
Terms containing Profiling | all forms | exact matches only
coal.accurate roadway profilingtrazado preciso del perfil de las galerías
antenn., opt.alpha profileperfil de índice según Ia ley potencial
IMF.amortization profileestructura de los pagos de amortización
IMF.amortization profileperfil de la amortización
comp., MSapplication profileperfil de aplicación (A Virtual Machine Manager library resource that contains instructions for installing Microsoft Server App-V, the Web Deploy tool, and Microsoft SQL Server data-tier applications and for running scripts when you deploy a virtual machine as part of a service)
comp., MSaudio conferencing profileperfil de audioconferencia (Audio settings for a user that are associated with a telephone conferencing provider or with an audio-video conferencing server)
tech.balanced profileperfil compensado
UN, ecol.base-line country profileperfil del país que sirva de referencia
UN, geol.bathymetric profileperfiles batimétricos
meteorol.bed profileperfil del lecho
met.bevel profiling machinemáquina de oxicorte universal con dispositivo de achaflanar
nat.sc., agric.box-type profileperfil en forma de caja
meteorol.buoyancy profileperfil de flotabilidad
meteorol.buoyancy profileperfil de empuje hidrostático
comp., MSBusiness Network profilePerfil de Red organizativa (An entity that represents a person in the Business Network, to which person-type entities in CRM can be linked)
tech.cam profileperfil de la leva
comp., MScapability profileperfil de capacidad (A Virtual Machine Manager library resource that defines which resources (for example, number of processors or maximum memory) are available to a virtual machine that is created in a private cloud)
polit.career profile Monograph concerning a specific profession and giving information on training possibilities, examination requirements, etcdescripción de carrera (Monografìa relativa a una profesión dada, que contiene informaciones acerca de las posibilidades de formación, de los exámenes necesarios, etcétera)
earth.sc., mech.eng.catalogue of profilescatálogo de perfiles
gen.chemical profilingperfil químico
comp., MScholesterol profileperfil de colesterol (A pattern of lipids in the blood. It usually includes the levels of total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, triglycerides, and the calculated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) 'cholesterol)
UN, clim.Climate profileperfil climático
comp., MScolor profileperfil de color (A profile that contains the data needed for translating the values of a color gamut. This data includes information about color, hue, saturation, and brightness)
corp.gov.country profilereseña del programa del país
corp.gov.country profileperfil del país
UN, AIDS.country profilesperfiles de país
org.name.Country Profiles and Mapping Information SystemSistema para perfiles e información cartográfica por países
ITcustomer profilingrealización de un perfil de cliente
IMF.debt profileperfil de la deuda
org.name.Developing Country Biotechnology ProfilesBiotecnologías en los Países en Desarrollo
org.name.Developing Country Biotechnology ProfilesSistema para perfiles sobre biotecnologías en los países en desarrollo
pwr.lines.diagonal leg profileperfil diagonal entre patas
med.dissolution time profilecurva de disolución en función del tiempo
scub.dive profileel perfil de la inmersión
el.doping profileperfil de dopado
industr., construct., chem.draw bar profileperfil superior del distribuidor
tech., R&D.drug profilingelaboración del perfil de una droga
tech., R&D.drug profilingdescripción del perfil de una droga
piez.edge profilebisel
dialys.electrolyte profileperfil electrolítico
radioelectron density profileperfil de ionización
radioelectron density profileperfil de densidad electrónica
comp., MSE-mail Router configuration profileperfil de configuración de E-mail Router (A profile that contains the information, such as the e-mail server name and type, that the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system needs to establish a functional E-mail Router)
comp., MSemergency profileperfil de emergencia (An emergency profile contains key medical information that others can view when providing emergency treatment to you or a family member)
transp.end profileperfil de extremo
UN, ecol.environmental profileperfil del medio ambiente
UN, ecol.environmental profileperfil ambiental
geol.equilibrium profileperfil de equilibrio
geol.equilibrium profilependiente de equilibrio
antenn., opt.equivalent step index profileperfil ESI
antenn., opt.equivalent step index profileperfil de salto de índice equivalente
construct., crim.law.European Drugs Profiling Systemsistema europeo de descripción del perfil de las drogas
comp., MSexplicit profilingcreación de perfil explícito (An information collecting process in which customers visiting a Web site supply profile data about themselves)
industr., construct.external profile of the lastcontorno externo de la horma
earth.sc., mech.eng.family of profilesfamilia de perfiles
org.name.FAO Country Profiles and Mapping Information SystemSistema de la FAO para perfiles e información cartográfica por países
nat.sc.fatty acid profilingperfil de ácidos grasos
meteorol.first guess profilesperfiles de primera aproximación
gen.foil punching and profiling deviceútil troquelador y perfilador de láminas
