
Terms containing EDGES | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSAccess Edge ServerServidor perimetral de acceso (A service that runs on Lync Server that resides in the perimeter network and routes instant messaging (IM) and presence information from external users to internal users)
comp., MSAccess Edge serviceservicio perimetral de acceso (A service that runs on Lync Server that resides in the perimeter network and routes instant messaging (IM) and presence information from external users to internal users)
chem.agate edgepunta de ágata
polygr., model.All Edges Giltcorte dorado
meteorol.anvil edgeborde del yunque
industr., construct.application of gluing paper on the edgesaplicación de papel de encolado sobre los cantos
comp., MSA/V Conferencing Edge ServerServidor perimetral de conferencia A/V (An Office Communications Server that resides in the perimeter network and provides a single trusted point through which media traffic can traverse NATs and firewalls)
comp., MSA/V Conferencing Edge serviceservicio perimetral de conferencia A/V (An Office Communications Server that resides in the perimeter network and provides a single trusted point through which media traffic can traverse NATs and firewalls)
comp., MSA/V Edge serverServidor perimetral A/V (Enables internal users to share audio and video data with external users (that is, users who are not logged on to your internal network))
tech.back edgecontrafilo
industr., construct.to bevel the edge of the lastbiselar
met.bevelling of the edgebiselado del borde
met.bevelling of the edgeachaflanado en bisel del borde
industr., construct.bias binding with folded edgestira al bies replegada por sus bordes
chem.blunt edge knife heater barvarilla de soldadura con cantos romos
dril.book-page or frayed-edges fracturesfracturas tipo "páginas de libro" o bordes deshilachados
libr., mexic.bottom edgecanto inferior
libr., span.bottom edgeanto de pie
met.bottom edge of a cutborde inferior de un corte
industr., construct., met.bulb edgeburlete
industr., construct.to burn the edgesquemar cantos
footwearto burnish edgesquemar los cantos
commun.burnished edgescanto dorado
met.burnt edgesborde quemado
met.butt weld between plates with raised edgessoldadura con bordes levantados
environ., construct.canalization and edgingcanalización y acondicionamiento de orillas
earth.sc.centring and edging operationoperación de centrado
met.chamfering of the edgebiselado del borde
met.chamfering of the edgeachaflanado en bisel del borde
met.checked edgesgrieta de borde
met.chilled spots or edgeszonas blancas
met.chilled spots or edgestemple primario
met.chilled spots or edgesdureza de los cantos
met.chilled spots or edgesaros blancos
snd.rec.chipped edgerebaba
snd.rec.chipped edgeborde mellado
gen.cloth edgingribeteado de telas
tech., met.cold edgingcanteado en frío
transp., construct.concrete edgingencintado
tech.controllable leading edgeborde de ataque controlable
gen.core edge zonezona marginal del núcleo
construct.corner's edgeesquina de forjado
met.cracked edgesgrieta de borde
met.cracked edgesborde agrietado
industr., construct., met.curled edgefestoneado
earth.sc.cuspidal edgesarista de retroceso
commun., transp., mater.sc.cut edgesbloque de libre recortado
commun.cut edgescanto liso
polygr., model.cut edgescortado
industr., construct., met.to cut off the edgescortar los bordes
industr., construct., met.cutter's straight edgeregla de corte
agric.cutting around the edges of gapscorta periférica de apertura
construct.cutting edgebroca
construct.cutting edgefilo
tech.cutting edgefilo cortante
tech.cutting edgebrocas labio cortante
tech.cutting edgearista cortante
transp., construct.cutting edge of the caissonanillo cortante
industr., construct., met.cutting edge of the diamondfilo de corte
industr., construct., met.cutting edge of the diamondborde de corte
IMF.cutting edge technologytecnología avanzada
IMF.cutting edge technologytecnología de vanguardia
industr., construct., met.cutting off the edgescorte de bordes
book.bind.deckle edgebarbas del papel
therm.energ.dielectric cutting edge welding electrodeelectrodo de corte dieléctrico
el.diffraction edgearista difractora
ITdocument leading edgeborde delantero de un documento
wood.double edge band sawsierra de doble corte
wood.double edge band sawsierra de cinta doble
el.drain edgeborde de drenaje
