
Terms containing Supervisor | all forms | exact matches only
commun.active supervisorsupervisor activo
gen.area supervisorsupervisor de zona
ITAssistant SupervisorSupervisor Adjunto
commun.backup supervisorsupervisor de reserva
IMF.bank supervisorsautoridades de supervisión bancaria
fin.banking supervisorsupervisor bancario
fin.Basle Supervisor's CommitteeComité Cooke
fin.Basle Supervisor's CommitteeComité de Supervisión Bancaria de Basilea
fin.Basle Supervisor's CommitteeComité sobre Regulación Bancaria y Prácticas de Supervisión
bank.Board of Supervisors of the EBAJunta de Supervisores
bank.Board of Supervisors of the European Banking AuthorityJunta de Supervisores
gen.circuit supervisorsupervisor de circuito
pack.closure supervisorsupervisor de cierres
bank.Committee of European Banking SupervisorsComité de Supervisores Bancarios Europeos
fin.Committee of European Banking SupervisorsComité de supervisores bancarios europeos
fin., insur.Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions SupervisorsComité Europeo de Supervisores de Seguros y de Pensiones de Jubilación
fin.consolidating supervisorsupervisor consolidado
fin.consolidating supervisorautoridad responsable de la supervisión consolidada
IT, transp.contents supervisorsupervisor de contenido de programas
ed.doctoral thesis supervisordirector de tesis
bank.EBA Board of SupervisorsJunta de Supervisores
econ.European Data Protection SupervisorSupervisor Europeo de Protección de Datos
IMF.European System of Financial SupervisorsSistema Europeo de Supervisores Financieros
coal.first-line supervisorcapataz
IMF.home country supervisorsupervisor de origen
IMF.home supervisorsupervisor de origen
IMF.host country supervisorsupervisor anfitrión
IMF.host supervisorsupervisor anfitrión
insur., account.International Association of Insurance SupervisorsAsociación Internacional de Inspectores de Seguros
IMF.International Association of Insurance SupervisorsAsociación Internacional de Supervisores de Seguros
gen.is he a fair supervisor?¿es un supervisor justo?
gen.is she a fair supervisor?¿es una supervisora justa?
coal.line supervisorsmandos directos
forestr.logging supervisorcapataz de la explotación
commun., el.network supervisorsupervisor
commun., el.network supervisorsupervisor de la red
commun., ITnumber of supervisor positionsnúmero de posiciones de supervisiones
health.nursing supervisorsupervisor de enfermería
health.nursing supervisorjefe de enfermería
commun.operating supervisorsupervisor activo
econ., stat., transp.operations supervisorinspector de circulación
gen.platoon supervisorsupervisor de brigada
law, industr.project supervisordirector de la obra
construct.project supervisordirector de obra
construct.responsible project supervisordirector de las obras
gen.Shift Supervisorjefe de turno
gen.site supervisorsupervisor del sitio de voladura
radiosound supervisorsupervisor de sonidos
commun.standby supervisorsupervisor de reserva
el.supervisor licencelicencia de supervisor
comp., MSsupervisor modemodo supervisor (A highly privileged mode of operation where program code has direct access to all memory, including the address spaces of all user-mode processes and applications, and to hardware)
comp., MSsupervisor modemodo supervisor (A highly privileged mode of operation where program code has direct access to all memory, including the address spaces of all user-mode processes and applications, and to hardware)
ed.supervisor of a Ph.D.studentdirector de tesis
tech.supervisor of flightsupervisor de vuelo
commun., ITsupervisor positionposición de la supervisora
transp.supervisor queue areazona de cola del supervisor
ITsupervisor statemodo supervisor
gov.workshop supervisorcontramaestre
gen.Workshop SupervisorContramaestre