market.franchisee's profileperfil del franquiciado
market.franchisee's profilecaracterísticas básicas del franquiciado
lawfranchisee's psychological profileperfil psicológico del franquiciado
gen.generic job profileperfil de puesto genérico
gen.generic job profileperfil genérico del puesto
tech.grade profile chartcómputo de calificaciones
antenn., opt.graded index profileperfil de índice gradual
tech.ground profileperfil del terreno
work.fl.group profileperfil estándar
work.fl.group profileperfil de grupo
comp., MSguest operating system profileperfil del sistema operativo invitado (A library resource containing the most common settings from a Sysprep.inf file, including the computer name and domain or workgroup settings, which can be applied to a virtual machine template)
comp., MSHardcopy Cable Replacement ProfilePerfil de impresión sin cables (A profile that allows the user to print documents wirelessly to a Bluetooth-enabled printer, including a printer located in another room)
comp., MShardware profileperfil de hardware (A library resource containing hardware specifications that can be applied to a new virtual machine or a virtual machine template. A hardware profile can contain specifications for CPU, memory, network adapters, a DVD drive, afloppy drive, COM ports, and the priority given the virtual machine when allocating resources on a virtual machine host)
gen.high profile operationoperación de gran visibilidad
gen.high profile operationoperación con gran cobertura mediática
gen.high profile operationoperación de gran relieve
meteorol.High Profile Training Eventevento de formación de alto perfil
comp., MShost profileperfil de host (A Virtual Machine Manager library resource that contains hardware and operating system configuration settings to convert a bare-metal computer to a managed Hyper-V host)
meteorol.ice profileperfil del hielo
gen."illustrative profiles"perfiles ilustrativos
comp., MSimplicit profilingcreación de perfil implícito (An information collection process in which the actions and behaviors of a user visiting a Web site are recorded as the user moves around in and interacts with the Web site)
industr., construct.inside profile of the lastcontorno interno de la horma
radioionization profileperfil de ionización
radioionization profileperfil de densidad electrónica
gen.job profileperfil del puesto
comp., MSLanguage Profile ServiceServicio de perfil de idiomas (A Windows service that automatically manages user language preferences. Localized apps can inherit these settings, saving developers time and effort by making it unnecessary for applications to manage user language preferences on their own)
rem.sens.laser beam profilingperfiles a rayos laser
comp., MSlipid profileperfil de lípidos (A pattern of lipids in the blood. It usually includes the levels of total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, triglycerides, and the calculated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) 'cholesterol)
comp., MSload profileperfil de carga (The simulated workload for a load or stress test. The load profile can be constant or increased dynamically through stepping)
comp., MSlocation profileperfil de ubicación (A method of converting phone numbers that can be dialed from a named location to a single standard format for purposes of routing both incoming and outgoing calls. Location profiles specify valid number strings and normalization rules and are maintained on the server)
comp., MSlocked user profileperfil de usuario bloqueado (A user account whose user profile settings return to a state defined by Windows SteadyState every time a user logs on to the account; no matter where the user profile settings are physically located)
el.low-profile devicedispositivo de perfil rebajado
tech.low profile outboard endextremo exterior fuera de borda más estrecho
earth.sc., mech.eng.lowering profileperfil de descenso
life.sc.Marine Science Country ProfilesPerfiles Nacionales en las Ciencias del Mar
IMF.maturity profileestructura de los reembolsos
IMF.maturity profileperfil de vencimientos
IMF.maturity profileestructura de vencimientos (Guía de la deuda, 1993)
IMF.maturity profileperfil de reembolsos
IMF.maturity profilecalendario de vencimientos (Guía de la deuda, 1993)
IMF.maturity profiledesglose por vencimientos (Guía de la deuda, 1993)
genet.metabolic profileperfil metabólico
med.metabolic profile of the substanceperfil metabólico de la sustancia
comp., MSMicrosoft CRM Database Profile WizardAsistente para perfiles de bases de datos de Microsoft CRM (An application which collects data about Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployments and sends it to Microsoft. Customers who volunteer to use this tool help Microsoft develop improvements for Microsoft CRM)
UN, account.mission profileperfil de misión
tech.mission profiledescripción que se hace de la misión en tres fases entrada-ataquesalida
meteorol.moist profileperfil húmedo
soil.moisture profileperfil de humedad del suelo
biotechn.monoclonal antibody profileperfil de anticuerpos monoclonales
comp., MSMy profileMi perfil (The control that lets users change their photo, presence, and other public information)
food.serv.nutritional profileperfil nutricional
pwr.lines.offset profileperfil paralelo
UN, chem.ozone profilecurva de distribución del ozono
