
Terms containing Vendor | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSactive vendorproveedor activo (A vendor with whom business is being conducted on a regular basis)
comp., MSapproved vendorproveedor aprobado (A vendor that is authorized to supply products to one or more legal entities)
lawbreak up of the economic unity of the vendorfragmentación de la unidad económica del vendedor
commun., ITdeveloper and vendor of applicationsproveedor de aplicaciones
comp., MSdisallowed vendorproveedor no permitido (A vendor that is not authorized to supply products to one or more legal entities)
comp., MSindependent hardware vendorfabricante de hardware independiente (A company that manufactures hardware devices and the associated device drivers)
ITindependent software vendorvendedor independiente de equipo lógico
comp., MSindependent software vendorfabricante de software independiente (A third-party software developer; an individual or an organization that independently creates computer software)
comp., MSintercompany vendorproveedor de empresas vinculadas (A legal entity that assumes the role of a vendor that is authorized to supply products to one or more legal entities that are part of the same organization that consolidates the accounts of all of the legal entities)
comp., MSintercompany vendor invoicefactura de proveedor de empresas vinculadas (A vendor invoice that documents a vendor payment request from one legal entity to another legal entity that is part of the same organization that consolidates the accounts of both legal entities)
fin.itinerant street vendorvendedor ambulante
commun.multi-vendor systemsistema de procedencia diversa
social.sc., commun.News Vendors' Pension FundCaja de Jubilación de Vendedores de Periódicos
ITopen, multisite and multi-vendor systemsistema abierto, con sedes múltiples y con multiplicidad de puntos de venta
UN, econ.prospective vendorposible contratista
comp., MSprospective vendorproveedor potencial (A vendor whose abilities or capabilities to supply products to one or more legal entities are under review before being granted an approved vendor status)
polit.street vendorvendedor ambulante
transp.system vendorproveedor de sistemas
transp.system vendorvendedor de sistemas
IT, transp., avia.system vendorvendedor del sistema
transp.ticket vendorproveedor de billetes
comp., MSunsolicited vendorproveedor no solicitado (A vendor that applies to supply products to one or more legal entities without responding to a formal or informal request)
comp., MS1099 vendorproveedor con pago declarado en formulario 1099 (A vendor for whom an organization must report payment for goods and services on an IRS Form 1099-MISC)
comp., MSvendor analysis reportinforme de análisis del proveedor (A document that displays vendor invoice amounts summarized by one or more dimensions. A vendor analysis report is used to monitor and control expenditures assigned to parties, products, locations, activities, or one or more of their classifiers)
tech., mater.sc.vendor appraisalvaloración previa de proveedores
comp., MSvendor billfactura de proveedor (A request for payment from a vendor for products and services sold to a company)
comp., MSvendor catalogcatálogo de proveedores (A listing of product offerings that are available for purchase from a vendor)
fin., tax.vendor control systemsistema de control llamado "vendor"
comp., MSvendor credit memonota de crédito de proveedor (A document that states an amount a vendor owes your company for a return or refund)
transp., mater.sc.vendor end itemproducto final del proveedor
comp., MSVendor Evaluation and ConsolidationEvaluación y consolidación de los proveedores (A template that addresses the general activities that make up the vendor evaluation and consolidation process)
comp., MSvendor groupgrupo de proveedores (A set of vendors associated with each other because they fit into some common group with respect to the business)
econ., tech.vendor inspectioninspección del suministrador
econ., tech.vendor inspectioninspección del proveedor
comp., MSvendor invoicefactura de proveedor (A source document that documents a vendor payment request. A vendor invoice can refer to one or more purchase orders. When the vendor invoice is authorized, a payment can be made to the vendor)
gen.vendor invoiceorden de compra
gen.vendor invoicerecibo del vendedor
gen.vendor master dataficha de referencia del vendedor
fin.vendor of an optionrecibidor de la prima
fin.vendor of an optioncedente de opción
fin.vendor of an optionvendedor de opción
commun.vendor or implementation independentindependiente del fabricante o de la realización
fin.vendor placingcolocación directa
comp., MSvendor prepaymentanticipo del proveedor (A payment made to a vendor before any items are received or services are performed)
comp., MSvendor price tolerance groupgrupo de proveedores para tolerancia de precios (A group that can be assigned to vendors and that controls the allowable price variance percentage for invoice matching)
econ., tech.vendor ratingcalificación de suministradores
econ., tech.vendor ratingcalificación de proveedores
fin.vendor's shareacción emitida como contrapartida de aportaciones que no sean en metálico
fin.vendor's shareacción de industria
fin.vendor's shareacción de aportes
econ.vendor's sharesacciones de aportación
econ.vendor's sharesacciones de fundador