tech.drill lips or cutting edgesbordes cortantes de la broca
industr., construct.dulling of cutting edgesembotamiento de filos
textileedge abrasion testensayo de abrasion al filo
construct.edge beamszunchos perimetrales
PCBedge board contactscontactos de borde de tarjeta
industr., construct., met.edge bowlcazo
radioedge busynessinestabilidad de contorno
comp., MSedge cache serverservidor de caché perimetral (A disk-based cache/proxy server that is at the network edge. In a multi-tiered cache hierarchy, requests for cacheable content use intelligent DNS routing to route the first content received to the edge cache nodes)
comp., MSedge caching networkred con almacenamiento en caché perimetral (A group of geographically dispersed cache servers that distributes and delivers contents faster by serving the contents from the cache servers that are closest to the users. An ECN routes the requests efficiently to reduce the network latency and to reduce the load on the origin servers)
tech.edge camleva de disco
met.edge cambercurvatura de los bordes efecto de sable
auto.edge codecódigo indicado en el borde
forestr.edge/core ratiorelación centro/periferia
forestr.edge/core ratioRCP
industr., construct., met.edge crackfisura marginal
industr., construct., met.edge cracklengua
industr., construct., met.edge crackpetadura de borde
mater.sc., chem.edge crackdesventados en cantos
textileedge crimped yarnhilo texturado sobre arista
textileedge crimpingtexturado sobre arista
textileedge crimping machinemáquina de texturación sobre arista
wood.edge cross laptraslapo cruzado en los extremos
wood.edge cross lapsalape cruzado en los extremos
snd.rec.edge curlborde obtuso
snd.rec.edge curveborde curvado
pack.edge cushionesquinas
pack.edge cushionrelleno de ángulos
pack.edge cushioningesquinas
pack.edge cushioningrelleno de ángulos
tech., industr., construct.edge cutterhuizaches
tech., industr., construct.edge cuttercortabordes
pack.edge cuttersdispositivo de lavado
pack.edge cutterscortadora f
commun., ITedge detectiondetección de contornos
commun., ITedge detectiondetección de líneas
ITedge detectiondetección de bordes
radioedge diffractiondifracción por una arista
tech.edge distancedistancia del borde al centro del remache
tech.edge distancedistancia del borde al centro
water.res.edge effectefecto de linde
water.res.edge effectefecto marginal
antenn., opt.edge-emitting light emitting diodediodo emisor de luz con emisión longitudinal
rem.sens.edge enhancementacentuación de contornos
industr., construct., met.edge fine grindinglabrado fino de un canto
industr., construct., met.edge fine grindingdesbastado fino de un canto
industr., construct., met.edge fine grindingdesbastado fino de un borde
industr., construct., chem.edge flakealteración del borde
radioedge flaresobreluminancia de bordes
snd.rec.edge foldborde doblado
leath.edge foldingdobladillo
pack.edge fracturefisura de ángulos
pack.edge fracturerotura
pack.edge fracturefisura de bordes
pack.edge fracturefisura angular
pack.edge fracturefisura transversal
pack.edge fracturefractura
pack.edge fracturerotura transversal
wood.edge-gluingencoladura de canto
textileedge guideguía de orillo
pack.edge gumming machinemáquina engomadora encoladora de cantos
UN, ecol.edge habitatborde de hábitat
comp., MSedge handleidentificador de borde (A handle indicating that a swipe gesture was detected, which allows the user to ignore and dismiss it or to invoke the relevant edge UI)
construct.edge infillingremate contra muro
accum.edge insulatoraislador lateral
chem.edge-jointing adhesivecola para unir los bordes
pack.edge jointing adhesiveesquinas
pack.edge jointing adhesivecola para uniones
pack.edge jointing adhesivecantos
pack.edge jointing adhesivecola para juntas (uniones)
chem.edge-jointing cementadhesivo para bordes
UN, cartogr.edge-matchingajuste de los márgenes
comp., MSedge networkred perimetral (One or more computers that have a connection to the Internet through an external screening router and a connection to the internal network through an interior screening router. Computers that are linked to the perimeter network have limited access to both the Internet and the internal network. This architecture is convenient if multiple hosts require direct Internet access)
snd.rec.edge nickcuello en el borde
snd.rec.edge notchacordeón en el borde
commun.edge of a bookcanto de un libro
