
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Windows | all forms | exact matches only
active windowventana activa (The window in which a user is currently working or directing input. An active window is typically at the top of the Z order and is distinguished by the color of its title bar)
anchor windowventana de anclaje (A small window that can appear in the lower-right corner of the screen when Windows Media Player is in skin mode. You can use the window to return to full mode and access other commands)
app for Windows 8aplicación para Windows 8 (An app that targets Windows 8. It could be a Windows Store app or a desktop app)
AppFabric 1.1 for Windows ServerAppFabric 1.1 para Windows Server (The 1.1 version of Windows Server AppFabric which contains: read-through and write-behind provider support, graceful shutdown, domain account support, new ASP.NET session state and output caching providers, compression, and multiple cache client application configuration sections)
application windowventana de la aplicación (A window that serves as an interface between the user and the application)
Brilliant Black for Windows Media PlayerBrilliant Black para Windows Media Player (A Windows Media Player skin created specifically for touch-screen computers)
browser windowventana del explorador (A window that serves as an interface between the user and the browser)
child windowventana secundaria (A document window used within an MDI window)
Class Details Windowventana Detalles de clase (A window in Visual Studio Class Designer that you can use to configure the members of a type. By default, the Class Details Window appears automatically when you open a new class diagram)
Code Definition windowventana Definición de código (A read-only editor view that displays the definition of a symbol in a code file stored in, or referenced by, the active project)
command prompt windowventana del símbolo del sistema (A window that mimics an old MS-DOS display for typing command-line instructions)
Command windowventana Comandos (A window that is used to execute commands or aliases directly in the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE). You can execute both menu commands and commands that do not appear on any menu)
Conversation windowventana de conversación (The window that is displayed when the user is in any type of conversation. This window displays the list of conversation window participants, the conversation content for instant messaging and video conversations, and commands and controls for managing the conversation)
desktop alert windowventana Alerta de escritorio (A window that pops up on the Windows desktop in response to an event, for example, receiving email)
Desktop Window ManagerAdministrador de ventanas de escritorio (A component of Windows Vista that manages window policies, behaviours and visual appearance)
document windowventana de documento (In windowing environments, such as the Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows, an on-screen window (enclosed work area) in which the user can create, view, or work on a document)
download package for Windows Library for JavaScriptpaquete de descarga de la biblioteca de Windows para JavaScript (The set of tools and APIs for JavaScript developers that is delivered in Visual Studio and downloadable from the web)
Event Trace for WindowsSeguimiento de eventos para Windows (A general-purpose, high-speed tracing feature of Windows)
Event Tracing for WindowsSeguimiento de eventos para Windows (A general-purpose, high-speed tracing feature of Windows)
Event Tracing for Windows ETW-based log sink A means of capturing trace events on the cache client or cache host with the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) framework inside Windowsreceptor de registro basado en Seguimiento de eventos para Windows (ETW)
group windowventana de grupo (A drawing window you can open to edit individual components of a group. The group appears unrotated in the group window even if it is rotated on the drawing page)
hopping windowventana de salto (" A type of window in which consecutive windows "hop" forward in time by a fixed period. The window is defined by two time spans: the period P and the window length L. For every P time unit a new window of size L is created.")
inactive windowventana inactiva (In an environment capable of displaying multiple on-screen windows, any window other than the one currently being used for work. An inactive window can be partially or entirely hidden behind another window, and it remains inactive until the user selects it)
Infrastructure APIs for the Windows RuntimeAPI para infraestructura de Windows en tiempo de ejecución (A set of C++ APIs that are used by the Windows Runtime to gain access to operating system functionality. They are primarily designed for the infrastructure of the Windows Runtime, but they could be used in advanced C++ Windows Store app development)
Integrated Windows authenticationautenticación integrada de Windows (A configuration setting that enables negotiation of authentication protocols in Internet Information Services (IIS))
Job Status Tracking windowventana Seguimiento de estado de trabajos (A window, opened by using the My Jobs command, that enables administrators to monitor detailed status of their current jobs while working in any view)
Lync Meeting windowventana Reunión de Lync (Denotes the Conversation window that handles escalations (peer-to-peer to conference) and scalable views that display people and content together inside a Lync Meeting)
Macro windowventana Macro (The window in which you create and modify macros)
main windowventana principal (The window that contains the Contacts list)
maintenance windowventana de mantenimiento (A period of time, defined by administrators, when changes can be made on the systems that are members of a Configuration Manager collection)
Management Portal for Windows Azure SQL DatabasePortal de administración de Base de datos SQL de Windows Azure (A web-based, lightweight database management tool for SQL Azure databases that supports database development tasks, schema modification, Transact-SQL, and extract/deploy operations with data-tier applications)
message windowventana de mensajes (A window which displays a particular message for the user)
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Listener for Windows AzureAgente de escucha de Microsoft Dynamics CRM para Windows Azure (A component that sits inside the CRM deployment and delivers messages received at an endpoint to the target organization)
Microsoft Touch Pack for Windows XP Tablet PC EditionMicrosoft Touch Pack para Windows XP Tablet PC Edition (A collection of programs and accessories that are designed to enhance the touch experience on a Tablet PC with a touch-sensitive screen)
Microsoft Windows Driver LibraryBiblioteca de controladores de Microsoft Windows (A collection of hardware device drivers for a Microsoft Windows operating system that were not included in the original Windows package)
Microsoft Windows operating systemsistema operativo Microsoft Windows (A proprietary software operating system with a graphical user interface (GUI))
Microsoft Windows Resource Exhaustion DetectorDetector de agotamiento de recursos de Microsoft Windows (A tool in Windows that detects when resources are low)
Microsoft Windows Resource Exhaustion ResolverSolucionador de agotamiento de recursos de Microsoft Windows (A tool in Windows that resolves problems with low resources)
Microsoft Windows Software ExplorerExplorador de software Microsoft Windows (A tool in Windows Defender that can be to used change how a program runs on the computer if the program is causing a problem)
Microsoft Windows User Interface UI AutomationAutomatización de la interfaz de usuario de Microsoft® Windows® (The accessibility model for Microsoft Windows that programmatically gathers information about an application's User Interface (UI) elements and exposes it to assistive technology products and automated test scripts)
mini-frame windowventana mini-marco (A floating window that contains a pane)
Mobile Access for Windows SharePoint ServicesMobile Access para Windows SharePoint Services (A feature that enables mobile devices, such as cellular phones, to access some SharePoint services)
My Windows PhoneMi Windows Phone (A free online service that's accessible through www.windowsphone.com. The main feature of this service is that users can find a lost phone)
.NET APIs for Windows Store appsAPI de .NET para aplicaciones de la Tienda Windows (The subset of .NET APIs that can be used to develop Windows Store apps)
new Windows experiencenueva experiencia en Windows (The new way of interacting with Windows introduced in Windows 8)
new Windows UInueva interfaz de usuario de Windows (The new way of interacting with Windows introduced in Windows 8)
new Windows user interfacenueva interfaz de usuario de Windows (The new way of interacting with Windows introduced in Windows 8)
online maintenance windowperíodo de mantenimiento en línea (Period of time during which online maintenance occurs)
Output WindowVentana de salida (A window that displays status messages for various features in the integrated development environment (IDE))
