
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Document | all forms | exact matches only
active documentdocumento activo (A document that contains ActiveX controls, Java applets, HTML pages, or document objects for display in Internet Explorer)
automatic document feederalimentador automático de documentos (An attachment available on some scanners that allows automatic scanning of multiple pages)
business documentdocumento empresarial (A view of a source document that is issued by one party and received by one or more other parties)
Clinical Document ArchitectureArquitectura de documento clínico (The standard format used to define how patient health information is transferred between systems)
consolidated source documentdocumento de origen consolidado (A source document that documents a sum of product quantities and monetary amounts from more than one referenced source document of the same class)
continuity of care documentdocumento de asistencia continua (A standard format used to transfer patient health information between systems)
default documentdocumento predeterminado (The file that is sent by a Web server when it receives a request for a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that does not specify a file name. This document can be generated automatically by the server, or it can be a custom file that is placed in that directory by the administrator)
destination documentdocumento destino (A document to which information is copied or moved)
document-based content typetipo de contenido basado en documentos (A content type that inherits settings from a base content type that was designed for document libraries)
document blockingbloqueo de documentos (A method of placing an operations process on hold while ordered items are in a quality assurance process)
document colorscolores de documento (A portion of the color bar that allows the user to select one color from the set of colors in the current document)
Document Connection for MacConexión de documentos para Mac (A Microsoft application used to connect to Sharepoint Services and Office Live Workspaces from the Mac)
document elementelemento de documento (A reusable piece of content, formatting information or other document parts that are stored in galleries)
Document ExplorerExplorador de documentos (A utility in Windows that enables the user to locate and open files and folders)
Document IDId. de documento (A unique, persistent identifier assigned to a document or other item in SharePoint Server that allows it to be referenced and retrieved regardless of its location)
Document ID Lookup URLURL de búsqueda por Id. de documento (A URL that is based on a query using the Document ID rather than the physical location of the item)
Document Information PanelPanel de información del documento (A pane that displays document property information for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files stored in a WSS library. The pane is displayed below the ribbon and is actually a hosted custom InfoPath form. Information is synced automatically between the document and the WSS library)
Document Inspectorinspector de documento (A feature that allows users to check and remove personal and other sensitive information from a document)
Document IntegrityIntegridad de documentos (A feature that ensures that all components of a file are preserved, even if they are supported only by the rich client and not viewable in Web Companions)
document-level customizationpersonalización de nivel de documento (A supplemental program that modifies or adds functionality to an existing program or application, but only when a specific document is open)
document librarybiblioteca de documentos (A location on a SharePoint site where a collection of files and their associated metadata are stored)
document managementadministración de documentos (The capability to view and manage SharePoint documents from Microsoft Dynamics CRM)
document management systemsistema de gestión de documentos (An application service for storing and handling an organization's documents)
Document MapMapa del documento (A vertical pane along the left edge of the document window that displays an outline of the document's headings, and enables the user to navigate to or manipulate different parts of the document)
document parsinganálisis de documento (The process of detecting the file type of an item during content processing, and converting the item to text)
document profileperfil de documento (A set of properties applied to similar documents in the backward-compatible document library)
document propertiespropiedades del documento (Properties, such as title, subject, and author, that are stored with each data access page)
Document ReviewRevisión del documento (A feature in Office Server that provides a workflow for document review)
document rootraíz del documento (The root directory for a Web site, where the content files are stored. In (IIS), the home directory and all its subdirectories are available to users by default. Also, the root directory for an IIS service. Typically, the home directory for a site contains the home page)
document serviceservicio documental (Specifies the services that have been set up for document storage and usage)
document servicesservicios de documentos (The application integration services that provide create, read, update, delete, and find operations for XML documents mapped using an Application Object Tree (AOT) query element)
document setconjunto de documentos (A special type of folder that enables users to manage a deliverable or work product spanning multiple documents as a single entity)
document stencilsímbolos de documento (A stencil stored in a drawing file that contains an inventory of the masters used in all of the drawings in the file. Masters on the document stencil are linked to their instances in the drawings)
document templateplantilla de documento (A file that contains some pre-defined formatting, layout, and/or text and graphics and that serves as the basis for new documents with a similar look or purpose)
document typetipo de documento (A designation that identifies a document's purpose)
document type definitiondefinición de tipo de documento (A set of syntax rules for mark-up tags and their interpretation. Within an HTML (or XML) document, a DTD provides specific information on what tags are used in the document (and in what order those tags should appear), which tags can appear inside other ones, which tags have attributes, and so forth. Originally developed for use with Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), DTD defines the relationships between document elements)
Document Virtual FolderCarpeta virtual de documentos (A feature that allows the user to group files by any criteria and display them in one place)
document windowventana de documento (In windowing environments, such as the Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows, an on-screen window (enclosed work area) in which the user can create, view, or work on a document)