met.edge of a cutbordes de un corte
life.sc.edge of a woodlindero de un bosque
el.edge of the earthcontorno de la Tierra
industr., construct.edge of the lastcanto
earth.sc.edge of the plasmaborde del plasma
forestr.edge of the seed treescordón de portagranos
industr., construct., met.edge of the sheetborde de la hoja
construct.edge of wellperiferia de un pozo
construct.edge of wellcontorno de un pozo
pack.edge or corner protectionprotector de bordes
tech.edge plaincepillo de cantear
piez.edge profilebisel
construct.edge protection systemssistemas de protección de borde
IT, tech.edge-punched cardficha con muescas marginales
IT, dat.proc.edge-punched cardficha con perforación marginal
gen.edge-relatedrelativo a un borde o margen
snd.rec.edge ribborde ondulado
industr., construct., chem.edge roll machinemáquina de borde
tech.edge-rounding planecepillo de redondear bordes
UNedge routersencaminador periférico
chem.edge runnermuela vertical
tech.edge runnermolino de muelas verticales
chem.edge-runner millmolino de muelas verticales
comp., MSedge serverservidor perimetral (A server running Lync Server or Office Communications Server that resides in the perimeter network and routes traffic between the internal deployment and users who sign in from outside the firewall)
IT, el.edge-strip interchangeability indexnúmero identificador de placa
met.edge stripsbandas laterales
comp., MSEdge Subscriptionsuscripción perimetral (The record of an Edge Transport server that has been subscribed to an Exchange organization and to which the Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync service propagates recipient and configuration data. The Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync service relies on Edge Subscriptions. Also, Edge Subscription is the process that is required to establish an Edge Subscription for a given Edge Transport server)
comp., MSEdge Subscription filearchivo de suscripción perimetral (The XML file that is exported on the Edge Transport server and imported on the Hub Transport server to establish an Edge Subscription)
comp., MSedge timetiempo parcial (The time contributed to the total time of a callee function when called from a specific caller function. The sum of the edge time of all the incoming edges to a function equals this function's total time)
dril.edge-to-edge matrixmatriz de borde a borde
comp., MSedge total timetiempo parcial total (The time a particular function takes to run when called from a specific parent function)
wood.edge trainaserrado por cuartos
comp., MSEdge Transport server rolerol de servidor Transporte perimetral (An Exchange Server 2007 and 2010 server role that provides anti-spam and antivirus protection and applies messaging security policies to messages in transport between organizations by using a series of agents that act on messages as they are processed by the message transport components. This server role is deployed in the perimeter network outside the Active Directory directory service forest. Computers that have the Edge Transport server role installed handle all Internet-facing mail flow and provide Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) relay and smart host services for the Exchange organization)
chem.edge trim rollcilindro de corte de los cantos
tech.edge-trimming planecepillo de rebajar cantos
industr., construct.edge trimmingsrefile
mech.eng.edge type filterfiltro de peines
bank.edge upsubir lentamente
meteorol.edge waveola transversal
industr., construct., met.to edge with a grooveranurar el borde
industr., construct., met.edge workcanteado
industr., construct., met.edge worklabrado de cantos
forestr.edge zonezona de borde
commun.edges marbled with the use of the combcanto peinado
agric.edges of arable fieldslinde de los campos cultivables
hobbyedges of skiscantos bordes de esquís
commun.edges of the necessary bandwidthbordes de la anchura de banda necesaria
industr., construct.edges or bottom surface of the solebanco de cepillos
transp.edging memberelemento de borde
transp.edging panelpanel de borde
IT, dat.proc.end edgeborde final
comp., MSend-to-edgeextremo a perímetro (Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a QoS signaling path that traverses an underlying network from an end host to the edge node of a domain (or from an edge node to an end host))
meteorol.entering edgevanguardia
meteorol.entering edgefrente de avance