packaged Windows Media filearchivo empaquetado de Windows Media (A Windows Media file encrypted with a key, which consumers cannot play unless they have a key provided by a license. A packaged Windows Media file is produced by and protected through the implementation of digital rights management using the Windows Media Rights Manager Software Development Kit(SDK) or a program based on the Microsoft Windows Media Format SDK)
palette windowventana de la paleta (A modeless secondary window that displays a toolbar or other choices, such as colors or patterns)
parent windowventana primaria (A primary window that provides window management for a set of child windows. See also child window and multiple-document interface)
pop-up windowventana emergente (A window that appears when an option is selected. Typically, the window remains visible until the mouse button is released)
powered by Windows LiveCon tecnología Windows Live (Pertaining to a process, tool, etc. that is enabled by Windows Live)
primary windowventana principal (The window in which the main interaction with an object takes place)
Printer windowventana de impresión (A window that shows information about any pending print jobs for the printer. For each printer you have installed or to which you are connected, you can view information such as how many documents are waiting to be printed, who owns them, and how large they are. Also called the queue view)
Properties windowventana Propiedades (A window that is used to display properties for objects selected in the two main types of windows available in the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE). These two types of windows are Tool windows (such as Solution Explorer, Class View, and Object browser) and Document windows (containing such editors and designers as the forms designer, XML editor, and HTML editor))
Query windowventana Consulta (A window in which you work with queries in Design view, Datasheet view, SQL view, or Print Preview)
query windowperíodo de consulta (A reserved time for performing large, resource-intensive queries for a computer, server farm, or server cluster)
refresh Windowsrestaurar Windows (To reset the Windows operating system using a method that restores PC settings to defaults but retains a user's files and personalization touches)
Relationships windowventana Relaciones (An object tab in which you view, create, and modify relationships between tables and queries)
reset Windowsrestablecer Windows (To reset the Windows operating system so that all user customizations are removed)
secondary windowventana secundaria (A window that provides information or supplemental interaction related to objects in a primary window)
Sent from my Windows PhoneEnviado desde mi Windows Phone (A tagline or signature added to all email that's sent from a Windows Phone)
service windowperíodo para tareas administrativas (A reserved time for performing administrative tasks on a computer, server farm, or server cluster)
servicing windowperíodo de servicio (A user-defined time period that can be assigned to a virtual machine, host, or service to indicate when that object is available to be taken offline (for example, to perform maintenance))
sliding windowventana deslizante (A window of fixed length L that moves along a timeline according to the stream's events. With every event on the timeline, a new window is created, starting at the event's start time)
snapshot windowventana de instantánea (A window that is defined according to the start and end times of the event in the stream, instead of a fixed grid along the timeline)
Someone on Windows LiveAlguien en Windows Live (The display name UI label used when there isn't a display name value available, as when data can't be retrieved or someone hasn't completely filled out their profile)
System View windowventana Vista de sistema (A simple browser providing an outline view of available applications and systems used as a drag source to create references to Application Systems on the Application Connection Designer, System Designer and the System Deployment Designer)
Test Results windowventana Resultados de pruebas (A window which displays the current status of every test in the test run)
Test View windowventana Vista de pruebas (A window that allows you to navigate to your tests for editing (authoring))
text windowventana de texto (A window containing a text document)
tool windowventana de herramientas (A child window of the Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used to display information)
tumbling windowventana de saltos de tamaño constante (A hopping window whose hop size is equal to the window size)
Watch windowventana Inspección (A Visual Studio debugging window that is available in break mode and that provides the value of a variable or an expression)
Web Service Details windowVentana de detalles del servicio Web (The window that displays the behavior specification for a Web service endpoint. For example, it displays the operations for a Web service endpoint)
window framemarco de ventana (The framework that is hosting the window)
Window GalleryGalería de ventanas (A gallery containing thumbnail views of open application windows)
window glasstransparencia en ventanas (A visual effect that imparts a quality of translucency to windows)
window handleidentificador de ventana (A handle that uniquely identifies a window)
window intervalintervalo de espera (The length of time during which a pre-configured number of similar events are written to Planning Server log files, when filtering is enabled)
window procedureprocedimiento de ventana (A function, called by the operating system, that controls the appearance and behavior of its associated windows. The procedure receives and processes all messages to these windows)
Windows ACConsola de evaluación de Windows (A tool in the Windows ADK that uses assessments to create jobs that evaluate quality and view the results after a job runs. The Windows AC can also package a job and other necessary files, save the files in a folder that contains an executable file, move the job to another computer, and then run the job on the new computer)
Windows accountingcontabilización de Windows (The accounting process carried out by Windows as accounting provider)
Windows activationactivación de Windows (The process of activating Windows)
Windows Activation ClientCliente de activación de Windows (The application that helps the user to activate a Windows product with Microsoft)
Windows Activation TechnologiesTecnologías de activación de Windows (A set of antipiracy features for activation and validation in Windows Vista and Windows 7)
Windows AIKAIK de Windows (A Microsoft suite of tools designed to help original equipment manufacturers, system builders, and corporate IT professionals customize, automate, and deploy Windows Vista operating system onto new hardware)
Windows AlarmsAlarmas de Windows (The app that enables users to set alarms, set timers, and run a stopwatch)
Windows All-User Install AgentAgente de instalación para todos los usuarios de Windows (An agent that installs Windows Store apps for all users on a machine)
Windows 8 appaplicación para Windows 8 (An app that targets Windows 8. It could be a Windows Store app or a desktop app)
Windows appaplicación para Windows (Any application or program that's developed for the Windows platform, including Windows Store apps and desktop apps)
Windows App Certification KitKit para la certificación de aplicaciones en Windows (A part of the Windows SDK that validates both Windows Store apps for the Windows Store and Windows desktop applications)
Windows applicationaplicación Windows (A software application designed for use with the Microsoft Windows environment)
Windows Assessment ConsoleConsola de evaluación de Windows (A tool in the Windows ADK that uses assessments to create jobs that evaluate quality and view the results after a job runs. The Windows AC can also package a job and other necessary files, save the files in a folder that contains an executable file, move the job to another computer, and then run the job on the new computer)
Windows Assessment ServicesServicios de evaluación de Windows (An end-to-end test lab solution that enables the automation of computer and image inventory, test execution, and local results generation in a pre-manufacturing lab environment)
Windows Assistance OnlineAsistencia en línea de Windows (A World Wide Web version of Windows Client Help)
Windows Automatic FeedbackComentarios automáticos de Windows (A generic dialog for enabling both CEIP and WER on multiple machines simultaneously using Server Manager)
Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShellMódulo Windows Azure Active Directory para Windows PowerShell (A group of cmdlets used to administer Windows Azure Active Directory. You can use these cmdlets to manage users, groups, domains, cloud service subscriptions, licenses, directory sync, single sign-on, and more)
Windows Azure Active Directory Sync ToolHerramienta de sincronización de Windows Azure Active Directory (The application that provides one-way synchronization from a company's local Active Directory service to Windows Azure Active Directory)
Windows Azure AD Access ControlAccess Control de Windows Azure AD (The Windows Azure service that provides federated authentication and rules-driven, claims-based authorization for REST Web services)
