
Terms containing Apartment | all forms | exact matches only
gen.and the party is in my apartmenty la fiesta es en mi apartamento
environ.apartment blockbloque de apartamentos
environ.apartment block An apartment building in which each apartment is individually wholly owned and the common areas are jointly ownedbloque de apartamentos
construct.apartment dwelling USAvivienda colectiva
environ.apartment houseresidencia multifamiliar
construct.apartment house USAvivienda colectiva
gen.apartment house managementadministración de inmuebles
construct.apartment housesviviendas colectivas
comp., MSapartment-threaded componentcomponente de subproceso controlado (A COM component that resides on a single thread of execution. Apartment-threaded components rely on COM to synchronize calls to them. All COM objects created with Visual Basic are apartment threaded)
comp., MSapartment threadingapartamento de subproceso (A COM threading model where all calls to an object occur on one thread. In apartment threading, COM synchronizes and marshals calls)
comp., MSapartment threading modelmodelo de apartamento de subproceso (A COM threading model where all calls to an object occur on one thread. In apartment threading, COM synchronizes and marshals calls)
comp., MSapplication single-threaded apartmentcontenedor uniproceso de aplicación (A single-threaded apartment the thread of which is the core UI thread for an application window)
gen.can I see the apartment, sir?¿puedo ver el apartamento, señor?
gen.can you rent me an apartment?¿puedes alquilarme un apartamento?
gen.can you rent me the apartment?¿puedes alquilarme el apartamento?
fin.co-op apartmentapartamento en cooperativa
gen.do you like the apartment?¿te gusta el apartamento?
gen.do you want to rent me an apartment?¿quieres alquilarme un apartamento?
gen.he has an expensive apartmenttiene un apartamento caro
gen.he has an old apartmenttiene un apartamento viejo
gen.he is looking for an apartmentél está buscando apartamento
gen.her apartment is greatel apartamento de ella es grande
gen.his apartment has two bathroomsEl apartamento suyo tiene dos baños
gen.his apartment is greatEl apartamento suyo es grande
gen.I am looking for an apartmentyo estoy buscando apartamento
gen.I am looking for the apartmentyo busco el apartamento
gen.I have a vacant apartmenttengo un apartamento desocupado
gen.I like this apartmentme gusta este apartamento
gen.I live in a comfortable apartmentvivo en un apartamento cómodo
gen.I live in an inexpensive apartmentvivo en un apartamento barato
gen.I only have one apartment availablesólo tengo un apartamento desocupado
gen.I want to talk about the apartmentquiero hablar del apartamento
gen.I want to talk about the apartmentsquiero hablar de los apartamentos
gen.let’s go and look for an apartmentvamos a buscar un apartamento
gen.let’s go and see the apartmentvamos a ver el apartamento
gen.let’s see the apartment of yoursvamos a ver lo del apartamento tuyo
comp., MSmultithreaded apartmentcontenedor multiproceso (An apartment that consists of one or more threads)
gen.no, I eat in the apartmentno, yo como en el apartamento
gen.no, I plan to look for an apartmentno, pienso buscar un apartamento
gen.no, I want to look for an apartmentno, quiero buscar un apartamento
gen.no, she lives in an apartmentno, vive en un apartamento
gen.no, we eat in the apartmentno, nosotros comemos en el apartamento
gen.renting of apartmentsalquiler de apartamentos
construct.show apartmentpiso piloto
comp., MSsingle-threaded apartmentcontenedor uniproceso (An apartment that consists of exactly one thread)
gen.that apartment is goodese apartamento es bueno
gen.that apartment over there is goodaquel apartamento es bueno
gen.the apartment is quite well done upel apartamento está muy arreglado
gen.the apartment is rentedel apartamento está alquilado
gen.the apartment is unoccupiedel apartamento está desocupado
gen.the apartments are cheaplos apartamentos son baratos
gen.the apartments are comfortablelos apartamentos son cómodos
gen.the apartments must be very nicedeben ser muy bonitos los apartamentos
gen.the girl wants to see the apartmentla muchacha quiere ver el apartamento
gen.their apartment is niceel apartamento de ellas es bonito
med.therapeutic apartmentpiso de acogida
gen.there are many apartmentshay muchos apartamentos
gen.there is no water in my apartmentno hay agua en mi apartamento
gen.these apartments are cheapestos apartamentos son baratos
gen.these apartments are goodestos apartamentos son buenos
gen.these are the keys to the apartmentestas son las llaves del apartamento
gen.they are looking for an apartmentellos están buscando apartamento
gen.they live in a big apartmentellos viven en un apartamento grande
gen.they live in an apartmentellos viven en un apartamento
gen.they rent the apartmentellos alquilan el apartamento
gen.this apartment is goodeste apartamento es bueno
gen.this apartment is ourseste apartamento es nuestro
gen.this apartment is yoursese apartamento es suyo
gen.those apartments are cheapesos apartamentos son baratos
gen.those apartments are goodesos apartamentos son buenos
gen.those apartments over there are cheapaquellos apartamentos son baratos
gen.those apartments over there are goodaquellos apartamentos es buenos
gen.we are looking for an apartmentnosotros estamos buscando apartamento
gen.we cannot find the apartmentnosotros no encontramos el apartamento
gen.who cleans the apartment for you?¿quién te limpia el apartamento?
gen.will my apartment be like this one?¿va a ser mi apartamento como éste?
gen.yes, and the apartment is inexpensivesí, y el apartamento es barato
gen.yes, but this apartment is largersí, pero este apartamento es más grande
gen.yes, we can find the apartmentssí, podemos encontrar los apartamentos
gen.you are in your apartmenttú estás en tu apartamento
gen.you are looking apartmentustedes están buscando apartamento
gen.you are looking for an apartmentusted está buscando apartamento