
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Music | all forms | exact matches only
Bing MusicMúsica de Bing (A part of the Bing search engine dedicated to music)
Chamber musicMúsica de cámara (One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. Winamp genre ID 104)
Microsoft Surface MusicMicrosoft Surface Música (A Surface application from Microsoft where users can browse through albums, select songs, and play them from the playlist)
Music Configuration toolherramienta de configuración de Música (The tool that you use to configure the Music application)
music on holdmúsica en espera (A feature that enables the playing of prerecorded music/audio for callers while they are on hold)
music searchbúsqueda de música (A Bing feature that allows the user to find out information about a recording song that is playing on the radio)
music+videosmúsica+videos (The title of the hub for music and video)
music+videosmúsica + vídeos (The title of the hub for music and video)
Music Virtual FolderCarpeta virtual de música (A feature that allows the user to group music files by any criteria and display them in one place. This is similar to making a playlist)
My MusicMi música (A folder that stores the user's music library)
unlimited musicmúsica sin límites (Users who subscribe to Xbox Music Pass can download and listen to as many songs as they want as long as the subscription remains active)
Xbox MusicXbox Music (A cloud-based music service provided by Xbox that can be used to buy, stream, store, and sync music on Xbox consoles, Windows Phones, and Windows computers)
Xbox Music PassXbox Music Pass (The Xbox Music Store subscription-based account)
Xbox Music StoreTienda Xbox Music (The area of Xbox Live where music is sold)