Windows Azure AD Module for Windows PowerShellMódulo Windows Azure AD para Windows PowerShell (A group of cmdlets used to administer Windows Azure Active Directory. You can use these cmdlets to manage users, groups, domains, cloud service subscriptions, licenses, directory sync, single sign-on, and more)
Windows Azure compute instanceinstancia de proceso de Windows Azure (The computing operation or execution of logic within Windows Azure Platform in response to function call from an application)
Windows Azure DiagnosticsDiagnósticos de Windows Azure (The capability within Cloud Services that enables diagnostic data collection on a deployed application)
Windows Azure driveunidad de Windows Azure (A NTFS volume that is mounted on a server's file system in Windows Azure and that is accessible to code running in a role)
Windows Azure EAIEAI en Windows Azure (One of the integration services in Windows Azure that enables connections between different systems using multiple and varied message formats)
Windows Azure emulation environmententorno de emulación de Windows Azure (The Windows Azure compute and storage emulators that are installed as part of the Windows Azure SDK)
Windows Azure Mobile ServicesServicios móviles de Windows Azure (The Windows Azure component that enables developers to add a cloud-based backend service to an app)
Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Management PortalPortal de administración de Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (Used by administrators to manage company-wide Multi-Factor Authentication settings and view centralized usage reports)
Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication ServerServidor Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (A software application that an administrator can use to configure Multi-Factor Authentication functionality)
Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication ServiceServicio Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (A service that places an automated phone call, sends a text message, or pushes a notification to the Multi-Factor Authentication app on the user's mobile device and processes the result)
Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication User PortalPortal de usuarios de Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (Allows users to complete the Multi-Factor Authentication enrollment process and manage their settings, such as phone number and PIN, through a simple web interface)
Windows Azure NetworksRedes de Windows Azure (The networking service in Windows Azure that lets customers create and manage virtual private networks in Windows Azure and securely link them to other virtual networks or to their own on-premises networking infrastructure)
Windows Azure PlatformPlataforma Windows Azure (An internet-scale cloud services platform hosted in Microsoft data centers that provides an operating system and a set of developer services, which can be used individually or together)
Windows Azure platform Cloud Essentials for PartnersCloud Essentials de la plataforma Windows Azure para partners (An offer for members of the Microsoft Partner Network who have the Microsoft Cloud Essentials Pack. The subscription includes a base level of monthly computing hours, storage, data transfers, a SQL Azure database, Access Control transactions, and Service Bus connections at no charge)
Windows Azure platform Cloud Essentials for Partnersplataforma Windows Azure Cloud Essentials para partners (An offer for members of the Microsoft Partner Network who have the Microsoft Cloud Essentials Pack. The subscription includes a base level of monthly computing hours, storage, data transfers, a SQL Azure database, Access Control transactions, and Service Bus connections at no charge)
Windows Azure Platform ConsumptionConsumo de la plataforma Windows Azure (A Windows Azure Platform package rate that is calculated on the actual amount of services used)
Windows Azure Platform Consumption for PartnersConsumo de la plataforma Windows Azure para partners (A Windows Azure Platform package rate available via authenticated Microsoft Partner Network distribution channels, calculated on the actual amount of services used)
Windows Azure Platform Development Accelerator CoreAcelerador de desarrollo principal de la plataforma Windows Azure (A Windows Azure Platform package with a single rate plus an overage charge based on the amount of services provided)
Windows Azure Platform Development Accelerator Core for PartnersAcelerador de desarrollo principal de la plataforma Windows Azure para partners (A Windows Azure Platform package with a single rate plus an overage charge based on the amount of services provided, available via authenticated Microsoft Partner Network distribution channels)
Windows Azure Platform Development Accelerator ExtendedAcelerador de desarrollo extendido de la plataforma Windows Azure (An extended Windows Azure Platform package with a single rate plus an overage charge based on the amount of services provided)
Windows Azure Platform Development Accelerator Extended for PartnersAcelerador de desarrollo extendido de la plataforma Windows Azure para partners (An extended Windows Azure Platform package with a single rate plus an overage charge based on the amount of services provided, available via authenticated Microsoft Partner Network distribution channels)
Windows Azure Platform Discovery PackPaquete de detección de la plataforma Windows Azure (An offer that provides a fixed amount of computing, storage, data transfers, access control, service bus, and SQL Azure database applications at a fixed monthly price)
Windows Azure Platform Introductory SpecialPrecio especial de lanzamiento de la plataforma Windows Azure (A Windows Azure Platform limited package rate that is tailored to development hobbyist and small developer audience)
Windows Azure Platform Introductory Special for PartnersPrecio especial de lanzamiento de la plataforma Windows Azure para partners (A Windows Azure Platform limited package rate, tailored to development hobbyist and small developer audience, which is available through authenticated Microsoft Partner Network distribution channels)
Windows Azure Platform MSDN PremiumPlataforma Windows Azure - MSDN Premium (A Windows Azure Platform package rate available to customers who subscribe to MSDN services)
Windows Azure projectproyecto de Windows Azure (In Visual Studio, the solution being developed)
Windows Azure SQL DatabaseBase de datos SQL de Windows Azure (The Microsoft-hosted database and web services that enable relational queries, search, and data synchronization with mobile users, remote offices, and business partners, which can store and retrieve structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data)
Windows Azure SQL Database Development AcceleratorAcelerador de desarrollo de Base de datos SQL de Windows Azure (An offer from Office 365 that provides SQL Azure database services at a discounted monthly price for a one-year term)
Windows Azure SQL Database Migration WizardAsistente para migración de Base de datos SQL de Windows Azure (A wizard that helps you select your SQL objects, create SQL scripts suitable for SQL Azure, migrate data between on-premises SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2005 and SQL Azure servers, as well as between two or more SQL Azure databases in the same or different data centers. The SQL Azure Migration Wizard is community-built, and is not supported)
Windows Azure SQL Database provisioning processproceso de aprovisionamiento de Base de datos SQL de Windows Azure (A way of preparing and configuring the hardware and software required to maintain your data at a Microsoft data center. The SQL Azure provisioning model describes the logical hierarchy of your Windows Azure platform account, SQL Azure servers, and databases; by using this process, you can rapidly provision your data storage)
Windows Azure SQL Database serverservidor de Base de datos SQL de Windows Azure (A logical group of databases that acts as an authorization boundary and central administrative point for multiple databases. Each server includes logins similar to those in instances of SQL Server on your premises)
Windows Azure Virtual MachinesMáquinas virtuales de Windows Azure (The Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offer in Windows Azure that allows customers to deploy persistent virtual machines with nearly any server workload they want)
Windows Azure Web SitesSitios web Windows Azure (The Windows Azure hosting offer that is streamlined for fast and easy website deployments either running custom application code or popular open source web apps)
Windows BackupCopias de seguridad de Windows (A file backup feature of Windows Vista that performs scheduled incremental backups of data to the target media. It also allows the user to restore an individual file or a group of files)
Windows BasicsIntroducción a Windows (A tutorial outlining basic Windows features, workflow and information)
Windows Biometric Credential ManagerAdministrador de credenciales biométricas de Windows (The Windows component that stores and manages biometric credentials such as fingerprints)
Windows Biometric FrameworkMarco biométrico de Windows (The collection of technologies and infrastructure required to support biometrics in Windows)
