
Terms for subject Environment containing IMPACT | all forms | exact matches only
adverse social, environmental and economic impactsrepercusiones sociales, ambientales y económicas adversas
Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment regarding Developments Proposed to Take Place on, or which are Likely to Impact on, Sacred Sites and on Lands and Waters Traditionally Occupied or Used by Indigenous and Local CommunitiesAkwé: Kon Directrices voluntarias para realizar evaluaciones de las repercusiones culturales, ambientales y sociales de proyectos de desarrollo que hayan de realizarse en lugares sagrados o en tierras o aguas ocupadas o utilizadas tradicionalmente por las comunidades indígenas y locales, o que puedan afectar a esos lugares
anthropogenic impactimpacto antropogénico
assessment of the environmental impact of Community measuresevaluación de las repercusiones de las medidas comunitarias sobre el medio ambiente
assessment of the impact on the environmentevaluación de impacto ambiental
biological impact of fisheriesimpacto biológico de la pesca
climate impactsrepercusiones climáticas
collateral environmental impactimpacto ambiental indirecto
compulsory assessment of the environmental impactevaluación obligatoria de la incidencia sobre el medio ambiente
content of the environmental impact studycontenido del estudio de impacto ambiental
Convention of the Transboundary Impacts of Industrial Accidentsconvenio sobre el impacto transfronterizo de los acidentes industriales
Convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary contextConvenio sobre la evaluación del impacto ambiental en un contexto transfronterizo
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary ContextConvenio sobre evaluación del impacto en el medio ambiente en un contexto transfronterizo
Convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary contextConvenio de Espoo
critical environmental impactimpacto ambiental crítico
Driving forces, Pressures, States, Impacts, ResponsesFuerzas Motrices-Presión-Estado-Impacto-Respuesta
ecological impactimpacto ecológico
environmental and ecological impactimpacto ecológico ambiental
environmental health impact assessmentEvaluación de impacto de salud ambiental
environmental health impact assessment Assessment of impacts caused by an action on the health conditions of a populationEvaluación de impacto de salud ambiental
environmental impactefectos medioambientales
environmental impactimpacto medioambiental
environmental impactrepercusión medioambiental
environmental impactefectos sobre el medio ambiente
environmental impactrepercusiones sobre el medio ambiente
environmental impact Any alteration of environmental conditions or creation of a new set of environmental conditions, adverse or beneficial, caused or induced by the action or set of actions under considerationimpacto ambiental
environmental impact assessmentevaluación de los efectos medioambientales
environmental impact assessmentevaluación medioambiental
environmental impact assessmentevaluación de impacto ambiental
environmental impact assessmentvaloración del impacto ambiental
environmental impact assessment Analysis and judgement of the effects upon the environment, both temporary and permanent, of a significant development or project. It must also consider the social consequences and alternative actionsevaluación del impacto ambiental
environmental impact declarationdeclaración de impacto ambiental
environmental impact evaluation projectproyecto de evaluación del impacto ambiental
environmental impact guidelinesnoticia de impacto medioambiental
environmental impact identificationidentificación del impacto ambiental
environmental impact of agricultureimpacto ambiental de la agricultura
environmental impact of agriculture Agricultural activities have significant impacts on water quality, including increases in stream sedimentation from erosion, and increases in nutrients, pesticides, and salt concentrations in runoff. In certain regions, the misuse of pesticides has led to the development of pesticide-resistant strains of pests, destroyed natural predators, killed local wildlife, and contaminated human water supplies. Improper application of fertilizers has changed the types of vegetation and fish types inhabiting nearby waterways and riversimpacto ambiental de la agricultura
environmental impact of aquacultureimpacto ambiental de la acuicultura
environmental impact of aquaculture Fish farming pollutes the water with nutrients, methane and hydrogen sulphide which threaten both farmed fish and other marine life. Dangerous pesticides have been used to treat infestations of sea liceimpacto ambiental de la acuicultura
environmental impact of Community measuresrepercusiones de las medidas comunitarias sobre el medio ambiente
environmental impact of energyimpacto ambiental de la energía
