
Terms for subject Finances containing IS | all forms | exact matches only
amounts owed by undertakings with which the company is linked by virtue of participating interestscuentas por cobrar de empresas en las que se tiene participación
as long as the revenue is not used for any other purposelos ingresos conservan su afectación
budget item to which the expenditure is to be chargedimputación presupuestaria del gasto
budget item to which the revenue is bookedimputación presupuestaria del ingreso
country where the registered place of business is locatedpaís donde figura el domicilio social
date at which profit is madefecha de obtención del beneficio
date when the account for revenue and expenditure is submittedfecha de la entrega de la cuenta de gestión
to ensure that the abolition of quotas is carried out progressivelygarantizar el carácter progresivo de las supresiones
to establish that the revenue is booked to the correct budget itemcomprobar la exactitud de la imputación presupuestaria
to establish that the waiver is in ordercomprobar la regularidad de la renuncia
general procedure under which the guarantee is waivedsistema de dispensa generalizada de garantía
government budgetary position without a deficit which is excessivesituación del presupuesto sin un déficit público excesivo
internal station at which clearance through customs is effectedestación aduanera interior
place where such capital is investedlugar de colocación de capitales
place where the business of customs offices is usually conductedrecinto donde habitualmente se ejercen las actividades de las oficinas de aduanas
place where the frontier of the customs territory is crossedlugar por el que se atraviesa la frontera del territorio aduanero
price which is "live weight excluding tax"precio peso vivo sin impuestos
rate at which the mandate is usedritmo de utilización del mandato
reasons given whenever the authorization is refusednegativa motivada de la autorización
system ensuring that competition is not distortedrégimen de competencia no falseada
the European Central Bank will be established as soon as its Executive Board is appointedel Banco Central Europeo quedará constituido tan pronto como sea nombrado su Comité Ejecutivo
the normal tariff is to be reintroducedel arancel normal deberá ser restablecido
unit in which the monetary obligation is expressedunidad en la que se expresa la obligación monetaria