Windows Biometric ServiceServicio biométrico de Windows (A privileged Windows service that interfaces with biometric hardware through the Windows Biometric Driver Interface, and manages the capture, matching and storage of biometric data, and exposes this capability to applications through the Windows Biometric API)
Windows Bluetooth stackpila Bluetooth de Windows (A Bluetooth stack that is built in the Windows operating system. It also supports third-party driver development)
Windows Boot ManagerAdministración de arranque de Windows (A Boot Configuration Data (BCD) application object)
Windows buttonbotón Windows (A tablet hardware button with the Windows logo on it that's similar to the Windows key on a keyboard. Pressing the Power and Windows buttons simultaneously is the equivalent of pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del)
Windows CalculatorCalculadora de Windows (The app that calculates (standard and scientific) and converts)
Windows CalendarCalendario de Windows (An app to facilitate the management of events)
Windows CallLlamadas de Windows (An app for making video calls)
Windows CameraCámara de Windows (An app to facilitate the capture of photos and videos by using the PC)
Windows Certification ProgramPrograma de certificación de Windows (A certification program to ensure that devices, systems, and apps are compatible, reliable, and can perform to meet Windows standards)
Windows Certification Program for HardwarePrograma de certificación de hardware en Windows (A certification program to ensure that systems and hardware are compatible and reliable and can perform to meet Windows standards)
Windows Client ProtectionProtección de cliente Windows (A strategy including components and features of Windows Vista that allows system administrators to manage the system from one place by combining antivirus and anti-spyware software)
Windows Communication Foundation application serviceservicio de la aplicación Windows Communication Foundation (An application service such as authentication, profile properties, or roles, that can be accessed by any non-ASP.NET application that can read and send messages in SOAP format. WCF services enable different types of applications to share common data, such as user credentials for logging in)
Windows Communications AppsAplicaciones para comunicación de Windows (The download package that includes People, Messaging, Mail, and Calendar)
Windows component librarybiblioteca de componentes de Windows (A library of components that have a version that can be independent from the major Windows version. The Windows Store manages the process of ensuring that the correct version of the Windows component library is present when the app is installed on a Windows 8 PC. These libraries, which include Windows Library for JavaScript, C Runtime Libraries (CRT), and PlayReady DRM, are essential to the creation of Windows Store apps)
Windows ContactsContactos de Windows (A directory that you can use to store names, e-mail addresses, fax numbers, and distribution lists)
Windows Data Access ComponentsComponentes de Windows Data Access (A suite of data access APIs that ship with the Windows operating system. Data Access Components includes three major API surfaces-ADO, OLE DB, and ODBC-each of which is optimized for a different set of applications. All three major components of Data Access Components employ the provider model, which allows access to a variety of data sources using a virtually identical set of programmatic calls)
Windows Defender alert levelnivel de alerta de Windows Defender (A classification of software that help you quickly understand if the item is harmful and whether you need to take action immediately or if you should review more details)
Windows Deployment ServicesServicios de implementación de Windows (Software services that allow an administrator to set up new client computers remotely, without having to visit each client. The target clients must support remote booting)
Windows Desktop Apps Certification KitKit para la certificación de aplicaciones de escritorio en Windows (Tools and documentation to certify apps for Windows)
Windows Dev CenterCentro de desarrollo de Windows (The online center that quickly gets you the info and tools you need for Windows development)
Windows Dev Center desktop dashboardpanel para escritorio del Centro de desarrollo para Windows (The entry point to the desktop section of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify desktop apps for Windows, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
Windows Dev Center hardware and desktop dashboardpanel para escritorio y hardware del Centro de desarrollo para Windows (The entry point to the hardware and desktop development sections of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify hardware and desktop apps for Windows, distribute drivers, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
Windows Dev Center hardware dashboardpanel para hardware del Centro de desarrollo para Windows (The entry point to the hardware section of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify hardware for Windows, distribute drivers by using Windows Update, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
Windows Diagnosis and RecoveryDiagnóstico y recuperación de Windows (A feature in Windows that allows users to run system diagnostics and troubleshooting)
Windows Diagnostic InfrastructureInfraestructura de diagnóstico de Windows (A framework that enables root cause detection of failures for Windows components through dynamic tracing)
Windows DiagnosticsDiagnósticos de Windows (A feature of Windows that checks for problems associated with network connections)
Windows Disk DiagnosticDiagnóstico de discos de Windows (Feature of Windows that proactively detects impending disk failures and can alert the support center to replace the failing hard disk before total failure occurs. For administrators, this feature will guide them through the process of backing up their data so the hard disk can be replaced without data loss)
Windows Disk ProtectionProtección de disco de Windows (A feature that helps protect the Windows partition that contains the Windows operating system and other programs from being permanently modified from user session to user session)
Windows distributiondistribución de Windows (The collection of files released with Windows. This collection includes the langpacks directory, the sources directory, and other directories and files required for Windows Setup. In some scenarios, language packs must be copied to the langpacks directory and not installed directly into the .wim file)
Windows driver foundationWindows Driver Foundation (A framework that provides prewritten support for the requirements of Windows driver model (WDM), giving Microsoft Windows device-driver developers the ability to better focus on their device models. The driver framework reduces the amount of new code required to provide a full-featured WDM device driver)
Windows Driver KitKit para controladores de Windows (The SDK that contains all the tools and downloads needed to build a driver for Windows)
Windows Driver LibraryBiblioteca de controladores de Windows (A collection of hardware device drivers for a Microsoft Windows operating system that were not included in the original Windows package)
Windows Driver ModelModelo de controlador de Windows (A driver model based on the Windows NT driver model that is designed to provide a common architecture of I/O services for Windows operating systems for specific classes of drivers. These driver classes include USB and IEEE 1394 buses, audio, still-image capture, video capture, and HID-compliant devices such as USB mice, keyboards, and joysticks. Provides a model for writing kernel-mode drivers and minidrivers, and provides extensions for Plug and Play and power management)
Windows DSServicios de implementación de Windows (Software services that allow an administrator to set up new client computers remotely, without having to visit each client. The target clients must support remote booting)
Windows Error ReportingInforme de errores de Windows (The Windows technology that collects data on system crashes or hangs and sends it to Microsoft)
Windows ExplorerExplorador de Windows (A utility in Windows that enables the user to locate and open files and folders)
Windows extensibility pointspuntos de extensibilidad de Windows (A mechanism that an app can use to interact with the system or with other apps. You must declare extensibility points in the package manifest)
Windows Fax and ScanFax y Escáner de Windows (A feature in Windows Vista that allows the user to manage faxing and scanning functions)
Windows Feedback ForwarderReenvío de comentarios de Windows (A forwarding service that enables you to automatically and securely send feedback to Microsoft after setting up a Group Policy domain or organizational unit. After configuring Group Policy and joining the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP), Windows periodically collects and uploads statistical information)
Windows Feedback PlatformPlataforma de comentarios de Windows (A DLL containing the list of problems on a particular computer that require additional data collection for diagnosis)