environmental impact of energy Energy and environmental problems are closely related, since it is nearly impossible to produce, transport, or consume energy without significant environmental impact. The environmental problems directly related to energy production and consumption include air pollution, water pollution, thermal pollution, and solid waste disposal. The emission of air pollutants from fossil fuel combustion is the major cause of urban air pollution. Diverse water pollution problems are associated with energy usage. One major problem is oil spills. In all petroleum-handling operations, there is a finite probability of spilling oil either on the earth or in a body of water. Coal mining can also pollute water. Changes in groundwater flow produced by mining operations often bring otherwise unpolluted waters into contact with certain mineral materials which are leached from the soil and produce an acid mine drainage. Solid waste is also a by-product of some forms of energy usage. Coal mining requires the removal of large quantities of earth as well as coal. In general, environmental problems increase with energy use and this combined with the limited energy resource base is the crux of the energy crisis. An energy impact assessment should compare these costs with the benefits to be derived from energy useimpacto ambiental de la energía
environmental impact of fishingimpacto ambiental de la pesca
environmental impact of fishing Fishing may have various negative effects on the environment: effluent and waste from fish farms may damage wild fish, seals, and shellfish. Fish farmers use tiny quantities of highly toxic chemicals to kill lice: one overdose could be devastating. So-called by-catches, or the incidental taking of non-commercial species in drift nets, trawling operations and long line fishing is responsible for the death of large marine animals and one factor in the threatened extinction of some species. Some fishing techniques, like the drift nets, yield not only tons of fish but kill millions of birds, whales and seals and catch millions of fish not intended. Small net holes often capture juvenile fish who never have a chance to reproduce. Some forms of equipment destroy natural habitats, for example bottom trawling may destroy natural reefs. Other destructive techniques are illegal dynamite and cyanide fishingimpacto ambiental de la pesca
environmental impact of forestry The world's forestry resources are shrinking at an alarming rate. The need for foreign exchange encourages many developing countries to cut timber faster than forests can be regenerated. This overcutting not only depletes the resource that underpins the world timber trade, it causes loss of forest-based livelihoods, increases soil erosion and downstream flooding, and accelerates the loss of species and genetic resourcesimpacto ambiental de la silvicultura
environmental impact of householdsimpacto ambiental de los hogares
environmental impact of households Household impacts on the environment include domestic heating emissions (hot air, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, water vapour and oxide of nitrogen, sulphur and other trace gases); domestic sewage consisting of human bodily discharges, water from kitchens, bathrooms and laundries; the dumping of bulky wastes such as old washing machines, refrigerators, cars and other objects that will not fit into the standard dustbin and which are often dumped about the countryside, etc.impacto ambiental de los hogares
environmental impact of industryimpacto ambiental de la industria
environmental impact of industry The effects on the environment connected with industrial activities are mainly related to the production of industrial wastes that can be divided into various types: solid waste, such as dust particles or slag from coal; liquid wastes from various processes, including radioactive coolants from power stations; and gas wastes, largely produced by the chemical industryimpacto ambiental de la industria
environmental impact of recreationimpacto ambiental de la recreación
environmental impact of recreation Recreation and tourism are often accompanied by extensive damage to the environment. Aquatic ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to the effects of an increased tourist trade and the resultant building of hotel accommodations, sewage disposal works, roads, car parks and landing jetties on banks and coastlines; and the increased angling, swimming, water skiing, shooting or use of motor-boats in the water body. These all produce direct deleterious effects when conducted on a massive scale, including shore damage, chemical changes in the water, and sediments and biological changes in the plant and animal communitiesimpacto ambiental de la recreación
environmental impact of the carbon adsorption processimpacto ambiental del proceso de adsorción en carbón
environmental impact of the centrifugal processimpacto ambiental del proceso de centrifugación
environmental impact of the distillation processimpacto ambiental del proceso de destilación
environmental impact of the evaporation methodimpacto ambiental del proceso de evaporación
environmental impact of the flotation processimpacto ambiental del proceso de flotación
environmental impact of the inverse osmosis processimpacto ambiental del proceso de ósmosis inversa
environmental impact of the ion exchange processimpacto ambiental del proceso de intercambio iónico
environmental impact of the process of extraction by solventsimpacto ambiental del proceso de extracción con disolventes
environmental impact of the resin adsorption processimpacto ambiental del proceso de adsorción en resina
environmental impact of the toxic and dangerous waste neutralization processimpacto ambiental del proceso de neutralización de residuos tóxicos y peligrosos
environmental impact of the ultrafiltration processimpacto ambiental del proceso de ultrafiltración
