
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Connectivity | all forms | exact matches only
Access Connectivity Enginemotor de conectividad de Access (Part of the Access database system that retrieves and stores data in user and system databases. The engine can be thought of as a data manager on which database systems are built)
Business Connectivity ServicesServicios de conectividad empresarial (A feature that enables users to interact with back-end (LOB) data from within the Office Suite and SharePoint)
Business Data Connectivity Model TemplatePlantilla modelo de conectividad a datos empresariales (A Visual Studio project template that enables you to create your own .NET Connectivity Assemblies)
Business Data Connectivity serviceServicio de conectividad a datos empresariales (A shared service in Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Server that provides a means for storing, securing, and administering external content types and related objects)
Business Data Connectivity Service Applicationaplicación de Servicio de conectividad a datos empresariales (A deployed instance of the Business Data Connectivity Shared Service)
Business Data Connectivity Service Application ProxyProxy de la aplicación de Servicio de conectividad a datos empresariales (An application proxy that allows Web applications to connect to a Business Data Connectivity Shared Service Application and contains features for using the shared service)
Business Data Connectivity Shared ServiceServicio compartido de conectividad a datos empresariales (A shared service in Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Server that provides a means for storing, securing, and administering external content types and related objects)
Connectivity ExplorerExplorador de conectividad (A window that shows pipeline components and all components to which the pipeline is connected)
Microsoft Business Connectivity ServicesServicios de conectividad empresarial de Microsoft (A feature that enables users to interact with back-end (LOB) data from within the Office Suite and SharePoint)
.NET Connectivity AssemblyEnsamblado de conectividad .NET (A .NET assembly that implements connectivity operations such as custom data access, aggregation, and data transformations. Each class in this assembly typically maps to an external content type and each operation supported by the external content type maps to a method inside the class)
Open Database Connectivityconectividad abierta de bases de datos (In the Microsoft WOSA (Windows Open System Architecture) structure, an interface providing a common language for Windows applications to gain access to a database on a network)
PSTN connectivityconectividad con RTC (Connectivity with the public switched telephone network (PSTN) through integration with an audio conferencing provider)
public IM connectivityconectividad de mensajería instantánea pública (The ability to connect to public IM service providers)
public IM connectivity contactcontacto de mensajería instantánea pública (A contact who uses an instant messenger client from AOL, Yahoo!, MSN, or the Windows Live network of Internet services)
Smart Device Connectivity APIAPI de conectividad de dispositivos Smart Device (An application programming interface that enables developers to establish a connection between a desktop computer and a device. This API enables developers to focus on creating remote tools, while it handles the details of device interconnectivity and transport mechanisms)