
Terms for subject General containing book | all forms | exact matches only
account-booklibro de cuentas
another thing, do not pass me the bookotra cosa, no me pase el libro
are there few books there?¿hay pocos libros ahí?
are these books mine?¿son míos estos libros?
are those books good?¿son buenos esos libros?
are those books yours?¿son suyos esos libros?
artist's bookarte del libro
Blue BookLibro Azul
book artarte del libro (Art which makes use of the book format)
book artlibro de artista
book inventory of a material balance areainventario contable de una zona de balance de materiales
book jacketsobrecubierta
book of abstractsresumen de ponencias
Book of Authorised SignatoriesLibro de signatarios autorizados
book reviewreseña de un libro
booking of seats travelreserva de plazas transportes
books of cigarette paperslibrillos de papel para cigarrillos
brittle bookslibros frágiles (Fragile, easily broken, usually because the paper, boards, and adhesives are acidic)
cash-bookdiario de caja
cash-bookregistro de caja
cheque booktalonario
children's booklibro para niños
coffee-table bookedición de lujo
coffee-table booklibro de lujo (A large, lavishly illustrated book)
do not open the bookno abren el libro
do not open the bookno abre el libro
do you have a good booktiene un libro bueno
do you have another book?¿tiene usted otro libro?
do you like the book?¿le gusta el libro?
do you like this book?¿le gusta este libro?
do you want a book or a cheque?¿quiere un libro o un cheque?
do you want that book?¿quiere ese libro?
do you want these books?¿quiere estos libros?
do you want this book?¿quiere este libro?
do you want those books?¿quiere esos libros?
engagement bookvademecum
excuse me, is this your book?perdone, ¿es éste el libro de usted?
exercise bookcuaderno
filial booklibro filial
filial breeding booklibro filial
give me that bookdéme eso libro
give me that book over theredéme aquel libro
give me the bookdéme el libro
give me those booksdéme esos libros
give me those books over theredéme aquellos libros
give us the bookdénos el libro
Guinness Book of RecordsLibro Guinness de récords mundiales
he has the same booktiene el mismo libro
he has the same bookstiene los mismos libros
here is a bookaquí hay un libro
here is the bookaquí está el libro
How could you disrupt all the books off the shelfComo has podido desorganizar  todos los libros de la estantería
how much does the book cost?¿cuánto cuesta el libro?
I am a fan of mystery booksSoy aficionado a los libros de misterio
I am looking for the bookyo busco el libro
I can not reach the bookNo puedo alcanzar el libro
I have to think about how I will title the bookTengo que pensar en cómo titularé el libro
I need another bookyo necesito otro libro
I ordered them to color the pictures of the bookLes encargué colorear las imágenes del libro
illustrated bookplancha
illustrated booklibro de artista
illustrated booklibro ilustrado (Book that includes visual images to explain, augment, or embellish the text)
In ancient times there were persons in charge of transcribing all the booksEn la antigüedad había personas dedicadas a transcribir todos los libros
is that book good?¿es bueno ese libro?
is that book mine?¿es mío ese libro?
is this book good?¿es bueno este libro?
it is a bad bookes un libro malo
it is a good bookes un libro bueno
log booklibro de operaciones
minute-bookdiario de sesiones
minute-booklibro de actas
my book is excellentmi libro es excelente
my book is this onemi libro es éste
my books are excellentmis libros son excelentes
my books are goodmis libros son buenos
note bookscarnets
to organize periodically in Europe a large-scale exhibition of booksorganizar periódicamente en Europa una gran exposición de libros
pass me the bookpáseme el libro
pass me the bookspáseme los libros
pattern bookmuestrario (A book of designs intended for reproduction or imitation)
picture booklibro ilustrado (A book of illustrations with little or no text)
picture booklibro con grabados (A book of illustrations with little or no text)
postal travellers' cheque booktalonario de bonos postales de viaje
postal travellers' cheque booklibreta de bonos postales de viaje
program bookprograma del congreso
publication of bookspublicación de libros
rare bookde segunda mano
rare booklibrero anticuario
seaman's booklibreta naval
seaman's booklibreta de inscripción marítima
service record bookcartilla militar
sir! The book¡señor! El libro
sketch booklibro de dibujos (A book of, or for, sketches or rough drawings)
sketch bookálbum de esbozos (A book of, or for, sketches or rough drawings)
someone has my booksalguien tiene mis libros
song bookscancioneros
that is a bookeso es un libro
The book has inspired me to improve my healthEste libro me ha inspirado a mejorar mi salud
the books are expensivelos libros son caros
the books are on the tablelos libros están en la mesa
the framework of the book islibro se enmarca en
the good book is hereel libro bueno está aquí
The work consists in ordering booksEl trabajo consiste en ordenar los libros
theatrical booking agenciesservicios de empresarios
there is a book on the tablehay un libro en la mesa
there is the other bookahí está el otro libro
these books are hisestos libros son suyos
these books are oursestos libros son nuestros
this book, is it mine or his?este libro, ¿es mío o suyo?
those booksesos libros
those books are mineesos libros son míos
two booksdos libros
we have his booknosotros tenemos su libro
we have his booksnosotros tenemos sus libros
we have your booknosotros tenemos su libro
we have your booksnosotros tenemos sus libros
we need another booknosotros necesitamos otro libro
what a bad book this is!¡qué malo es este libro!
what bad books these are!¡qué malos son esos libros!
what books are they?¿qué libros son?
where are the books?¿dónde están los libros?
where is the good book?¿dónde está el libro bueno?
whose book is this?¿de quién es este libro?
whose book is this?¿de quién es ese libro?
whose books are these?¿de quién son estos libros?
writing or drawing bookscuadernos