Windows File ProtectionProtección de archivos de Windows (A feature that runs in the background and protects your system files from being overwritten. When a file in a protected folder is modified, WFP determines whether the new file is the correct Microsoft version or whether the file is digitally signed. If not, the modified file is replaced with a valid version)
Windows Filtering PlatformPlataforma de filtrado de Windows (An architecture in Microsoft Windows that allows unprecedented access to the TCP/IP packet processing path, wherein outgoing and incoming packets can be examined or changed before allowing them to be processed further)
Windows Fingerprint Credential ProviderProveedor de credenciales mediante lectura de huellas digitales de Windows (The Windows component that provides fingerprint information that is used to gain access to local and network resources)
Windows FirewallFirewall de Windows (A Control Panel feature that is used to set restrictions on what traffic is allowed to enter your network from the Internet)
Windows Firewall Configuration ProviderProveedor de configuración de Firewall de Windows (A provider that lets administrators manage Windows Intune policy settings for Windows Firewall to control incoming and outgoing traffic on client computers that are managed by Windows Intune)
Windows Firewall shielded modeModo blindado del Firewall de Windows (A features of Windows Firewall that blocks everything)
Windows Firewall with Advanced SecurityFirewall de Windows con seguridad avanzada (A snap-in which allows users to configure policies that provide enhanced network security for Windows computers)
Windows Font Cache ServiceServicio de caché de fuentes de Windows (A Win32 service process that optimizes performance of applications by caching commonly used font data. Applications will start this service if it is not already running. It can be disabled, though doing so will degrade application performance)
Windows Forms DesignerDiseñador de Windows Forms (A tool that enables the rapid development of Windows-based applications. It allows you to add controls to a form, arrange them, and write code for their events)
Windows Gadget PlatformPlataforma de gadgets de Windows (A Windows removable component that enables applications to programmatically add gadgets to the Windows Desktop during application setup or first run. It also offers users the ability to install and run gadgets on their desktops for personalization and functional needs)
Windows Genuine AdvantagePrograma de Ventajas de Windows Original (A program for licensed Windows software that provides access to updates, value-added downloads, free software trials, and special promotions)
Windows Genuine Advantage NotificationsNotificaciones de Ventajas de Windows original (Notifications that indicate a new installation of Windows did not pass validation)
Windows graceperíodo de gracia de Windows (A state between licensed and non-licensed for the user to activate/reactivate the Windows license. Typical retail Windows will be unlicensed after it is first installed before activation. Enterprise Windows (volume license clients) may find they are in this state if the computer has not been connected to the enterprise key management service for more than 180 days. Finally a customer who has initially used an invalid product key that Microsoft later identifies may be placed in this state and asked to get a valid product key)
Windows Hardware CertificationCertificación de hardware en Windows (A certification program to ensure that systems and hardware are compatible and reliable and can perform to meet Windows standards)
Windows Hardware Certification KitKit para la certificación de hardware en Windows (The test automation framework used to certify devices or systems for Windows)
Windows hardware developmentdesarrollo de hardware para Windows (The section of the Windows Dev Center that provides the information customers need to develop hardware for Windows)
Windows 7 hardware logologotipo del hardware para Windows 7 (Logo assigned to the hardware products that have passed Microsoft designed tests for compatibility and reliability on Windows 7)
Windows Hardware Quality Labs A Microsoft hardware-testing organization that produces and supports the Microsoft Hardware Compatibility Test kit for current Microsoft operating systems. Both hardware and software are tested before rights to use the logo are grantedLaboratorios de calidad de hardware de Windows (WHQL)
Windows HCKHCK en Windows (The test automation framework used to certify devices or systems for Windows)
Windows HomeGroupGrupo Hogar de Windows (A Windows feature that enables users to share pictures, music, videos, documents, and printers with other people on a home network)
Windows imageimagen de Windows (A single compressed file containing a collection of files and folders that duplicate a Windows installation on a disk volume)
Windows Image File System Filter drivercontrolador del filtro del sistema de archivos WIM (A driver that enables you to mount your image file and work with it through a file-management tool, such as Windows Explorer)
Windows Installation Compatibility AdvisorAsesor de compatibilidad de instalación de Windows (A downloadable Web application that helps Windows users identify which edition of Windows meets their needs, whether their PCs are ready for an upgrade to the next Windows version, and which features of the suggested Windows version will be able to run on their PCs)
Windows Installer serviceservicio Windows Installer (A Microsoft Windows service that defines and manages a standard format for installing applications)
Windows Internet application programming interfaceinterfaz de programación de aplicaciones Windows Internet (A Windows application programming interface (API) that enables applications to interact with Gopher, FTP, and HTTP protocols to access Internet resources)
Windows Internet gamejuego en Internet de Windows (A desktop application that connects to a public game service on the Internet. The game service is hosted by the MSN Gaming Zone)
Windows Internet Name ServiceServicio WINS (A Windows name resolution service for network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) names. WINS is used by hosts running NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) to register NetBIOS names and to resolve NetBIOS names to Internet Protocol (IP) addresses)
Windows Intune agentagente de Windows Intune (The first agent that is installed on a client computer after the Windows Intune client software is installed on a client and the client is enrolled in the Windows Intune service. This agent is associated with two installed programs that help monitor the health of the client computer and raise alerts to report current and potential problems)
Windows Intune Monitoring AgentAgente de supervisión de Windows Intune (An agent that monitors the health of client computers that are managed by Windows Intune)
Windows KeyringConjunto de claves de Windows (A Windows feature that creates an authentication key that contains user name and password to the Windows user account)
Windows librarybiblioteca de Windows (A collection of items, such as files and folders, assembled from various locations. The locations might be on your computer, an external hard drive, removable media, or someone else's computer)
Windows Library for JavaScriptBiblioteca de Windows para JavaScript (A set of APIs that developers use to create UI for Windows by using JavaScript)
Windows Live accountcuenta de Windows Live (Private information that a customer provides to establish their Windows Live ID. This information is separate from the customer's (outward-facing) profile and is never shared without explicit consent)
Windows Live Admin CenterCentro de administración de Windows Live (A service that enables customers to implement Windows Live communication services within their own personal domains)
Windows Live buttonbotón de Windows Live (A graphical navigational element that links to the user's Windows Live home page)
Windows Live CalendarWindows Live Calendario (The Windows Live service that lets people and groups add, manage, and share event information)
Windows Live ContactsContactos de Windows Live (The Windows Live universal roaming contact list that allows users to share their contact information and subscribe to others' to automatically receive updates across Windows Live Messenger and Windows Live Spaces)
Windows Live Contacts APIAPI de Contactos de Windows Live (The API that defines a set of web services which can programmatically access the Windows Live Contacts Address Book database)
Windows Live DevicesDispositivos de Windows Live (The website where customers add computers (both PCs and Macs), mobile phones, and digital photo frames so they can access their synced folders and connect remotely to their devices)
Windows Live EventsWindows Live Eventos (The Windows Live service for event planning and invitations)
Windows Live Family SafetyWindows Live Protección infantil (Software that enables parents and guardians to customize children's web experiences in order to help protect their safety and privacy online)
Windows Live for mobileWindows Live para móviles (The set of Windows Live services available for use on mobile devices)
Windows Live for Windows MobileWindows Live para Windows Mobile (The set of Windows Live services optimized for use on mobile devices running Windows Mobile)
