
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Meeting | all forms | exact matches only
anonymous allowed meetingreunión con permiso para anónimos (A meeting in which users without Active Directory credentials are allowed to attend so long as they have a valid conference key and pass Digest authentication)
authenticated users only meetingreunión restringida a usuario autenticados (A meeting in which all participants have Active Directory credentials and connect from either inside or outside the corporate firewall)
closed authenticated meetingreunión restringida a invitados autenticados (An authenticated-users-only meeting that is open only to users on the organizer's invite list)
Groove Meetings Toolherramienta Reuniones de Groove (A tool in Microsoft Office Groove that helps users to organize, conduct, and record meetings)
in a meetingEn reuni n (Pertaining to a user who has an accepted meeting on his or her calendar that is marked Busy)
In a meetingEn reunión (The status label that indicates that a user has an accepted current meeting, marked Busy, on his or her calendar)
internal users only meetingreunión restringida a usuarios internos (A meeting in which all participants have Active Directory credentials and connect from within the corporate firewall)
Live Meeting administratoradministrador de Live Meeting (A person who assigns user accounts and manages the Live Meeting service for an organization)
Live Meeting consoleconsola Live Meeting (The array of windows and tools that display on each participant's web browser when a Live Meeting session is in progress)
Live Meeting intranet portalportal de intranet Live Meeting (A site on an intranet for creating and joining Live Meetings and that can be used as an option to a Web-based Live Meeting conference center)
Live Meeting ManagerAdministrador de Live Meeting (A Web-based tool that is used to access and manage meetings and recordings, join meetings, and change Live Meeting user preferences)
Live Meeting Replayredifusión Live Meeting (A meeting recording format that includes Sharing slides and annotations with the recording)
Live Meeting sessionsesión de Live Meeting (A meeting that is conducted by using Live Meeting, whether a scheduled meeting or a Meet Now meeting)
Lync MeetingReunión de Lync (Denotes the experience with Lync that can be scheduled, or ad-hoc. A Lync Meeting provides the ability to interact with people through video, audio, instant messaging, and content sharing)
Lync Meeting windowventana Reunión de Lync (Denotes the Conversation window that handles escalations (peer-to-peer to conference) and scalable views that display people and content together inside a Lync Meeting)
Meeting Information panelpanel Información sobre la reunión (The Live Meeting console element that displays the Web address and audio conference line (if specified) for a Live Meeting session)
meeting keyclave de reunión (A password that is required to join a meeting)
Meeting LobbySala de espera (A virtual waiting area where people can request access to join a meeting when they either do not have an invitation or they have been invited, but the meeting is locked)
meeting organizerorganizador de la reunión (A user who can schedule meetings, send invitations, do all the sharing activities in a meeting, and admit participants from the lobby)
meeting participantparticipante de la reunión (A presenter or attendee in a meeting)
meeting requestconvocatoria de reunión (An email message that a user sends to others to invite them to a meeting)
meeting responserespuesta a la reunión (An e-mail reply to a meeting request that indicates whether the sender will attend the meeting)
Meeting WorkspaceÁrea de reuniones (A Web site based on a Meeting Workspace site template that is used for planning, posting, and working together on meeting materials, and following up after a meeting or series of meetings)
Meeting Workspace sitesitio Área de reuniones (A Web site based on a Meeting Workspace site template that is used for planning, posting, and working together on meeting materials, and following up after a meeting or series of meetings)
online meetingconferencia en línea (A collaborative-style meeting)
open-authenticated meetingreunión abierta con autenticación (An authenticated-users-only meeting that is open to all users with Active Directory credentials)
Schedule a MeetingProgramar una reunión (A menu item that opens an Outlook meeting invitation prepopulated with the selected contact(s))
Start Microsoft Office Live MeetingIniciar Microsoft Office Live Meeting (The button on the main Communicator window that starts the Microsoft Office Live Meeting program)
Start Microsoft Office Live Meeting...Iniciar Microsoft Office Live Meeting... (The item on the Actions menu that starts a Live Meeting session with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
VOIP-enabled Live Meeting trial conference center sessionSesión de prueba Live Meeting mediante VoIP en el centro de conferencia (A Live Meeting session conducted using VoIP to transmit data and conducted on a Live Meeting conference center accessed with a trial account)
Web Meeting PlaceEspacio de reunión web (A Live Meeting session type designed for smaller, more collaborative meetings)
Windows Meeting SpaceÁrea de encuentro de Windows (A feature that enables quick, face-to-face collaboration for two to ten people with computers running Windows Vista. You can share documents, your desktop, or a program, and you can co-edit handouts)