
Terms containing advisor | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSAdd-on Performance AdvisorAsesor de rendimiento de los complementos (A feature that alerts users when add-ons slow down browser performance beyond a preset time limit, shows the performance impact of individual add-ons, and allows users to disable them)
IMF.Advisor on Work PracticesAsesor sobre Procedimientos de Trabajo
IMF.Advisor to the Executive DirectorAsesor del Director Ejecutivo
fin.commodity trading advisorconsejero de negociación de bienes tangibles
comp., MSContent AdvisorAsesor de contenido (A tool in Microsoft Internet Explorer that lets you control which sites users on your computer can visit. This is particularly helpful for parents who want to control the content their children view on the Web)
gen.farm advisorasesor agrícola
real.est.financial advisorasesor financiero
gen.Group of AdvisorsGrupo de Consejeros
gen.Information Technology Security AdvisorAsesor de Seguridad de TI
gen.Information Technology Security AdvisorAsesor de Seguridad de Tecnología de la Información
gen.IT Security AdvisorAsesor de Seguridad de Tecnología de la Información
gen.IT Security AdvisorAsesor de Seguridad de TI
gen.legal advisorasesor jurídico
lawlegal advisor/lawyerasesor legal
med.medical advisorasesor médico
org.name.Nutrition AdvisorAsesor de Nutrición
org.name.Office of the Development AdvisorOficina del Asesor del Desarrollo
org.name.Office of the Humanitarian AdvisorOficina del Asesor de Asuntos Humanitarios
med.oncology therapy advisorconsejero de terapia oncológica
gen.pest control advisorasesor de control de plagas
gen.Political Advisorasesor político
commer., health., environ.Pool of Scientific Advisors on Risk AssessmentGrupo de Consejeros Científicos sobre Evaluación del Riesgo
UN, ecol.Regional Advisor on Mineral Policy and Mineral EconomicsAsesor regional de política y economía mineras
IMF.Senior AdvisorAsesor Principal
IMF.Senior Advisor on DiversityAsesor Principal sobre Diversidad
UN, AIDS.Senior Advisor to the Executive DirectorAsesor principal del Director Ejecutivo
gen.SG/HR Special Advisor for African Peacekeeping CapabilitiesConsejero del SGAR sobre capacidades africanas de mantenimiento de la paz
gen.SG/HR Special Advisor for African Peacekeeping CapabilitiesAsesor especial sobre las capacidades de mantenimiento de la paz en África
IMF.Special Advisor on DiversityAsesor Especial sobre Diversidad
IMF.Special Advisor to the Managing DirectorAsesor Especial del Director Gerente
comp., MSsubscription advisorasesor de suscripción (" A Microsoft partner who is authorized to sell subscriptions for Microsoft Online Services. The subscription advisor may have additional authorization to offer technical support. Internally, a subscription advisor may be referred to as a "reseller," "partner of record", or "breadth partner.")
IMF.TA AdvisorAsesor en Asuntos de Asistencia Técnica
fin.tax advisorasesor fiscal
patents.technical advisorasesor técnico
IMF.Technical Assistance AdvisorAsesor en Asuntos de Asistencia Técnica
IMF.trusted advisorasesor de confianza
comp., MSWindows Installation Compatibility AdvisorAsesor de compatibilidad de instalación de Windows (A downloadable Web application that helps Windows users identify which edition of Windows meets their needs, whether their PCs are ready for an upgrade to the next Windows version, and which features of the suggested Windows version will be able to run on their PCs)
comp., MSWindows Live OneCare AdvisorAsesor de Windows Live OneCare (The Windows Live Toolbar add-in that provides access to the Windows Live Safety Center and the Microsoft Phishing Filter)
comp., MSWindows Vista Upgrade AdvisorAsesor de actualizaciones de Windows Vista (A downloadable Web application that helps Windows users identify which edition of Windows meets their needs, whether their PCs are ready for an upgrade to the next Windows version, and which features of the suggested Windows version will be able to run on their PCs)
comp., MSWindows XP Validation AdvisorAsesor de validación de Windows XP (A program that determines whether the Windows product key installed on a computer matches the original Windows product key that was purchased and provides customized recommendations for resolution when an installation of Windows has failed validation)