tech.entering edgeborde de ataque
avia.entering edgeborde delantero
meteorol.entering edgeflanco anterior
avia.entering edgeborde anterior
pack.entry member edge boardelemento de entrada (of pallets, de paletas)
soil.escarpment edgeescarpa
soil.escarpment edgecabecera de cárcava
soil.escarpment edgenicho
industr., construct.false edge of the boardcontrafilo del tablero
tech.fastener edge distancedistancia del borde al centro del remache
chem.fat edgeexceso de pintura en el borde
chem.fat edgeborde craso
chem.fat edgereborde
tech.feather edgeborde afilado
tech.feather edgefilo fino
footwearfeather edgecanto
tech.feather edgechaflán
tech.feather edgebisel
polygr.feathered edgefilo irregular
polygr.feathered edgerebaba
polygr.feathered edgeborde biselado
tech.feathered edgecanto biselado
agric.feathers with trimmed edgesplumas recortadas
industr., construct., chem.finish ground edgeborde mecanizado
industr., construct., chem.finish ground edgeborde canteado
industr., construct.finishing of edgesacabado de cantos
environ.fire edgeborde del incendio
pack.flange the edge overrebordear
pack.flange the edge overembridar
el.flaring of the edge of a reflectorabocinamiento del borde de un reflector
transp.flight compartment edgingborde del puesto de pilotaje
libr.fore-edgecanto delantero
forestr.forest edgelinde del bosque
met.forming the edgesachaflanado de los bordes
mil.forward edge of the battle arealímite avanzado del área de combate (LAAC)
mil.forward edge of the battle areaborde delantero de la zona de combate
tech.forward edge of the battle arealímite avanzado del área de combate (LAAC)
mil.forward edge of the battle areala línea a lo largo de la cual se puede localizar a la mayoría de las unidades enemigas de vanguardia
gen.forward edge of the battle arealímite anterior de la zona de resistencia
opt.Foucault knife-edge testprueba de Foucault de corte de cuchilla
transp.free edge of the bracketcanto libre del cartabón
comp.from edgedesde el extremo
comp.from edgedesde el borde
libr.front edgecanto delantero
gen.Front Edge of Battlefield Arealímite anterior de la zona de resistencia
commun.gild the edges of a bookdorar los cantos de un libro
industr., construct.glass with worked edgesborde escotado
chem.glass with worked edgesborde moldurado
chem.glass with worked edgesvidrio con los bordes trabajados
chem.glazed over adjacent edgesplaqueta con dos cantos esmaltados esquima izquierda
chem.glazed over the edgeplaquetas con lado corto esmaltado
industr., construct.glue applicator for edgeencoladora de cantos
book.bind.goffered edgescorte gofrado
comp., MSgraph edgeborde de gráfico (A unit in the graph index that consists of an actor, an action, and an object. A graph edge represents an action done by one entity on another entity, or some relationship between two entities. For instance, an edge can represent a user (actor) viewing (action) a document (object). Or an edge can represent a user (actor) being the manager (action) of another user (object). Each graph edge contains metadata, such as a timestamp, relevance weight, and action type)
met.grey edgeborde gris
pack.gummed edgeborde encolado
construct.hanging beam at slab edgevigas de cuelgue en bordes de forjado
meteorol.have sharp edges such as a dry slottener bordes definidos como las franjas secas
meteorol.humidity edgebordes de humedad
tech.inboard leading edgeborde de ataque cercano al fuselaje
commun.incut edgescortes no abiertos
agric., mech.eng.inside concave edgebisel exterior
transp.inside edge of the railborde interior del carril
transp.inside edge of the railcanto interior del carril
med.joining edge to edgesutura por aposición
toolskeen cutting edgecorte agudo
chem.knife-edgecuña de la balanza
chem.knife-edgecuchillo de balanza (of a balance)
tech.knife edgecuchillo de balanza
tech.knife-edge bearingsoporte de cuña
radioknife-edge diffractiondifracción por una Iámina
commun.knife-edge of artificial ear,to seal to thesellar con el borde afilado del oído artificial
avia.knife edge passcanal en canto afilado
transp.knife edges for balancingprismas de suspensión para equilibrado
tech.lagging edgeimpulsos flanco posterior
agric.lawn edge trimmercortaorillas
agric.lawn edging ironherramienta para cortar el césped
el.leading and trailing edges of a pulsefrentes anterior y posterior de un impulso
meteorol.leading edgefrente de avance
