
Terms containing announcement | all forms | exact matches only
el.analog recorded announcement-1placa ARA-1
el.analog recorded announcement-1 boardplaca ARA-1
el.analogue recorded announcement-1placa ARA-1
el.analogue recorded announcement-1 boardplaca ARA-1
commun.announcement bulletincatálogo de nuevas publicaciones
commun.announcement bulletincatálogo de novedades editoriales
gen.announcement cards stationeryparticipaciones papelería
patents.announcement cardstarjetas de notificación
fin.announcement daydía de lanzamiento
commun.announcement machinemáquina de locuciones grabadas
patents.announcement of a clearance saleanuncio de una venta total
patents.announcement of an intentionnotificación de una intención
econ.announcement of candidacypresentación de candidatura
transp.announcement of the arrival of a trainanuncio de la llegada de un tren
transp.announcement of the departure of a trainanuncio de la salida de un tren
commun., transp.announcement transmittertransmisor anuncios
commun.announcement trunklínea troncal parlante
commun.change of state announcementanuncio de cambio de estado
comp., MSConference Announcement ServiceServicio de anuncio de conferencia (The service that implements in-conference services for multiple PSTN users at the same time. For example, it can be used to play an entry or exit tone to multiple PSTN users at the same time)
comp., MSConferencing Announcement serviceServicio de anuncio de conferencia (A unified communications application that plays tones and prompts on certain actions, such as when conference participants enter or leave a conference, and when participants are muted or unmuted. This service is automatically installed and activated by default when you deploy a Conferencing workload and select the dial-in conferencing option)
fin.date of announcement of a monetary measurefecha de anuncio de una medida monetaria
commun., ITdigital announcementlocución pregrabada digital
commun., ITdigital tone and announcement sourcegenerador digital de tonos y locuciones
law, fin.dividend announcementdeclaración de dividendos
law, fin.dividend announcementfijación de dividendos
gen.field vacancy announcementanuncio de vacante fuera de la sede
commun.in-band announcementinformación dentro de banda
commun.in-band announcementmensaje dentro de banda
commun.in-band announcementanuncio dentro de banda
comp., MSinformational announcementanuncio informativo (An audio message that is played when a user first dials in to a Unified Messaging system that describes some temporary condition of interest to all users)
gen.initial announcementprimera circular
stat.monthly product announcementcatálogo mensual de productos censales
el.no tone and no announcementausencia de tono y de anuncio
comp., MSPlay Recorded AnnouncementReproducir anuncio grabado (An item on the right-click menu for a conference participant that prompts the conferencing service to play a pre-arranged recorded announcement to the conference participants)
gen.preliminary announcementprimera circular
ed.public service announcementanuncio de servicio al público
fin.publications/press announcementsanuncios e inserciónes en prensa
el.recorded announcementaviso grabado
el.recorded announcementanuncio grabado
commun., ITrecorded announcement machinemáquina parlante
commun., ITrecorded announcement serviceservicio de locuciones grabadas
transp.research announcement of opportunityanuncio de oportunidad de investigación
el.train announcementanuncio de un tren
commun., transp.train announcement by public address systemanuncios de los trenes por altavoces
transp.train-announcement indicatorindicador óptico de anuncio
gen.vacancy announcementaviso de vacante
gen.vacancy announcementanuncio de vacante
commun.verbal announcementanuncio vocal
el.voice announcementanuncio oral
el.voice time-of-day announcementreloj parlante
el.voice time-of-day announcementanuncio oral de la hora