
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Structured | all forms | exact matches only
interactive structured query languagelenguaje ISQL (An interactive command prompt utility provided with SQL Server that lets users run Transact-SQL statements or batches from a server or workstation and view the results that are returned)
interactive structured query languagelenguaje de consulta estructurado interactivo (An interactive command prompt utility provided with SQL Server that lets users run Transact-SQL statements or batches from a server or workstation and view the results that are returned)
structured parallelismparalelismo estructurado (In the Concurrency Runtime, parallel code that is scheduled and finished in the lexical scope from which it starts. Under the structured parallelism model, a task does not finish until its child tasks finish)
Structured Query LanguageLenguaje de consulta estructurado (A database query and programming language widely used for accessing, querying, updating, and managing data in relational database systems)
structured referencereferencia estructurada (A reference to a table or subset of a table by the table name and column specifier instead of cell coordinates)
Structured ReferencesReferencias estructuradas (A formula syntax that allows the user to refer to list and pivot data in a friendlier way)