Document WorkspaceÁrea de trabajo de documento (A Web site based on the Document Workspace template that workspace members use for discussing, editing, and working together on a document)
Document Workspace sitesitio Área de trabajo de documento (A Web site based on the Document Workspace template that workspace members use for discussing, editing, and working together on a document)
Enhanced Document AvailabilityDisponibilidad de documentos avanzada (A set of Microsoft Exchange features that offers increased access to documents even when the documents are located on an internal network or the software required to view the documents is not installed on the client computer)
feedback documentdocumento observaciones (A document which is sent from Navision to Outlook as a response for a synchronization query. The feedback document contains all errors or conflicts detected by the C/AL code at the Navision Service Tier during the synchronization)
financial template documentdocumento de plantilla financiera (An XML schema that contains all the necessary elements that are needed to capture awizard selection and to drive the screens in the wizard)
fixed documentdocumento estático (A document format that displays a page exactly as the author intended, independent of the viewer's screen size or window size, dots per inch (dpi), available fonts, or any other system-specific settings. The page renders the same on any compatible device, ensuring a consistent experience for all users)
flow documentdocumento dinámico (A document designed to optimize viewing and readability. Flow documents dynamically adjust and reflow their content based on run-time variables such as the display area size, device resolution, and user preferences. A web page is a simple example of a flow document where the page content is dynamically formatted to fit the current window)
Groove Documents ToolHerramienta de documentos de Groove (A tool in Groove for storing and sharing files; primary use is intended to be as connection to SharePoint (via Site Client))
main documentdocumento principal (In a mail-merge operation, the document that contains the text and graphics that are the same for each version of the merged document, for example, the return address or salutation in a form letter)
master documentdocumento maestro (" A "container" for a set of separate files (or subdocuments). You can use a master document to set up and manage a multipart document, such as a book with several chapters.")
Microsoft Document Connection for MacConexión de documentos para Mac de Microsoft (A Microsoft application used to connect to Sharepoint Services and Office Live Workspaces from the Mac)
Microsoft Office Document CacheCaché de documentos de Microsoft Office (A client-side cache for documents that are stored on Web servers. Documents are seamlessly replicated from this local cache, and uploaded to servers as required, enabling faster and more robust file access)
Microsoft XPS Document WriterEscritor de documentos XPS de Microsoft (A print-to-file driver that enables any Windows application to create XML Paper Specification (XPS) Document files)
multiple-document interfaceinterfaz de múltiples documentos (A specification according to which documents are opened into windows (sometimes called child windows) that are constrained to a single primary (parent) window)
My DocumentsMis documentos (A folder that provides you with a convenient place to store documents, graphics, or other files you want to access quickly. When you save a file in a program such as WordPad or Paint, the file is automatically saved in My Documents, unless you choose a different folder)
Office Document CacheCaché de documentos de Office (A client-side cache for documents that are stored on Web servers. Documents are seamlessly replicated from this local cache, and uploaded to servers as required, enabling faster and more robust file access)
online document storagealmacenamiento de documentos en línea (A document library such as SharePoint Online)
Principles for the data access and the testability of digital documentsPrincipios para el acceso a la información y para la comprobación de documentos digitales (A German law that requires tax authorities to be capable of digitally checking data from electronic bookkeeping systems)
Print and Document ServicesServicios de impresión y documentos (A server role that enables you to centralize print server and network printer management tasks. With this role, you can also receive scanned documents from network scanners and route the documents to a shared network resource, Windows SharePoint Services site, or e-mail addresses)
redrawn documentdocumento renegociado (A document that is recreated to resolve a problem or reflect a change, such as a protested bill of exchange or an honored promissory note)
sample documentdocumento de muestra (A type of template that contains instructions on how to create your own document)
single-document interfaceinterfaz de un único documento (A specification according to which each open document occupies its own window in the UI, though only a single instance of the program application is running)
source documentdocumento origen (The document where a linked or embedded object was originally created)
source documentdocumento de origen (An original record that evidences the occurrence of one or more economic, resource flow, and accounting events. A source document is entered into a system that records, classifies, tracks, and reports on the economic resources exchanged or committed at the time of the event)
source document amountimporte de documento de origen (A monetary amount measurement that is documented on a source document)
split source documentdocumento de origen dividido (A source document that documents partial product quantities and monetary amounts from one referenced document of the same class)
startup documentdocumento de inicio (The document that appears first when you run your application)
text documentdocumento de texto (A document that contains alphanumeric information, not just 0s and 1s)
Trusted DocumentsDocumentos confiables (A feature that allows the user to indicate that a document is trusted, and therefore can be opened without security notifications, so long as the filepath and creation time of the document remain unchanged)
WebReady Document ViewingPresentación de documentos WebReady (A technology that allows documents to be converted to HTML and displayed in a Web browser when a viewing application is not available)
workflow documentdocumento de flujo de trabajo (A view of data that is submitted to workflow for processing)
XBRL instance documentdocumento de instancia de XBRL (An XML file that contains the financial data and XBRL taxonomy information of a report)
XPS Document file formatformato de archivo Documento XPS (An open, cross-platform document format that allows customers to effortlessly create, share, print, and archive paginated documents)
XPS Document formatformato Documento XPS (An open, cross-platform document format that allows customers to effortlessly create, share, print, and archive paginated documents)