
Terms for subject Economy containing IS | all forms | exact matches only
conditions in which payment is duecondiciones de exigibilidad del crédito
consumption internal to each of the groups of which the branch is composedintercambios entre los grupos agregados en la rama
country of residence of the non-resident unit which is party to the transactionpaís de residencia de la unidad no residente que es parte en la operación
country that is undergoing the process of transition to a market economypaís en transición
country that is undergoing the process of transition to a market economypaís en proceso de transición
country that is undergoing the process of transition to a market economypaís que está en proceso de transición a una economía de mercado
date on which the payment is duefecha de vencimiento del pago
exchanges between the groups of which the branch is composedintercambios entre los grupos agregados en la rama
expenditure by employers which is to their own benefit as well as to that of their employeesgastos de los empleadores que benefician tanto a éstos como a los asalariados
in the case of hire-purchase,the time of recording is when the goods are delivereden el caso de la compra a plazos, el momento de registro es el de la entrega de los bienes
part of invoiced VAT which is not payable by usersparte del IVA facturado que no corre a cargo de los usuarios
price at which the asset is transferredprecio de transferencia del activo
promote economic and social progress which is balanced and sustainablepromover un progreso económico y social equilibrado y sostenible
public entity which is subordinate to the central governmentente público subordinado a la Administración central
region whose development is lagging behindregión menos favorecida
regions whose development is lagging behindregiones menos desarrolladas
sector in which the borrower is engagedsector de actividad del prestatario
the industries for which it is responsiblelas industrias de su competencia
the monetary unit is neither a stable nor an international standardla unidad monetaria no es ni un patrón estable ni un patrón internacional
the production is insufficient to supply the demandsla producción es insuficiente para el abastecimiento
the replacement of the tyres is intermediate consumptionla sustitución de los neumáticos es consumo intermedio
time payment is made in cashmomento en que se efectúa el pago en efectivo
time the first payment is mademomento de la ejecución del primer pago
time the first transfer of a financial asset is mademomento de la primera transferencia del activo financiero
transaction whereby an asset is transferred or liquidatedoperación por la que un activo se transfiere o liquida
ultimate beneficiary,i.e.the person whose injury or damage is indemnifiedbeneficiario último, es decir, la persona cuyo siniestro se indemniza