclo de vida de producto
product life cycle A product life cycle includes the following phases: acquisition of raw materials, production, packaging, distribution, use, recyling, and disposalciclo de vida de producto
project Entangled Sulphur and CArbon cycles in Phaeocystis-denominated Ecosystemsproyecto sobre Ciclos entrecruzados del azufre y el carbono en los ecosistemas con predominio de Phaeocystis
proof cycleciclo de prueba
reproductive cycle of certain speciesciclo reproductor de determinadas especies
thirteen-mode test cycleprueba de trece fases
water cycleciclo hidrológico
water cycleciclo del agua