
Terms containing author | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSAdvanced Author rolerol Autor avanzado (A collection of rights that allows the user to view, add, and change pages, documents in libraries, discussion boards, themes, and borders, as well as manage tasks and recalculate links. A default role)
ed., ITadvanced features authoring stationestación de autoría de características avanzadas
commun.anonymous authorautor anónimo
comp., MSApplication AuthorAutor de aplicaciones (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can create, modify, and retire applications)
ITauthor abstractresumen del autor
work.fl.author affiliationafiliación del autor
work.fl.author bibliographybibliografía de autor
work.fl., commun.author cataloguecatálogo de autores
work.fl.author creditatribución de autor
work.fl., commun.author entryasiento por autor
work.fl.author entryencabezamiento de autor
work.fl., ITauthor filefichero de autores
work.fl.author headingasiento por autor
work.fl., ITauthor headingentrada por autor principal
work.fl.author headingencabezamiento de autor
commun.author indexíndice de autores
work.fl.author indexíndice deautores
comp., MSAuthor Lists rightpermiso Modificar lista (A right that allows a user to add, modify, or remove items in a list, document library, discussion board, or survey)
work.fl.author markmarca de autor
comp., MSAuthor MarksMarcas de autor (A feature that identifies the author of unread new or changed content in a shared notebook)
comp., MSauthor modemodo de autor (Access mode to a custom console that grants the user of the console full access to all MMC functionality, including the ability to add or remove snap-ins, create new windows, create taskpad views and tasks, add items to the Favorites list, and view all portions of the console tree)
lawauthor not identifiedautor no patente
work.fl.author notationmarca de autor
commun.author of the prefaceprologuista
law, ed.author quoted aboveautor citado
comp., MSAuthor rolerol Autor (A collection of rights that enables a user to view, add, and modify pages, and items in a list, document library, discussion board or survey)
commun.author'scorrección del autor
work.fl., ITauthor's abstractresumen de autor
work.fl., commun.author's abstractresumen del autor
commun.author's alterationcorrección del autor
patents.author's certificatecertificado de invención
patents.author's certificatecertificado de autor
lawauthor's contractcontrato de autor
commun.author's copyejemplar de autor
commun.author's namenombre del autor
commun.author's rightsderechos de autor
commun.author's royaltyderechos de autor
work.fl., commun.author's summaryresumen del autor
corp.gov.author's/editor's contractcontrato de autor/editor
ed.authoring environmententorno de elaboración didáctica
ed., ITauthoring expert systemsistema experto de autoría
ed., ITauthoring facilityservicio de autoría
ITauthoring industryindustria de autores
ITauthoring languagelenguaje de autor
ITauthoring languagelenguage de componer
ITauthoring languagelenguage autor
ed., ITauthoring languagelenguaje de programación
comp., MSauthoring panepanel de creación (In PerformancePoint Add-in for Excel, the pane that is used to author forms)
ITauthoring systemsistema de componer
ITauthoring systemsistema autor
ITauthoring systemsistema de autoría
ed., ITauthoring systemsistema de creación
IT, social.sc.authoring toolsherramientas de autoría
ITauthoring workstationestación de trabajo que utilice técnicas de interacción
law, patents.authors' rightsderecho de autor
fin., patents.authors' royaltiesderechos de autor
work.fl., commun.catalogue by authors' namescatálogo por nombre de autores
ed.classical authorsautores clásicos
comp., MSco-authoringco-autoría (A process by which multiple authors edit a shared document simultaneously, or collaborate effectively even when they are not online at the same time)
ITcollaborative authoringcreación en colaboración
gen.Contact Committee on the resale right for the benefit of the author of an original work of artComité de contacto del derecho de participación en beneficio del autor de una obra de arte original
work.fl.corporate authorautor corporativo
work.fl., ITcorporate authorautor colectivo
commun.to enter under the authorencabezamiento por nombre de autor
lawfirst sale by the authorprimera venta efectuada por el autor
lawfirst transfer of the work by the authorprimera venta efectuada por el autor
patents.first transfer by the authorprimera cesión realizada por el autor
meteorol.Illustration/Multimedia AuthoringIlustración multimedia
meteorol.Illustration/Multimedia AuthoringDiseño multimedia
social.sc., relig.International Confederation of Societies of Authors and ComposersConfederación Internacional de Sociedades de Autores y Compositores
law, arts., commun.International Council of Authors and ComposersConsejo Internacional de autores y compositores de música
commun.joint authorcoautor
health., pharma.Light Authoring Toolherramienta de creación simplificada
meteorol.Multimedia AuthoringDiseño multimedia
ITmultimedia authoring softwaresoftware creador de multimedios
ed., ITmulti-media authoring systemsistema de creación de cursos multimedia
ITmulti-media authoring workstationestación de trabajo multimedios
work.fl.personal author index Agrindexíndice deautores
commun.publication at author's riskpor cuenta del autor
polygr., model.published by the authoren casa del autor
comp., MSReal-time Co-authoringCo-autoría en tiempo real (The ability of multiple authors, who are editing a shared document, to simultaneously see text and formatting changes made by co-authors as they add them)
ITreal-time tele-collaborative authoringtelecooperación en tiempo real para la creación
commun.Sarajevo Group of AuthorsGrupo de Autores de Sarajevo
commun.supposed authorautor supuesto
ed., ITtemplate-based authoring systemsistema de creación de cursos basado en patrones
gen.the author of the motion for a resolutionel autor de la propuesta de resolución
lawthose entitled under the authorderechohabiente del autor
IMF.Web Content and Authoring TeamEquipo de Contenido y Autoría de la Web
comp., MSWeb Distributed Authoring and Versioning A set of extensions to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaborative editing and file management between users located remotely from each other on the InternetSistema distribuido de creación y control de versiones web (WebDAV)
comp., MSWeb-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning A set of extensions to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaborative editing and file management between users located remotely from each other on the InternetSistema distribuido de creación y control de versiones web (WebDAV)
comp., MSWorld Wide Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning A set of extensions to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaborative editing and file management between users located remotely from each other on the InternetSistema distribuido de creación y control de versiones web (WebDAV)