environmental impact of tourismimpacto ambiental del turismo
environmental impact of tourism Extensive damage to the environment caused by recreation and tourism, including despoiling of coastlines by construction of tourist facilities; pollution of the sea; loss of historic buildings to make way for tourist facilities; loss of agricultural land for airport development, etc.impacto ambiental del turismo
environmental impact of transportimpacto ambiental del transporte
environmental impact of transport Impact of transportation-related activities on the environment, in particular, those impacts dealing with air pollution, noise, displacement of people and businesses, disruption of wildlife habitats, and overall growth-inducing effectsimpacto ambiental del transporte
environmental impact of wind energyrepercusión ambiental de la energía eólica
environmental impact statementdeclaración de impacto ambiental
Environmental Impact Statementdeclaración de impacto ambiental
environmental impact statementestudio de impacto
environmental impact statement A detailed statement which, to the fullest extent possible, identifies and analyses, among other things, the anticipated environmental impact of a proposed action and discusses how the adverse effects will be mitigateddeclaración de impacto ambiental
environmental impact studyestudio de impacto ambiental
environmental impact studyestudios de impacto ambiental
environmental impact study Survey conducted to ascertain the conditions of a site prior to the realization of a project, to analyze its possible impacts and compensative measuresestudios de impacto ambiental
executive summary of the environmental impact evaluationdocumento de síntesis de evaluación de impacto ambiental
framework convention on impact assessmentacuerdo marco sobre la evaluación del impacto
hail stone impactimpacto del granizo
holder of the environmental impact evaluation projecttitular del proyecto de evaluación del impacto ambiental
impact analysisestudio de impacto
impact assessmentevaluación de impactos
impact assessment Evaluation of the effect of a project upon the environmentevaluación de impactos
impact meaningsignificado del impacto
impact minimisationminimización de impactos
impact minimisation Actions, procedures or installations undertaken to reduce the extent or degree of negative effects on human health and the ecosystem introduced by human design or interaction with the environmentminimización de impactos
impact minimisingminimización de impactos
impact on non-target speciesrepercusión sobre las especies ajenas al objetivo
impact preventionprevención de impactos
impact prevention Precautionary measures, actions or installations implemented to avert negative effects on the environmentprevención de impactos
impact reversalrestauración de impactos
impact reversal The counteracting or undoing of negative effects or influences on the environmentrestauración de impactos
impact significanceimportancia de un impacto
impact sourcefuentes de impacto
impact source Elements of an action which cause damage to the surrounding environmentfuentes de impacto
International Association for Impact AssessmentAsociación Internacional para la Evaluación de los Impactos
Life Cycle Impact Assessmentevaluación de impacto del ciclo de vida
moderated environmental impactimpacto ambiental moderado
negative environmental impact effectefecto de impacto ambiental negativo
non-radiological environmental impactefecto no radiológico sobre el medio ambiente
positive environmental impact effectefecto de impacto ambiental positivo
project submitted to an environmental impact evaluationproyecto sometido a evaluación de impacto ambiental
Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary ContextProtocolo sobre la evaluación estratégica medioambiental
Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary ContextProtocolo sobre evaluación estratégica medioambiental del Convenio de la Comisión Económica para Europa de las Naciones Unidas sobre evaluación del impacto en el medio ambiente en un contexto transfronterizo
severe environmental impactimpacto ambiental severo
significant environmental impact effectefecto de impacto ambiental notable
simple environmental impact effectefecto de impacto ambiental simple
socioeconomic impact of biotechnologies Biotechnology is the application of biological and technical solutions to problems, and often refers to the industrial use of microorganisms (perhaps genetically altered) to perform chemical processing, for example of waste or water, or to manufacture hormones or enzymes for medicinal and commercial purposes. Biotechnology offers great potential to increase farm production and food processing efficiency, to lower food costs, to enhance food quality and safety and to increase international competitivenessimpacto socioeconómico de biotecnologías
trade impact on environmentimpacto medioambiental del comercio
trade impact on environment Trade impacts on the environment can be direct, such as trade of endangered species, of natural resources, of natural products such as tropical timber, etc., or indirect, such as deforestation, loss of habitats, pollution from mining, from energy production, oil spills, global warming, etc., increases in transport infrastructuresimpacto medioambiental del comercio
transboundary impactimpacto transfronterizo
World Climate Impact ProgrammePrograma Mundial de Estudios del Impacto del Clima