
Terms for subject Politics containing IS | all forms | exact matches only
brief statement of the grounds on which the application is basedexposición sumaria de los motivos invocados
case as it is found at the time of the interventionestado del litigio en el momento de su intervención
Community initiative in favour of regions whose development is lagging behind Objective 1 regions and which are inadequately equipped with energy infrastructuresprograma comunitario en favor de las regiones menos desarrolladas regiones del objetivo 1 y cuyas infraestructuras energéticas no cuentan con los equipamientos adecuados
Community initiative in favour of regions whose development is lagging behind Objective 1 regions and which are inadequately equipped with energy infrastructuresPrograma de Iniciativa Comunitaria sobre Interconexiones Energéticas
decision against which the appeal is broughtresolución que sea objeto de recurso de casación
designation of the party against whom the application is madenombre de la parte contra la que se interponga la demanda
extent to which an area is peripheralsituación periférica
extent to which an area is peripheralperifericidad
indication of the facts about which the witness is to be examinedindicación de los hechos sobre los que serán examinados los testigos
Information which may be released to the public concerning the final adoption of Council acts is contained in Addendum 1 to these minutes.En la adenda 1 de la presente acta se recoge información sobre las deliberaciones legislativas del Consejo, sobre otras deliberaciones del Consejo abiertas al público y sobre debates públicos.
item for which approval by the Council is possible without discussionpunto que puede ser aprobado sin debate
minutes in which the evidence of each witness is reproducedacta que recoge la declaración de los testigos
region whose development is lagging behindregión menos desarrollada
Resolution setting out the grounds on which it is basedresolución motivada
Sisterhood Is Global InstituteInstituto de Hermandad Femenina Mundial
the application is admissiblela solicitud es admisible
the entry of an item is subject to the exception on grounds of urgency... la inclusión de un punto corresponde a la excepción por motivos de urgencia.
The information from the minutes which is contained in this document is not confidential and may therefore be released to the publicEl contenido del acta del Consejo que figura en el presente documento no está amparado por el secreto profesional y, por lo tanto, será accesible al público.
the intervention is allowedadmitir la intervención
the service is effected... court documentslas notificaciones serán cursadas...escritos procesales
This statement for the minutes is not confidential and may therefore be released to the publicEsta declaración en el acta no está amparada por el secreto profesional y, por lo tanto, será accesible al público
Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks.Cuando el Consejo ha adoptado formalmente declaraciones, conclusiones o resoluciones, el título del punto correspondiente así lo indica, y el texto va entrecomillado.
where there is manifestly no cause of actionsi la acción carece manifiestamente de fundamento
whose independence is beyond doubtque ofrezcan absolutas garantías de independencia