
Terms for subject Politics containing AS | all forms | exact matches only
as provided in this Treaty and in accordance with the timetable set out thereinen las condiciones y según el ritmo previstos en el presente Tratado
case as it is found at the time of the interventionestado del litigio en el momento de su intervención
Code of conduct on public access to the minutes and statements in the minutes of the Council acting as legislatorCódigo de conducta relativo a la publicación de las actas y de las declaraciones incluidas en actas del Consejo cuando actúa en calidad de legislador
food as a weaponalimentos como arma
food as an instrument for political and economic pressurealimentos como instrumento de presión política y económica
give a decision as to costsdecidir sobre las costas
Judge acting who acts as Rapporteurjuez ponente
Judge acting as RapporteurJuez Ponente
Judge who acts as RapporteurJuez Ponente
lack of competence to act as witness or expertincapacidad de un testigo o de un perito
pay as you go system Financial system where annual disbursements of social security benefits are approximately in balance with annual receiptssistema de reparto (Sistema financiero en el que los gastos anuales de los regìmenes de seguridad social corresponden aproximadamente a sus ingresos anuales)
pay as you go systemsistema de reparto
regulation known as the "black list"reglamento denominado "lista negra"
save as otherwise decidedsalvo decisión en contrario
statement of assurance as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactionsdeclaración sobre la fiabilidad de las cuentas y la regularidad y legalidad de las operaciones
the obligations shall be binding only in so far aslas obligaciones sólo serán válidas en cuanto que...
to this end have designated as their Plenipotentiaries...han designado con tal fin como plenipotenciarios