
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Set | all forms | exact matches only
account setgrupo de cuentas (A named group of ledger accounts)
ANSI character setjuego de caracteres ANSI (An 8-bit character set used by Microsoft Windows that allows you to represent up to 256 characters (0 through 255) by using your keyboard. The ASCII character set is a subset of the ANSI set)
ASCII character setjuego de caracteres ASCII (A standard 7-bit code for representing ASCII characters using binary values; code values range from 0 to 127. Most PC-based systems use an 8-bit extended ASCII code, with an extra 128 characters used to represent special symbols, foreign-language characters, and graphic symbols)
association setconjunto de asociaciones (A logical container for instances of associations of the same type)
authentication setconjunto de autenticación (In IPsec, a collection of authentication methods that the client proposes during negotiation with the remote host)
availability setconjunto de disponibilidad (A group of virtual machines that are set up so that its members are guaranteed to be highly available. An availability set combines the operations of fault domains and update domains to help guard against hardware failures and host operating system updates, both of which cause virtual machine outages)
backup setconjunto de copia de seguridad (A collection of files, folders, and other data that have been backed up and stored in a file or on one or more tapes)
banding settingconfiguración de banda (A setting that defines thresholds, or boundaries between changes in indicator status)
bleed settingconfiguración de impresión a sangre (A setting that determines how much of an object can print beyond the edges of a label, sticker, or page)
catalog setgrupo de catálogos (A group of one or more catalogs)
Catalog Sets modulemódulo Conjuntos de catálogos (The Commerce Server Business Desk module used to create and manage catalog sets)
character setjuego de caracteres (A grouping of alphabetic, numeric, and other characters that have some relationship in common. For example, the standard ASCII character set includes letters, numbers, symbols, and control codes that make up the ASCII coding scheme)
chip setconjunto de chips (A collection of chips designed to function as a unit in the performance of some common task. The term is most commonly used to refer to the set of integrated circuits, such as the programmable interrupt controller, that support a CPU together with the CPU itself. Often a chip set will fit on one chip)
cofunctional mode setconjunto de modos cofuncional (The set of modes that are available for a particular source or target, given the constraints (for example, topology, modes pinned on other sources and targets) of a VidPN)
collection setconjunto de recopilación (A group of collection items with which a user can interact through the user interface)
column setconjunto de columnas (An untyped XML representation that combines all the sparse columns of a table into a structured output)
config setconjunto de configuración (A file and folder structure that contains the necessary files and/or configuration settings that control the preinstallation process and define the manufacturers' custom information)
configuration setconjunto de configuración (A set of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) instances that share and replicate their configuration and schema partitions and that can also be configured to share and replicate application directory partitions)
copy setconjunto de copias (A duplicate of the media master that Remote Storage copies to a different tape or disk. Copy sets are typically used for backup purposes)
correlation setconjunto de correlaciones (An instance of a correlation type; that is, the listed properties for a message that are used to determine whether it belongs to a given instance of an orchestration)
counter setconjunto de contadores (A set of system performance counters that are useful to monitor during a load test. Counter sets are organized by technology, for example, ASP.NET or SQL counter sets)
counter set mapasignación del conjunto de contadores (An association between a counter set and a computer used during a load test. For example, a Web server might have ASP.NET, IIS, and .NET application counter set mappings)
crypto setconjunto criptográfico (A specific group of cryptography settings)
cryptographic setconjunto criptográfico (A specific group of cryptography settings)
Data Collector SetConjunto de recopiladores de datos (A computer management tool used to group data collectors into sets that run on the same schedule)
data collector setconjunto de recopiladores de datos (A group of data collectors stored as a single object)
data setconjunto de datos (A collection of related information made up of separate elements that can be treated as a unit in data handling)
default result setconjunto de resultados predeterminado (The default mode that SQL Server uses to return a result set back to a client)
design setconjunto de diseños (A collection of publications that share a consistent color scheme, font scheme, and design)
destination setconjunto de destino (A set into which a resource moves because of a request that changes that resource's attributes)
dimension setgrupo de dimensiones (A named group of accounts or dimensions that contains either account values for the account or dimension values for a single dimension)
display settingconfiguración de pantalla (The number of colors that your computer display software supports)
document setconjunto de documentos (A special type of folder that enables users to manage a deliverable or work product spanning multiple documents as a single entity)
double byte character setjuego de caracteres de doble byte (A character set that can use more than one byte to represent a single character. A DBCS includes some characters that consist of 1 byte and some characters that consist of 2 bytes. Languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean use DBCS)
double-byte character setjuego de caracteres de doble byte (A character set that can use more than one byte to represent a single character. A DBCS includes some characters that consist of 1 byte and some characters that consist of 2 bytes. Languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean use DBCS)
encryption settingconfiguración de cifrado (A configuration element that specifies a type of encryption, such as 128-, 56-, or 40-bit encryption)
entity setconjunto de entidades (A logical container for entities of a given type and its subtypes mapped to tables in a database)
File Set DescriptorDescriptor de conjunto de archivos (A part of the Universal Disc Format (UDF) file system)
flicks setconjunto de gestos de lápiz (A collection of gestures you can make with a tablet pen to quickly navigate and perform shortcuts)
highlighter settingConfiguración del marcador de resaltado (A setting that you can use to change the appearance of highlighter ink)
HTML form set directorydirectorio de conjuntos de plantillas HTML (The directory in which customized HTML forms are located. HTML forms can be used to authenticate users when publishing Web-based Exchange servers)