forestr.panoramic profile mapgráfico panorámico
antenn., opt.parabolic profileperfil cuadrático obsoleto
tech.physical profilecondiciones de salud
ITpower-law index profileperfil de índice de ley potencial
antenn., opt.power-law index profileperfil de índice según Ia ley potencial
antenn., opt.power-law index profileperfil alfa obsoleto
industr., construct.pressed-steel hollow profiles with stiffenerscajones de cimentación reforzados con lámina de acero
coal.producing accurate roadway profilestrazado preciso del perfil de las galerías
el.profile data for the terraindatos del perfil del terreno
avia.profile descentdescenso de perfil
water.res.profile developmentformación del perfil
water.res.profile developmentdesarrollo del perfil
tech.profile diagramdiagrama de perfil longitudinal
antenn., opt.profile dispersiondispersión del perfil
antenn., opt.profile dispersion parameterparámetro de dispersión del perfil
aerodyn.profile dragresistencia del perfil al avance
earth.sc., transp.profile-drag powerpotencia de resistencia de perfil
earth.sc., transp.profile-drag power losspérdida de potencia por la resistencia de perfil
water.res.profile improvementmejoramiento del perfil
mech.eng.profile in the normale planeperfil normal del diente
mech.eng.profile in the transverse planeperfil tangencial del diente
tech.profile levellingperfil de nivelación
tech.profile linelínea de perfil
earth.sc., mech.eng.profile losspérdidas del perfil
tech.profile mapmapa de perfil topográfico
industr., construct.profile of the buttperfil del crupón
tech.profile of the refractive indexperfil del indice de refracción
industr., construct.profile of the seat of the shoebiselado de la pestaña
nat.sc., agric.profile of the turning spaceperfil de cabecera
antenn., opt.profile parameterparámetro del perfil
med.profile pattern of the bodymodelo del perfil corporal
textileprofile stitching jigpatron de costura
textileprofile stitching unitmàquina de coser con plantillas
tech.profile viewvista de proyección lateral
meteorol.profiles arrayarreglo de perfiladores
mech.eng.profiling attachmentdispositivo para copiar o reproducir
mech.eng.profiling barregla de copiar
tech.profiling machinemáquina perfiladora
mech.eng.profiling slidecorredera de copiado
agric., econ.project profileperfil del proyecto
comp., MSpublishing profileperfil de publicación (A downloadable package from the Windows Azure Management Portal that provides the secure connectivity required to publish (upload and deploy) websites and cloud services from a local development environment)
antenn., opt.quadratic profileperfil parabólico
law, social.sc.racial profilingcontrol policial con sesgo racista
life.sc., el.rain rate-distance profileperfil de intensidad de lluvia/distancia
life.sc., el.rain rate-time profileperfil de intensidad de lluvia/tiempo
transp.re-profiling of railsreperfilado de los carriles
transp.re-profiling of the tyrestorneado de los aros
transp.re-profiling of the tyresreperfilado de los aros
el.refractive index profileperfil de índice
antenn., opt.refractive index profileperfil del índice de refracción
el.refractive-index-profile mismatch losspérdida de desadaptación del perfil de índice de refracción
IMF.repayment profileperfil de vencimientos
IMF.repayment profileestructura de los reembolsos
IMF.repayment profilecalendario de vencimientos (Guía de la deuda, 1993)
IMF.repayment profileperfil de reembolsos
IMF.repayment profileestructura de vencimientos (Guía de la deuda, 1993)
IMF.repayment profiledesglose por vencimientos (Guía de la deuda, 1993)
med.resistance profilesperfil de resistencia
nat.sc., agric.ribbed box-type profileperfil en forma de caja nervada
UN, chem.risk profilereseña del programa del riesgo
comp., MSroaming profileperfil móvil (A server-based user profile that is downloaded to the local computer when a user logs on and that is updated both locally and on the server when the user logs off)
comp., MSroaming user profileperfil de usuario móvil (A server-based user profile that is downloaded to the local computer when a user logs on and that is updated both locally and on the server when the user logs off)
tech.runway profile descentdescenso del perfil longitudinal de la pista
water.res.salinity profilesperfil de salinidad
comp., MSscan profileperfil de digitalización (A collection of saved settings for scanning documents or pictures. In Windows Fax and Scan, you can adjust scan settings and then save them as a scan profile)
pwr.lines.section profileperfil transversal
UN, geol.seismic reflection profileperfil de reflexión sísmica
comp., MSshared user profileperfil de usuario compartido (A file that contains configuration information for a specific user including settings and restrictions applied by Windows SteadyState)
meteorol.shear profileperfil de cizalladura
meteorol.sheared vertical wind profileperfil vertical del viento con fuerte cizalladura
transp., nautic., fish.farm.sheer profilecurva de arrufo
wood.sheet profilingperfilado de láminas
tech.shift profile chartgráfica del perfil del horario
tech.shift profile chartgráfica de perfil del horario
comp., MSskill profile wheelgráfico de perfiles de aptitudes (A control that visually represents the complete list of competencies that an employee, a unit, or a team can demonstrate. A skill profile wheel is often used in connection with skill gap analyses, for example to display the difference between an employee's current profile and that of a career path)
