
Terms for subject Law containing closed | all forms | exact matches only
closed area limitationsrespeto del territorio
closed contractcontrato cerrado
closed prisonprisión cerrada
closed-shop operationoperación con separación de funciones
closing datefecha límite
closing datefecha de vencimiento
closing downcese de la explotación de una finca
closing linelínea de cierre
closing statement final argument summarizing the case, made by the attorneydeclaración final
compulsory closing of shopshorario obligatorio de cierre del comercio
fire door keep closedpuerta contra fuegomantenerla cerrada
to hold the time allotted for producing evidence as closeddeclarar concluso el periodo de prueba
investment companies other than those of the closed-end typesociedades de inversión de tipo no cerrado
keep closedmantener cerrada
open or closed location of buildingsdisposición
to set out closing argumentsexponer las conclusiones