meteorol.leading edgeflanco anterior
meteorol.leading edgevanguardia
meteorol.leading edgeborde de avance
avia.leading edgeborde delantero
el.leading-edge broadeningensanchamiento del tiempo de subida
transp.leading edge flapflap de borde de ataque
gen.leading edge integrated circuitCI de vanguardia
geol.leading edge of a slidepie de un deslizamiento
meteorol.leading edge of a wave crestborde delantero de la cresta de la ola
commun.leading edge of an itemborde de ataque de un envío
dril.leading edge of spotfrente del fluido
tech.leading edge probemedidor del tanque situado en el borde de ataque del ala
tech.leading edge slataleta de ranura del borde de ataque
IMF.leading edge technologytecnología avanzada
IMF.leading edge technologytecnología de vanguardia
mater.sc.leading-edge technologytecnología avanzada
tech.left and right leading edge flap actuatorsaccionadores de los flaps del borde de ataque izquierdo y derecho
gen.left hand edgeborde izquierdo
tech.left leading edge flap controlcontrol del flap del borde de ataque izquierdo
tech.left leading edge flap lock actuator motorservomotor de fijación de los flaps del borde de ataque izquierdo
tech.left leading edge flap lock control switchinterruptor de control de fijación de los flaps del borde de ataque izquierdo
tech.left trailing edge flap controlcontrol del flap del borde de salida izquierdo
libr., mexic.lower edgecanto inferior
libr., span.lower edgeanto de pie
commun.machine for gilding or colouring the edges of booksmáquina para dorar o colorear los cantos de los libros
construct.machine for trimming the edges of tilesmáquina para desbarbar los bordes de las tejas
commun.marbled edgescorte marmolado
commun.marbled edgescanto jaspeado
commun.marbled edgescorte jaspeado
meteorol.marginal ice edgeborde de la zona de hielo marginal
life.sc.matching of sheet edgesdelaptación de borde
life.sc.matching of sheet edgescomprobación de bordes de la hoja
met.melting of the top edgeborde superior fundido
met.melting of the top edgearista fundida
met.metal plate with flanged edgeschapa rebordeada
el.multiple knife-edgesmúltiples obstáculos en filo de cuchillo
tech.negative or positive edge-triggered flip flopbasculador disparado por flanco positivo o negativo
forestr.opposing edgeborde o margen opuesto
forestr.opposing edgecontrafilo
el.optical absorption edgeborde de absorción
tech.outboard leading edge wingborde de ataque hacia la punta del ala
agric., mech.eng.outer convex edgebisel interior
forestr.outer edgeborde exterior
UN, geol.outer edge of the continental marginborde exterior del margen continental
gen.outer edge of postage stampborde exterior de un sello de correos
gen.outer edge of postage stampborde exterior de una estampilla postal
environ.outer edge of the continental marginborde exterior del margen continental
transp.outer edge of the margin plateborde de la plancha marginal
meteorol.outer edgesbordes externos
tech.outside edgeborde exterior
earth.sc., mech.eng.overlapping of controlling edgesrecubrimiento de los bordes de rozamiento
earth.sc., mech.eng.overlapping of leading edgesrecubrimiento de los bordes de rozamiento
IT, el.PCB edge-strip pottingadhesión de la banda identificadora al circuito impreso
industr., construct., met.pencil edginglabrado de cantos
tech.pinked edgeorilla de tela en zigzag
met.plates with rough edgeschapas con bordes brutos
mech.eng.pliers with cutting edgesalicates cortantes
met.poor alignment of plate edgesdesnivelación de bordes
pack.printing with a deep edge platehuecograbado
pack.printing with a deep edge plateimpresión por huecograbado
met.product supplied with trimmed edgesproductos suministrados con bordes cortados
met.product with special edgesproducto con bordes especiales
el.pulse trailing edgeborde posterior de un impulso
tech., met.radius of the interior and exterior edges of the blankholderradio de los acuerdos interior y exterior de la matriz de embutición
met.raw edgesgrieta de borde
IT, dat.proc.rectangle with clean edgesrectángulo con esquinas limpias
IT, dat.proc.rectangle with rounded edgesrectángulo con esquinas redondeadas
transp., mater.sc.to remove sharp edgesdesbarbar las aristas
agric.replaceable front edgeborde frontal recambiable
agric.replaceable front edgeborde frontal postizo
gen.right hand edgeborde derecho
tech.right leading edge flap lightluz de los flaps del borde de ataque derecho
