
Terms for subject Microsoft containing bulk | all forms | exact matches only
bulk addadición en masa (A procedure by which an administrator can add a group of users (or properties for users) to an account)
bulk copycopia masiva (An action of copying a large set of data)
Bulk Deletioneliminación en masa (A system job that deletes selected records from one entity)
Bulk Duplicate Detectiondetección en masa de duplicados (A system job that detects duplicate records for one entity)
bulk editedición en masa (A procedure by which a user can simultaneously change specified properties for a group of selected items)
Bulk E-mailCorreo electrónico en masa (A system job that sends e-mail messages to recipients specified by the user)
bulk encryptioncifrado masivo (A process in which large amounts of data, such as files, e-mail messages, or online communications sessions, are encrypted for confidentiality. It is usually done with a symmetric key algorithm)
bulk exportexportación masiva (To copy a large set of data rows out of a SQL Server table into a data file)
bulk importimportación en bloque (To load a large amount of data, usually in batches, from a data file or repository to another data repository)
Bulk Import WizardAsistente para importar en bloque (A tool used to add multiple rows of data into a database in one operation)
bulk ingestioningesta en bloque (The intake of multiple pieces of content by a service in a single operation)
bulk itemartículo masivo (A formula item input into a product delivery activity)
bulk loadcarga masiva (An action of inserting a large set of rows into a table)
bulk log backupcopia de seguridad de registros de operaciones masivas (A backup that includes log and data pages changed by bulk operations. Point-in-time recovery is not allowed)
bulk-logged recovery modelmodelo de recuperación optimizado para cargas masivas de registros (A database recovery mode that minimally logs bulk operations, such as index creation and bulk imports, while fully logging other transactions. Bulk-logged recovery increases performance for bulk operations, and is intended to be used an adjunct to the full recovery model)
bulk orderpedido al por mayor (An order for a large quantity of products or services. The minimum quantity that qualifies as a bulk order is set by individual companies)
bulk rowset providerproveedor de conjuntos de filas BULK (A provider used for the OPENROWSET instruction to read data from a file. In SQL Server 2005, OPENROWSET can read from a data file without loading the data into a target table. This enables you to use OPENROWSET with a simple SELECT statement)