Windows Live GroupsWindows Live Grupos (The web service where users can share their thoughts, photographs, and interests with all members of a group. Members all contribute to a group profile, and can post blog entries, photos, and other items, just as they can to an individual profile)
Windows Live HomePágina principal de Windows Live (The main landing or start page on Windows Live)
Windows Live installerinstalador de Windows Live (The software that installs the Windows Live software someone selects on the installation webpage)
Windows Live OneCare AdvisorAsesor de Windows Live OneCare (The Windows Live Toolbar add-in that provides access to the Windows Live Safety Center and the Microsoft Phishing Filter)
Windows Live OneCare for ServerWindows Live OneCare para Server (The OneCare software designed to run on supported servers)
Windows Live OneCare safety scannerWindows Live OneCare Examen de seguridad (The free online on-demand tool that conducts three types of scans: the protection scan checks for and removes things like viruses and malware; the clean-up scan checks the hard disk for unnecessary files and helps users decide which ones they can safely remove, and also clears the computer's registry of orphaned data; the tune-up scan helps improve the computer's performance by defragmenting the hard disk)
Windows Live Photo GalleryGalería fotográfica de Windows Live (A desktop app that enables users to view, manage, edit, and share photos and videos)
Windows Live PhotosFotos de Windows Live (The Windows Live service that provides free online storage for photos, which customers can organize into photo albums)
Windows Live ProfilePerfil de Windows Live (The descriptive information about a user that is shown to other users. This editable information is separate from the registration information they provide to establish their Windows Live account. This separation allows users to disclose or conceal personal information as they choose)
Windows Live Sign-in AssistantAyudante para el inicio de sesión de Windows Live (The helper program that can store sign-in information for multiple Windows Live IDs)
Windows Live SMS servicesservicios de Windows Live SMS (An SMS-based service that lets users complete various Windows Live tasks by sending, receiving, and replying to SMS messages)
Windows Live Troubleshooting DataDatos de solución de problemas de Windows Live (The visible name of the information sent to Microsoft via Windows Error Reporting if the Windows Live Essential Installer crashes)
Windows Location ProviderServicio de localización de Windows (A feature in Windows that communicates with a Microsoft online service to determine a PC's approximate location based on wireless network or IP address info)
Windows 7 logologotipo de Windows 7 (Logo assigned to the products that have passed Microsoft-designed tests for compatibility and reliability on Windows 7)
Windows 7 Logo ProgramPrograma del logotipo de Windows 7 (A program designed to identify compatible and reliable systems, software, and hardware products that have passed Microsoft-designed tests for compatibility and reliability on Windows 7)
Windows MailCorreo de Windows (An app for sending and receiving email)
Windows Management InstrumentationInstrumental de administración de Windows (The Microsoft extension to the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) Web-based Enterprise Management (WBEM) initiative)
Windows Management Instrumentation filterfiltro Instrumental de administración de Windows (A query that is based on Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and used to filter the effect of a Group Policy object (GPO). WMI filters are written in WMI Query Language (WQL) and are evaluated on the target computer or user. If the filter evaluates to true, then the GPO is applied. Otherwise, the GPO is not applied. WMI filters are useful for exception management)
Windows Media Audio codeccódec de audio de Windows Media (A codec used to compress and decompress audio streams)
Windows Media audio decoder librarybiblioteca de descodificadores de audio de Windows Media (A static library providing a set of APIs that are used to convert audio data in a specified digital format into a playable format)
Windows Media audio encoder librarybiblioteca de codificadores de audio de Windows Media (A static library of APIs that is used to convert audio data into a specified digital format for convenient storage, retrieval, and delivery over a network)
Windows Media clientcliente de Windows Media (The ActiveX control called Windows Media Player that receives and renders content from Windows Media server components. The client can be on either the same computer as the server, or another computer)
Windows Media Device ManagerAdministrador de dispositivos de Windows Media (An element in Microsoft Windows Media that acts as a broker between an application, the Microsoft Digital Rights Management (DRM) system, and the service provider. All communication requests between the application and the portable audio player must go through Microsoft Windows Media Device Manager)
Windows Media Digital Rights Managementadministración de derechos digitales DRM de Windows Media (Windows Media digital rights management platform and associated technologies)
Windows Media filearchivo de Windows Media (A file that contains audio, video, or other data. The content of the file is encoded with one of the Windows Media codecs.)
Windows Media Format Software Development KitSDK Windows Media Format (An SDK for creating applications that play, write, edit, encrypt, and deliver Advanced Systems Format (ASF) files and network streams)
Windows Media License ServiceServicio de licencias de Windows Media (The Windows Media Rights Manager Software Development Kit (SDK) component on a licensing server that issues licenses)
Windows Media PlayerReproductor de Windows Media (The Windows Media technology that plays digital media files or streams)
Windows Media Screen codeccódec de pantalla de Windows Media (A codec used to compress and decompress sequences of screen images)
Windows Media Sharing CenterCentro para compartir multimedia de Windows (The primary interface used to enable sharing media to other computers and devices, and to access media sharing settings and devices that interact with the media sharing feature. If you enable sharing you can play your favorite music, videos, and pictures on any computer or device in any room in your home)
Windows Media Speech codeccódec de voz de Windows Media (A codec used to compress and decompress audio streams with an emphasis on speech)
Windows Media streaming librarybiblioteca de streaming de Windows Media (A library providing a set of APIs that are used to convert audio data into a specified digital format for convenient storage and retrieval using computer technology, usually involving compression and encryption technology)
Windows Media Video codeccódec de vídeo de Windows Media (A codec used to compress and decompress video streams)
Windows Meeting SpaceÁrea de encuentro de Windows (A feature that enables quick, face-to-face collaboration for two to ten people with computers running Windows Vista. You can share documents, your desktop, or a program, and you can co-edit handouts)
Windows Memory Diagnostics ToolHerramienta de diagnóstico de memoria de Windows (A feature of Windows Vista that can automatically detect and resolve problems caused by defective physical memory. If the diagnostics module identifies a memory problem, Windows Vista can avoid using the affected portion of physical memory, enabling the operating system to start successfully and avoid application crashes)
Windows Memory TesterHerramienta de comprobación de memoria de Windows (A Boot Configuration Data (BCD) application object)
Windows MessagingMensajes de Windows (An app that facilitates SMS and instant messaging)
Windows Metafile Formatformato WMF (A 16-bit vector graphics format for Windows-compatible computers used mostly as a clip art format in word-processing documents)
Windows Mobile Device CenterCentro de dispositivos de Windows Mobile (An application designed for managing Microsoft Windows Mobile® devices via a Windows Vista client computer. When the mobile device is connected to the computer by cable, cradle, infrared, or wireless LAN, the mobile user uses Windows Mobile Device Center to create a partnership between the desktop computer and the mobile device to configure the device, manage settings, add & remove applications, and synchronize data. After the partnership is created, the mobile user can manage the device using any of the connection mechanisms. While connected, the mobile user can also use the Windows Vista client computer without a partnership to do such things as browse the device and configure settings for the device)
Windows Mobile Member CenterPrograma de beneficios de Windows Mobile (A Web site where users can register to become part of the Windows Mobile Membership program)
Windows Mobile MembershipSuscripción a Windows Mobile (Membership to a program managed by Microsoft that gives members access to many Windows Mobile benefits including downloads, applications, services, product updates, and events)
Windows Mobility CenterCentro de movilidad de Windows (A single location in Windows where you can adjust mobile PC settings)
