
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Ways | all forms
accounts payable three-way invoice matchingconciliación triple de facturas de proveedores (A practice of matching vendor invoice prices and product quantities to purchase orders and product receipts)
one-way bankingbanca en línea unidireccional (A method of online banking by which you can log on to your bank's Web site from within Office Accounting and download bank files to your computer. After you download your bank files, you can import them into Office Accounting)
one way to source bindingenlace unidireccional al origen (A type of data binding where changes made to the target automatically update the source, while changes to the source don't update the target. Data binding is always set on the target object)
one-way trustconfianza unidireccional (A trust relationship between two domains in which only one of the two domains trusts the other domain. For example, domain A trusts domain B, and domain B does not trust domain A. One-way trusts are often used to enable authenticated access to resource domains)
three-way matching policydirectiva de triple conciliación (A matching policy that requires one or more vendor invoice prices to match with one or more purchase order prices and that requires one or more vendor invoice quantities to match with one or more product receipt quantities)
two-way bankingbanca en línea bidireccional (A method of online banking by which you can pay bills and transfer funds from within Office Accounting. You can also download bank files directly into Office Accounting)
two-way bindingenlace bidireccional (A type of data binding where changes made to the target automatically update the source, and changes to the source automatically update the target. Data binding is always set on the target object)
two-way matching policydirectiva de doble conciliación (A matching policy that requires one or more vendor invoice prices to match with one or more purchase order prices)
two-way trustconfianza bidireccional (A trust relationship between two domains in which both domains trust each other. For example, domain A trusts domain B, and domain B trusts domain A. All parent-child trusts are two-way)
two-way trust relationshiprelación de confianza bidireccional (A trust relationship between two domains in which both domains trust each other. For example, domain A trusts domain B, and domain B trusts domain A. All parent-child trusts are two-way)
2-way pagingradiomensajería bidireccional (A system that allows users to send and receive messages when they are out of range)