tech.right leading edge flap warning switchinterruptor de advertencia de los flaps del borde de ataque derecho
met.rounding of the top edgearista redondeada
transp.running edgescara de guiado
tech.safe edge filelima de canto liso
tech.sawtooth leading edgeborde de ataque dentado
coal., met.sealing edgeborde estanco
industr., construct., met.seamed edgearista abatida
met.section with sharp edgesperfil con aristas vivas
comp., MSsecurity-edge gatewaypuerta de enlace de perímetro de seguridad (A security solution that segregates one portion of a network from another portion, allowing only authorized network traffic to pass through according to traffic filtering rules)
tech.selvage or selvedge edgeorillo
tech.serrated edgeborde dentado
footwearto set edgeslijar suelas
industr., construct.to set the edgeslujar cantos
footwearsetting edgeslimpieza terminacion
footwearsetting edgeslijado
footwearsetting edges workerlijador
industr., construct.sewing of the vamp edgecosido de pala
industr., construct., met.sharp edgearista
tech.sharp-edge orifice plateplaca de orificios de aristas vivas
construct.sharp edgesángulos vivos
nat.sc., agric.sharpness of the edgeagudeza del filo
wood.shiplap edgesbordes trabajados en forma de solapa
industr., construct., met.sloped edgebisel
fin.smooth edge with a groovecanto pulido con una ranura
comp., MSsoft edgesbordes suaves (A picture, shape, or video effect that uses gradation as opposed to a hard outline. The edges of the object disappear or fade into the background)
el.source edgeborde de la fuente
met.special tolerances, close tolerances, are obtained by reshearing of the edgeslas tolerancias mas estrechas que las normales se obtienen por recizallamiento de los bordes
industr., construct.square edge doorhoja de puerta de cantos vivos
el.squaring of the edgesescuadramiento de los bordes
el.steepness of the falling edgependiente del borde de caída
auto.straight edgeregla recta
tech.straight edgeniveladora
tech.straight edgereglón
tech.straight edgeregla
tech.straight edgeescantillón
tech.straight edgeaplanadora
met.straightness of the edgerectitud de bordes
met.tacking of edgespunteado de bordes
libr., mexic.tail edgecanto inferior
libr., span.tail edgeanto de pie
construct.temporary edge protectionprotección provisional de borde
transp., construct.the edge of the surfacing usually requires slopingel borde del pavimento generalmente termina en forma oblicua
mun.plan.tile with bevelled or rounded edgesbaldosa para revestimiento con los bordes biselados o redondeados
industr., construct.timber planed one face and two edgesmadera cepillada por una sola cara
commun.tooled edgescorte en relieve
commun.tooled edgescorte cincelado
libr., span.top edgecanto de cabeza
libr., mexic.top edgecanto superior
polygr., model.top edgecabecera
polygr., model.Top Edge and Top Edge Giltcabecera dorada
avia.trailing edgeimpulsos flanco posterior
phys.sc., mech.eng.trailing edgeborde de escape
avia.trailing edgeborde posterior del ala
el.trailing-edge broadeningensanchamiento del tiempo de bajada
meas.inst.trailing edge cordcuerda del borde de salida
tech.trailing-edge flapflap del borde de salida
avia.trailing-edge ribsección posterior de costilla
avia.trailing-edge vorticestorbellinos del borde de salida
supercond.transition-edge sensorsensor de borde de transición
met.transverse section with hard edgescorte transversal con aristas vivas
met., mech.eng.to trim the edges offdesbarbar
industr., construct.trimming of the edgesdesvirado
meteorol.tsunami edge waveola de tsunami transversal
transp., nautic., tech.upper edge of the hull planking or platingborde superior del forro
ITupper window edge allocated to the peer entityborde superior de ventana atribuido a la entidad par
snd.rec.wavy edgeborde rizado
comp., MSWeb Conferencing Edge ServerServidor perimetral de conferencia web (An Office Communications Server that resides in the perimeter network and enables data collaboration with external users)
met.weld between members with prepared edgessoldadura con bordes achaflanados
met.weld where the parent metal has softened allowing the weld and edges of metal to sagsoldadura hundida
industr.wet-edge timetiempo de empalme
tech., chem.wet-edge timetiempo de manejabilidad de la pintura en envase abierto
commun.white edgescanto liso
commun.writing edgebarra de impresión
telegr.writing edgelamo de inscripción