Windows NT Integrated Securityseguridad integrada de Windows NT (A security mode that leverages the Windows NT authentication process)
Windows NT token-based applicationaplicación basada en autorización token de Windows NT (A Windows application that relies on a Windows NT token to perform authorization of users)
Windows Online Troubleshooting ServiceSolucionador de problemas en línea de Windows (An online service that is used by Microsoft and OEMs to post Windows Troubleshooting Packs for their customers to quickly resolve issues after Windows has shipped)
Windows Open Services ArchitectureArquitectura de servicios abiertos de Microsoft Windows (A common set of interfaces that connect front-end applications with back-end services)
Windows operating systemsistema operativo Windows (A proprietary software operating system with a graphical user interface (GUI))
Windows OS LoaderGestor de arranque del SO Windows (A Boot Configuration Data (BCD) application object)
Windows passwordcontraseña de Windows (A password you use to log on to Windows. You can also change your settings so that you can log on to Windows without a password)
Windows PC AcceleratorAcelerador de PC de Windows (A performance-enhancing technology in Windows Vista)
Windows PeopleContactos de Windows (An app that facilitates contact list and social update management)
Windows Performance AnalyzerAnalizador de rendimiento de Windows (A set of performance monitoring tools used to produce in-depth performance profiles of both systems and applications)
Windows Performance Diagnostic ConsoleConsola de diagnóstico de rendimiento de Windows (A tool used in computer management to monitor the devices or processes on user's system)
Windows Performance RecorderGrabador de rendimiento de Windows (A tool that provides OEMs and IT Professionals with detailed recordings of system and application behavior and resource usage)
Windows Performance ToolkitKit de herramientas de rendimiento de Windows (A kit that consists of two tools: Windows Performance Recorder and Windows Performance Analyzer. These tools are used to provides detailed recordings of system and application behavior and resource usage, and then analyze the results)
Windows PhoneWindows Phone (A device that runs Windows Phone Operating System)
Windows Phone StoreTienda de Windows Phone (The online store where users can learn about and download apps, games, music, videos, and podcasts for their Windows Phone. Users can use the Store on their phones or on the web at windowsphone.com)
Windows Photo GalleryGalería fotográfica de Windows (A photo organizer used to view, manage, and edit digital pictures)
Windows Photo GalleryGalería de fotos de Windows (A desktop app that enables users to view, manage, edit, and share photos and videos)
Windows Photo ViewerVisualizador de fotos de Windows (A stripped down version of Vista's Windows Photo Gallery, which supports only two modes: Photo Viewer and Slideshow)
Windows PhotosFotos de Windows (An app that facilitates the viewing of photos)
Windows Platform UpdateActualización de la plataforma de Windows (End-user operating system updates that support the use of selected current release technologies on previous versions of the Windows operating system)
Windows Portable Device APIAPI de dispositivos portátiles de Windows (An API that provides access to digital still cameras, media players, and multi-function cellular phones that implement Media Transfer Protocol (MTP))
Windows PowerShell - Virtual Machine Manager command shellWindows PowerShell - Comandos Virtual Machine Manager (The command shell, based on Windows PowerShell (Powershell.exe), that makes available the cmdlets that perform all functions in Virtual Machine Manager)
Windows Preinstallation EnvironmentEntorno de preinstalación de Windows (A minimal Win32 operating system with limited services that's used to prepare a computer for Windows installation, to copy disk images from a network file server, and to initiate Windows Setup)
Windows preprocessorpreprocesador de Windows (A mechanism for user-mode applications and kernel-mode drivers to log real-time binary messages. The logged messages can subsequently be converted to a human-readable trace of the driver's operation)
Windows 8 Pro with Media CenterWindows 8 Pro con Media Center (An edition of Windows 8 Pro that contains Windows Media Center)
Windows Problem ReportingInforme de problemas de Windows (The Windows technology that manages information to help Microsoft create solutions to non-critical problems (problems that do not cause programs, services, or components to stop working))
Windows Process Activation serviceServicio de activación de procesos de Windows (A service that provides process activation, resource management, and health management services for message-activated applications)
Windows Property StoreAlmacén de propiedades de Windows (A Windows feature that facilitates a convenient way to get and set properties. It provides access to properties by using friendly canonical names in a type safe manner without dealing with PROPVARIANT. Developers can easily store basic data in a property store)
Windows Push Notification ServiceServicios de notificaciones de inserción de Windows (The feature of Windows for sending tile updates and notifications to users)
Windows Push Notifications Keep Alive DetectorDetector de conexión persistente de notificaciones push de Windows (Windows Push Notifications (WNS) component that analyses network conditions and determines an optimal ping interval to keep the connection alive)
Windows ReaderLector de Windows (An app that facilitates the reading of PDF and XPS files)
Windows Reading ListLista de lectura de Windows (The app where users can save links to content (such as articles or videos) and then quickly return to them later)
Windows Recovery EnvironmentEntorno de recuperación de Windows (A special version of Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) that includes diagnostic, troubleshooting, and maintenance tools)
Windows Resource Leak DiagnosticDiagnóstico de pérdida de recursos de Windows (A tool in Windows that detects and diagnoses resource leaks)
Windows Resource ProtectionProtección de recursos de Windows (A feature in Windows that attempts to block the replacement of necessary system files to improve reliability and security)
Windows RestrictionsRestricciones en Windows (A tool that restricts user access to programs, settings, Start menu items, and locks shared local user profiles against permanent changes)
Windows Resume LoaderCargador de reanudación de Windows (A utility that loads the executable code of a program into memory for execution after hibernation)
Windows RuntimeWindows en tiempo de ejecución (An environment in which COM objects are activated using a fully qualified namespace and a class name within the namespace. Also refers to the set of APIs that is provided by the Windows Runtime)
Windows Runtime C++ Template LibraryBiblioteca de plantillas C++ de Windows en tiempo de ejecución (A library that provides infrastructure for the Windows Runtime; it can also be used to create a language projection to build Windows Runtime components in C++ and for app building)
Windows Runtime componentcomponente de Windows en tiempo de ejecución (A reusable software component that can be used in multiple applications, regardless of the programming languages in which the applications are written)
Windows ScanEscáner de Windows (The app that enables users to scan photos or documents using a connected scanner and save the images to a folder)
Windows Script Component filearchivo Windows Script Component (XML files that are much like HTML files, but contain special elements that define the script component and its behavior)
Windows Sensor and Location platformplataforma Sensor y ubicación de Windows (A Windows platform that provides a standard way for device manufacturers to expose sensor devices to software developers and consumers, while providing developers with a standardized application programming interface (API) for working with sensors and sensor data. Examples of sensors include ambient light sensors, location sensors, motion detection sensors, etc)
Windows Server BackupCopias de seguridad de Windows Server (A feature of the Windows Server® 2008 operating system that provides a basic backup and recovery solution for the server that it is installed on)
Windows Server Migration ToolsHerramientas de migración de Windows Server (A feature that includes five Windows PowerShell cmdlets for migrating some roles and features from servers that are running Windows Server 2003 or 2008 to servers that are running either Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 8)
Windows serviceservicio de Windows (A service designed for consumers that runs on Windows or in a web browser)
Windows ServicingServicio de actualización de Windows (A feature of Windows that provides servicing for Windows for the installation of update packages and other maintenance packages)
Windows Setupinstalación de Windows (The program that installs or upgrades the Windows operating system)
Windows Setupprograma de instalación de Windows (The program that installs or upgrades the Windows operating system)
Windows 8 Single LanguageWindows 8 Edición de un Solo Idioma (An edition of Windows 8 designed to make Windows affordable to mainstream consumers in emerging markets)