input setconjunto de entrada (The set of data provided to a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) value expression upon which the expression operates)
license setconjunto de licencias (A collection of Groove licenses assigned to management of a domain group or member)
master design setconjunto de diseño principal (A design set that includes a broad collection of common business publications)
media setconjunto de medios (An ordered collection of backup media written to by one or more backup operations using a constant number of backup devices)
member setconjunto de miembros (A collection of members from a dimension)
mirrored media setconjunto de medios reflejado (A media set that contains two to four identical copies (mirrors) of each media family. Restore operations require only one mirror per family, allowing a damaged media volume to be replaced by the corresponding volume from a mirror)
multibyte character setjuego de caracteres multibyte (A mixed-width character set, in which some characters consist of more than 1 byte. An MBCS is used in languages such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, where the 256 possible values of a single-byte character set are not sufficient to represent all possible characters)
multiple active result set A SQL Server 2005 feature that provides the ability to have more than one pending request per connection, in particular to have more than one default result set open per connection. SQL Server 2000 and earlier restricted the programming model such that at any point in time there would be at most one pending request on a given session, blocking the driver from sending requests to the server until the entire result set is consumedconjunto de resultados activo múltiple (MARS)
named setconjunto con nombre (A grouping of dimension members or items from a data source that are named and treated as a single unit and can be referenced or reused multiple times)
network service set identifieridentificador de red SSID (A unique set of letters or numbers that identifies a wireless network. For a computer or device to connect to a wireless network, it must supply that network's SSID. An SSID can be up to 32 characters)
option setconjunto de opciones (A type of field that contains a set of options)
ordered setconjunto ordenado (A set of members returned in a specific order)
origin setconjunto de origen (A set in which a resource belonged prior to a change in that resource's attributes)
property setconjunto de propiedades (A list of properties)
redo setconjunto de puestas al día (The set of all files and pages being restored)
replica setconjunto de réplicas (One or more shared folders that participates in replication)
replica set topologytopología de conjunto de réplicas (The order in which changes are propagated from replica to replica. Topology determines how quickly changes in another replica appear in your replica)
resiliency settingconfiguración de resistencia (A setting indicating the resiliency of data on a virtual disk or storage space)
resource current setconjunto actual de recursos (The collection of target resources at the time the request is received. Applies to "read", "delete" and "modify" operation types)
resource final setconjunto final de recursos (The collection of target resources after the request has been processed. Applies to "create" and "modify" operation types only)
result setconjunto de resultados (The set of records that results from running a query or applying a filter)
RODC filtered attribute setconjunto de atributos con filtro RODC (A dynamically configured set of attributes that are not replicated to a read-only domain controller (RODC). This prevents those attribute values from being revealed if an RODC is compromised)
roll forward setconjunto de puestas al día (The set of all data restored by a restore sequence. A roll forward set is defined by restoring a series of one or more data backups)
rule setconjunto de reglas (A container for grouping logically-related rules)
service set identifieridentificador de red SSID (A unique set of letters or numbers that identifies a wireless network. For a computer or device to connect to a wireless network, it must supply that network's SSID. An SSID can be up to 32 characters)
set-by-caller callbackdevolución de llamada establecida por quien llama (In Network Connections, a form of callback in which the user supplies the telephone number that the remote access server uses for callback. This setting spares the user any long-distance telephone charges)
set differencediferencia de conjuntos (The collection of elements in one set that do not appear in the other set)
Set due dateEstablecer fecha de vencimiento (An option that allows the user to set the date by which a To Do needs to be completed)
set intersectionintersección de conjuntos (The collection of elements in a first set that also appear in a second set)
Set Note...Crear nota... (The item on the user's My Status menu that enables the user to type a note that will appear as part of his status)
set-top box A device that converts a cable TV signal to an input signal to the TV set. Set-top boxes can be used to access the World Wide Web and are a type of information appliancedecodificador (set-top box)
set unionunión de conjuntos (In set theory, the smallest combination of two sets that contains all elements of both sets)
set upconfigurar (To prepare a computer, a software program or application to operate)
single-byte character setjuego de caracteres de byte único (A character encoding in which each character is represented by 1 byte. Single byte character sets are mathematically limited to 256 characters)
skill setconjunto de aptitudes (A group of related skills)
striped media setconjunto de medios distribuido (A media set that uses multiple devices, among which each backup is distributed)
stylistic setconjunto de estilos (A stylistic variation on a font that provides an alternative to its default appearance)
tab setconjunto de pestañas (In Internet Explorer, a set of tabs you can store in your Favorites or as Home Page to reopen all tabs in the set in one go)
tape setconjunto de cintas (An ordered collection of backup tapes written to by one or more backup operations using a constant number of backup devices)
template setconjunto de plantillas (In ASP.NET mobile controls: A collection of templates associated with a templated control)
training data setconjunto de datos de aprendizaje (A set of known and predictable data used to train a data mining model)
volume setconjunto de volúmenes (A volume that consists of disk space on one or more physical disks. A volume set is created by using basic disks and is supported only in WindowsNT4.0 or earlier. Volume sets were replaced by spanned volumes, which use dynamic disks)
Web Parts control setconjunto de controles de elementos web (The integrated set of ASP.NET software components that provide personalization, structural components such as zones and the WebPartManager control, Web Parts UI controls, and other components for building Web Parts controls and applications)
working setespacio de trabajo (The set of pages in the virtual address space of the process that are currently resident in physical memory)