
Terms for subject Microsoft containing constraint | all forms | exact matches only
CHECK constraintrestricción CHECK (A constraint that allows for business rules that span multiple tables. For example, the Order table could have a CHECK constraint that would prevent orders for a customer from exceeding a credit limit defined for the customer in the Customer table)
column-level constraintrestricción de columna (A constraint definition that is specified within a column definition when a table is created or altered)
Constraint-based configurationconfiguración basada en restricciones (A configuration technology that uses constraints to develop product masters and to configure distinct products)
Constraint ServiceServicio de restricciones (A service responsible for answering HWS constraints-related querying by evaluating constraint clauses that are based on facts provided by the fact store manager and the relevant fact retrievers)
constraint violationinfracción de restricción (A violation that occurs when the restriction criteria are not satisfied)
2-element constraintrestricción de 2 elementos (A constraint that applies to two elements, such as two classes or two associations. The constraint is shown as a dashed arrow from one element to the other, labeled by the constraint string in braces ({ }))
financial dimension value constraintrestricción del valor de la dimensión financiera (A hierarchical financial dimension relationship that restricts the set of all possible financial dimension value combinations to a set of valid financial dimension value combinations)
flexible constraintrestricción flexible (A constraint that does not tie a task to a single date. Flexible constraints are As Soon As Possible, As Late As Possible, Finish No Earlier Than, Finish No Later Than, Start No Earlier Than, and Start No Later Than)
generic type parameter constraintrestricción de parámetro de tipo genérico (A way of limiting the types that can be specified for a generic type parameter. For example, types substituted for the type parameter can be constrained to inherit from a particular type, to implement a specific interface, to provide a parameterless constructor, and so on)
inflexible constraintrestricción inflexible (A constraint that ties a task to a date. The inflexible constraints are Must Finish On and Must Start On)
integrity constraintrestricción de integridad (A property defined on a table that prevents data modifications that would create invalid data)
mandatory constraintrestricción obligatoria (A constraint that requires every instance of an object type's population to play that role. With a disjunctive mandatory role constraint, each member of the object type's population must play at least one of the roles indicated)
OR constraintrestricción OR (An indicator of a situation in which any instance of a class can participate in only one association at one time. The constraint is shown as a dashed line connecting two or more associations, which must have a class in common)
parameterless constructor constraintrestricción de constructor sin parámetros (A restriction on a generic type parameter, such that types substituted for that type parameter must provide a parameterless or default constructor)
precedence constraintrestricción de precedencia (A control flow element that connects tasks and containers into a sequenced workflow)
project constraintrestricción de proyecto (A factor that will limit the project management team's options. For example, a predefined budget is a constraint that may limit the team's scope, staffing, and schedule options)
referential constraintrestricción referencial (An element of an SSDL schema that specifies the direction of an association with FromRole and ToRole attributes. A referential constraint corresponds to a CSDL navigation property)
uniqueness constraintrestricción de unicidad (A constraint that prohibits repetition of individual data or combinations of data)