
Terms for subject Microsoft containing close | all forms | exact matches only
Change the task status to Completed and close the formCambie el estado de la tarea a Completada y cierre el formulario (Check box that indicates if the user wants to have the task marked as completed after it has been converted to an opportunity)
Close buttonbotón Cerrar (In Windows-based programs, the box that has an × at the upper-right corner of the screen that, when clicked, closes the window)
close datefecha de cierre (The date on which an opportunity is closed, either because it resulted in a sale or was unsuccessful)
close-talk microphonemicrófono de proximidad (A standard type of microphone often used in headsets and other devices in which the user speaks directly into the microphone)
closing chevroncomilla angular de cierre (The " character)
closing curly quotation markcomilla inglesa de cierre (The " character)
closing parenthesisparéntesis de cierre (The closing round bracket character)
closing quotation markcomillas de cierre (The " character)
weighted close formulafórmula de cierre ponderado (A formula that calculates the average of the high, low, and close prices, while giving extra weight to the close price)