Windows socketsWindows Sockets (An application programming interface (API) standard for software that provides a TCP/IP interface under Windows)
Windows Software Development KitKit de desarrollo de software de Windows (The SDK for developing on Windows. Developers can confidently select and install this SDK for all Windows apps (both Window Store apps and desktop apps). The SDK is integrated with Visual Studio and also available as a separate download)
Windows Software Development Kit for Windows Store AppsKit de desarrollo de software para aplicaciones de la Tienda Windows (An SDK that contains everything for a developer to create an app for the Windows Store. It is a subset of the complete Windows SDK. This allows developers to stick with APIs that are safe for applications that would appear in the Store and are focused towards core app scenarios)
Windows 7 software logologotipo del software para Windows 7 (Logo assigned to the software products that have passed Microsoft designed tests for compatibility and reliability on Windows 7)
Windows Sound RecorderGrabadora de sonidos de Windows (The app that facilitates recording voice from a microphone, as well as saving, editing, playing and sharing recorded audio clips)
Windows StoreTienda Windows (The online store where users can learn about and download apps for Windows)
Windows Store appaplicación de la Tienda Windows (An app that runs on the new Windows platform and meets the criteria for onboarding to the Windows Store)
Windows Store app built for Windows using C++ oraplicación de la Tienda Windows desarrollada para Windows con C++ o C (A Windows Store app written in C++ or C that uses standard Windows UI controls, has access to the Windows Runtime APIs, and can participate in the extensibility offered to Windows Store apps)
Windows Store app built for Windows using JavaScriptaplicación de la Tienda Windows desarrollada para Windows con JavaScript (A Windows Store app that uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, can use the standard Windows UI controls, has access to the Windows Runtime APIs, and can leverage the extensibility offered to Windows Store apps. These apps use CSS for their visual styling with Windows UI controls to create a native look and feel)
Windows Store app developmentdesarrollo de aplicaciones de la Tienda Windows (The process of developing Windows Store apps)
Windows Store app referencereferencia para aplicaciones de la Tienda Windows (The section, or Table of Contents node, of Windows Developer docs that contains all of the reference docs for Windows Store app development)
Windows Store dashboardpanel de la Tienda Windows (The service run by the Windows Store team that supports the end-to-end process for registering Windows Store developers and onboarding apps into the Windows Store catalog)
Windows Store developer accountcuenta de desarrollador para la Tienda Windows (An account that is required to submit an app in the Windows Store)
Windows Store device appaplicación para dispositivo de la Tienda Windows (An app that's downloaded from the Windows Store and installed automatically to the PC when a user attaches a certified device to the PC, provided that the device manufacturer has submitted the app to the Windows Store)
Windows System Assessment ToolHerramienta de evaluación del sistema de Windows (A tool that provides performance metrics and other information necessary for Windows and applications to make scaling decisions. It measures the performance attributes of: system memory, the storage sub-system, the CPU (or CPUs), and the graphics sub-system)
Windows System Image BackupCopia de seguridad de imágenes del sistema de Windows (A tool in Windows Vista that backs up the system image)
Windows System Image ManagerAdministrador de imágenes de sistema (A utility for creating and modifying answer files and configuration sets)
Windows System Resource ManagerAdministrador de recursos del sistema de Windows (A feature of Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003, Enterprise Edition and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition. With Windows System Resource Manager, administrators can control and account for the how CPU and memory resources allocated to applications, services, and processes)
Windows Tablet and Touch TechnologyTecnología táctil y Tablet PC de Windows (Human interface technology that enables alternate ways to browse documents and programs using a digital pen or your fingertip in addition to the possibility of using a keyboard or other interface devices)
Windows TroubleshootingSolución de problemas de Windows (The overall set of troubleshooting technologies that includes a troubleshooting platform (Windows Troubleshooting Platform), a set of Web services, a toolkit (Windows Troubleshooting Toolkit), and an SDK to encourage third parties and OEMs to develop troubleshooting capabilities)
Windows Troubleshooting PackPaquete de solución de problemas de Windows (A type of pack that is developed for the Windows Solution Center (using the Windows Troubleshooting Pack Designer) to perform data collection and analysis to provide users and IT professionals with only those solutions that apply to their PC at the time of viewing)
Windows Troubleshooting PlatformPlataforma de solución de problemas de Windows (The engine that executes the Windows Troubleshooting Packs across the operating system)
Windows UI controlcontrol de interfaz de usuario de Windows (A UI control available through WinUI that allow an app take on the look and feel of Windows. Regardless of the developer's choice to use HTML/JS or C++/C, the developer can create an application that carries the new Windows experience. This includes controls enabling the display, entry and manipulation of data and content including View Controls, Text Controls, Pattern Controls, Overlay Controls, Media (Video & Audio) Controls, Content Controls, Collection Controls, and Basic Controls. These controls are available for Windows Store apps)
Windows Ultimate ExtrasExtras para Windows Ultimate (Programs, services, and tips and tricks for using Windows Vista Ultimate Edition. Users can select the programs and services that they want from a menu)
Windows Update for Windows MobileWindows Update para Windows Mobile (An application that performs the functions of Windows Update for Windows Mobile devices. WMDU enables the user to help keep their device protected and up to date by receiving important firmware updates automatically. The user can also check for important and optional updates manually. WMDU has 2 components: an on-device client and an OMA proxy server that mediates between Microsoft Update service and a Windows Mobile device)
Windows Update websitesitio web de Windows Update (A Microsoft Web site maintained by the Windows product group for the purpose of providing updates for core Windows components)
Windows 8 Upgrade AssistantAsistente para actualización a Windows 8 (A downloadable app that helps users choose which edition of Windows 8 is right for them, determine if their hardware can support it, determine the compatibility of apps and devices and assist with any changes that are needed, and then purchase and install it from within the app)
Windows user accountcuenta de usuario de Windows (All the information that defines a user to the operating system, including the user name and any required password, membership in groups, and the rights and permissions that are associated with the user)
Windows user namenombre de usuario de Windows (A unique name that identifies a user account to Windows. An account's user name must be unique among the other group names and user names within its own domain or workgroup)
Windows User State Migration ToolHerramienta de migración de estado de usuario de Windows (The tool designed to help IT professionals migrate files and settings to the next version of the Windows® operating system)
Windows vaultalmacén de credenciales de Windows (A type of vault that contains credentials for servers, Web sites, and programs that Windows can try to log you on to automatically)
Windows Vista Upgrade AdvisorAsesor de actualizaciones de Windows Vista (A downloadable Web application that helps Windows users identify which edition of Windows meets their needs, whether their PCs are ready for an upgrade to the next Windows version, and which features of the suggested Windows version will be able to run on their PCs)
Windows Web Services APIAPI de Servicios web de Windows (A native-code implementation of SOAP that provides a foundation for building Web services for internal Microsoft customers such as components of Windows and parts of Office)
Windows WelcomeBienvenida de Windows (A feature of Microsoft Windows that configures the machine and customizes user accounts to ensure a functioning and engaging first boot experience)
Windows Workflow Foundation activityactividad Windows Workflow Foundation (A unit of program behavior in Windows Workflow Foundation. Single activities can be composed together into more complex activities)
Windows XP Validation AdvisorAsesor de validación de Windows XP (A program that determines whether the Windows product key installed on a computer matches the original Windows product key that was purchased and provides customized recommendations for resolution when an installation of Windows has failed validation)