
Terms for subject Baseball containing a | all forms | exact matches only
a hit that's pulledbatazo halado
a misplayed fly ballmanoletina
a 4-3 score4 carreras por 3
attempt a buntintentar un toque
beat by a wide marginzurrar
beat by a wide marginvapulear
beat by a wide marginacribillar
break a recordromper un record
by half a steppor medio paso
Class A ballClase A
Double A ballpelota Doble A
drop a batted or thrown ball for an errormofar
fake a buntamagar un toque
field a ground ballrecoger
field a teampresentar
field a tough ballmanejar
fire a bullet make a strong throwponer un hilo
get a batter outretirarse a
get a new ballcambiar la pelota
give up a walkotorgar una base por bolas
hit a grounderponerse un rabo
hit a line drivesacar una línea
hit with a pitchgolpear con un lanzamiento
hit with a pitchpegar con la pelota
in a holeen un hoyo
make a strong throwponer un hilo
Single A ballClase A
sit on a pitchesperar un lanzamiento
swing through a pitchbrincar
swing through a pitchabanicar
to be in a jamllenarse el cuarto de agua
to be in a jamcaérsele la casa encima
to misplay a ground ball by pulling away from the ball like a bullfightertorear
to misplay a ground ball for an errorenmantequillarse
Triple-A ballpelota triple-A
wait for a pitchesperar un lanzamiento