
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Second | all forms | exact matches only
frames per secondfotogramas por segundo (The number of video frames displayed per second. Higher frame rates generally produce smoother movement in the picture)
kilobits per secondkilobits por segundo (Data transfer speed, as through a modem or on a network, measured in multiples of 1,024 bits per second)
kilobytes per secondkilobytes por segundo (Data transfer speed, as on a network, measured in multiples of 1,024 bytes per second)
millions of instructions per secondmillones de instrucciones por segundo (A common measure of processor speed)
second element costcoste de elementos adicionales (The capital expenditure on an asset that is incurred after an organization starts to hold it, such as cost of improving the assets in the pool)
second-level domaindominio de segundo nivel (A domain name that is rooted hierarchically at the second tier of the domain namespace directly beneath the top-level domain name such as .com and .org. When DNS is used on the Internet, second-level domains are names such as microsoft.com that are registered and delegated to individual organizations and businesses according to their top-level classification. The organization then assumes further responsibility for parenting management and growth of its name into additional subdomains)
Second screenSegunda pantalla (The UI label that indicates a screen or monitor that is attached to a PC and that content can be projected on to)