comp., MSsmart card profileperfil de tarjeta inteligente (A Certificate Lifecycle Manager (CLM) profile created when a request is performed using a profile template that only includes smart card-based certificate templates)
comp., MSsoftware profileperfil de software (A Certificate Lifecycle Manager (CLM) profile created when a request is performed using a profile template that only includes software-based certificate templates)
soil.soil moisture profileperfil de humedad del suelo
fisherysound velocity profilecaracterísticas de la velocidad del sonido
fisherysound velocity profileperfil de la velocidad del sonido
meteorol.sounding profileperfil de sondeo
comp., MSSQL Server profileperfil de SQL Server (A Virtual Machine Manager library resource that contains instructions for customizing an instance of Microsoft SQL Server for a SQL Server data-tier application (DAC) when you deploy a virtual machine as part of a service)
meteorol.stable temperature profileperfil de temperatura de atmósfera estable
work.fl.standard profileperfil estándar
work.fl.standard profileperfil de grupo
el.steady-state surface impurity profileperfil de impurezas en la superficie en estado estacionario
forestr.stem profileperfil del tronco
chem., met.surface profileperfil superficial
environ., energ.ind.tapping profileperfil de extracción
meteorol.thermal wind profileperfil del viento térmico
avia.thin profileperfil delgado
comp., MSthink profileperfil de reflexión (A property that indicates whether think times are used or ignored in load tests. The think profile applies to an entire scenario in a load test. Its state are: On, Off, Normal Distribution)
comp., MStracking profileperfil de seguimiento (A set of characteristics that define a business-related process and contains the mapping between a specific orchestration and activity definition. A tracking profile is a file with a .btt extension)
pwr.lines.transverse profileperfil transversal
met.tube profiling machinemáquina de oxicorte para preparar tubos
comp., MSunlocked user profileperfil de usuario desbloqueado (A user account whose settings that are changed in a user session are retained every time the user logs on to the account)
meteorol.unstable temperature profileperfil de temperatura de atmósfera inestable
work.fl.user profileperfil de actualización
comp., MSuser profileperfil de usuario (A description of the eventual users of the solution in terms of geography, organizational and communication structures, user functions, resource availability, and other relevant information)
comp., MSUser profilePerfil del usuario (A form that holds predefined roles. Each user profile consists of predefined Quick Links, Alert rules, Favorites, and Metrics. Users must be assigned to a profile in order to access a respective role center)
work.fl.user profileperfil del usuario
comp., MSUser Profile Hive Cleanup Serviceservicio Limpieza de secciones de perfil de usuario (A service that helps to ensure user sessions are completely terminated when a user logs off)
comp., MSuser role profileperfil del rol de usuario (A set of permitted operations and classes of data that users need access to so they can perform specific job duties)
meteorol.VAD Wind Profileperfil del viento con indicación de velocidad y acimut
meteorol.VAD Wind Profile Productproducto perfil del viento VAD
meteorol.vertical heating profileperfil de calentamiento vertical
meteorol.vertical potential temperature profileperfil vertical de temperatura potencial
meteorol.vertical profile of potential temperatureperfil vertical de temperatura potencial
meteorol.vertical profilesperfiles verticales
UN, clim.vertical temperature profile radiometerradiómetro del perfil vertical de la temperatura
UN, clim.vertical temperature profile radiometerradiómetro
meteorol.vertical wind profileperfil vertical del viento
health.victim profilescaracterísticas de las víctimas
ITvoice profilecaracterísticas de la voz
comp., MSvoice profileperfil de voz (Information about your specific speaking style and environment that helps Speech Recognition to better understand the commands you say)
comp., MSWindows Live ProfilePerfil de Windows Live (The descriptive information about a user that is shown to other users. This editable information is separate from the registration information they provide to establish their Windows Live account. This separation allows users to disclose or conceal personal information as they choose)
avia.wing profileperfil del ala
comp., MSwireless network profileperfil de red inalámbrica (Information about a wireless network, such as the wireless network name, service set identifier (SSID), network adapter used to connect to the network, default icon, and default printer)
comp., MSWS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile An implementation of the WS-Federation specification that proposes a standard protocol for how passive clients (such as Web browsers) apply the federation framework. Within this protocol, Web service requestors are expected to understand the new security mechanisms and be capable of interacting with Web service providersprotocolo WS-F PRP (WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile)