
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Infrastructure | all forms | exact matches only
DirectX Graphics InfrastructureInfraestructura de gráficos de DirectX (The infrastructure that manages low-level graphics-related tasks, such as output adapter and swap chain configuration, and provides a common framework for managing virtualized graphics components and resources)
Infrastructure AdministratorAdministrador de infraestructura (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can perform migration tasks and create, delete, and modify the Configuration Manager server infrastructure)
Infrastructure APIs for the Windows RuntimeAPI para infraestructura de Windows en tiempo de ejecución (A set of C++ APIs that are used by the Windows Runtime to gain access to operating system functionality. They are primarily designed for the infrastructure of the Windows Runtime, but they could be used in advanced C++ Windows Store app development)
infrastructure architecturearquitectura de la infraestructura (The topology of the deployment environment including protocols, security levels, and services. This architecture provides a logical mapping to the deployment environment, such as the datacenter)
infrastructure layernivel de infraestructura (The layer that represents the IT administration of the physical hardware and operating systems that support the services layer)
infrastructure mastermaestro de infraestructura (A domain controller that holds the infrastructure operations master role in Active Directory. The infrastructure master updates the group-to-user reference whenever group memberships change and replicates these changes across the domain. At any time, the infrastructure master role can be assigned to only one domain controller in each domain)
public key infrastructure The laws, policies, standards, and software that regulate or manipulate certificates and public and private keys. In practice, it is a system of digital certificates, certification authorities, and other registration authorities that verify and authenticate the validity of each party involved in an electronic transaction. Standards for PKI are still evolving, even though they are being widely implemented as a necessary element of electronic commerceinfraestructura de clave pública (PKI)
Public Key Infrastructure certificate A system of digital certificates, certification authorities, and other registration authorities that verify and authenticate the validity of each party involved in an electronic transactioncertificado PKI (infraestructura de clave pública)
public key infrastructure hierarchyjerarquía de infraestructura de clave pública (A hierarchy in which the roles of the certification authority are separated into one root CA and one or more subordinate CAs)
Virtual Desktop InfrastructureInfraestructura de escritorio virtual (In Operating system virtualization, an alternative desktop delivery model from Microsoft that allows users to access desktops running in the datacenter)
Windows Diagnostic InfrastructureInfraestructura de diagnóstico de Windows (A framework that enables root cause detection of failures for Windows components through dynamic tracing)