
Terms for subject Microsoft containing cash | all forms | exact matches only
cash accountcuenta de caja (A category of cash that is not held in a financial institution, such as petty cash or undeposited funds)
cash backefectivo devuelto (An amount of cash you retain when making a deposit)
cash basis accountingmétodo contable en valores de caja (An accounting method that recognizes revenues when they are received and expenses when they are paid)
cash discountdescuento por pago en efectivo (A discount that depends on prompt payment)
cash discountdescuento por pronto pago (A discount that depends on prompt payment)
cash floatflotante (An amount of cash provided for the purpose of giving change or exchanging cash)
cash flowflujo de caja (The amount of money coming into and going out of a company and the timing of these flows)
cash flowflujo de efectivo (The amount of money coming into and going out of a company and the timing of these flows)
cash flow forecastprevisión de flujo de efectivo (An estimate of future cash flow on particular dates, based on current data and/or budget data)
cash on deliverycontra reembolso (A payment policy that requires payment in full for product upon delivery)
cash on delivery outstandingcontra reembolso pendiente (Undelivered and unpaid cash-on-delivery transaction)
cash purchase formformulario de compra al contado (A receipt for a purchase from a vendor in which the items or services sold are paid for at the time of the sale)
cash receiptrecepción de efectivo (A source document that documents the receipt of cash or cash equivalents)
cash receiptrecibo de cobro (A source document that documents the receipt of cash or cash equivalents)
cash receiptrecibo de efectivo (A source document that documents the receipt of cash or cash equivalents)
cash registercaja registradora (An electronic or mechanical device with a till that records sales, calculates totals, calculates change, and generates product receipts)
cash sale formformulario de venta al contado (A receipt for a sale to a customer in which the items or services sold are paid for at the time of the sale)
long-term cash incentiveincentivo económico a largo plazo (Variable compensation that is typically awarded on an annual (or sometimes biannual) basis but which is often paid out over time, with payments beginning at a future point. This compensation can be determined as a percent of an employee's annual fixed compensation or it can be related to the number or value of shares in a stock option award)
petty cashCaja en metálico (The cash kept on hand for small purchases)