
Terms containing section | all forms | exact matches only
earth.sc., transp.aerofoil sectiontrasghearradh aereiteoige
market., commun.back scatter cross-sectiontrasghearradh cúlscaipthe
market., commun.back scatter cross-sectionan trasghearradh den chúlscaipeadh
transp., mech.eng.blade sectiontrasghearradh lainne
polit.Bulgarian SectionRannóg na Bulgáirise
med.caesarean sectiongearradh caesarach (partus caesareus, sectio caesarea)
transp.centre sectionlárchuid
fin., polit.circular sectiongearradh ciorclach
earth.sc., tech.closed working sectionrannóg oibre iata
market.commercial sectionroinn tráchtála
polit.Croatian SectionRannóg na Cróitise
med.cross sectiontrasghearradh
stat., transp.cross-section countcomhaireamh tráchta bunaithe ar thrasghearradh
med., health., anim.husb.cryostat sectionslisne crióstait
med., health., anim.husb.cryostat sectiongearradh crióstait
transp., construct.cut sectionclaisbhealach
polit.Czech SectionRannóg na Seicise
polit.Danish SectionRannóg na Danmhairgise
IT, construct.dead sectionraon marbh
gov.draughtsman - section leaderlínitheoir - grúpcheannaire
polit.Dutch SectionRannóg na hOllainnise
fin., agric.EAGGF Guarantee Sectionroinn ráthaíochta
fin., agric.EAGGF Guarantee SectionRoinn Ráthaíochta CETRT
polit.English SectionRannóg an Bhéarla
polit.Estonian SectionRannóg na hEastóinise
market., commun.extinction cross-sectiontrasghearradh cealúcháin
transp.fare section pointcéim táillí
polit.Finnish SectionRannóg na Fionlainnise
polit.French SectionRannóg na Fraincise
polit.German SectionRannóg na Gearmáinise
hobby, transp.gore sectionteascán de ghóire
polit.Greek SectionRannóg na Gréigise
market.Guarantee SectionRoinn na Ráthaíochtaí
market.Guarantee SectionRoinn Ráthaíochta
market.Guidance SectionRoinn Treoraíochta
agric.Guidance Section EAGGFRannóg Treoraíochta an Chiste Eorpaigh um Threoraíocht agus Ráthaíocht Talmhaíochta
polit.Hungarian SectionRannóg na hUngáirise
polit.Irish SectionRannóg na Gaeilge
polit.Italian SectionRannóg na hIodáilise
PR, polit.Joint Pensions Administrative Sectionan Chomhrannóg Riaracháin Pinsin
polit.Latvian SectionRannóg na Laitvise
transp.line sectionstráice líne
polit.Lithuanian SectionRannóg na Liotuáinise
med.longitudinal sectionfadghearradh
polit.Maltese SectionRannóg na Máltaise
law, crim.law.Narcotics Affairs Sectionan Roinn Gnóthaí Támhshuanach in Ambasáid na Stát Aontaithe
transp., mil., grnd.forc., el.neutral section insulatorinslitheoir míre neodraí
fin.non-quota sectionroinn neamhchuóta de Chiste Forbraíochta Réigiúnaí na hEorpa
fin.non-quota section of the European Regional Development Fundroinn neamhchuóta de Chiste Forbraíochta Réigiúnaí na hEorpa
commun., construct.overrun sectionfad stop éigeandála
polit.Polish SectionRannóg na Polainnise
polit.Portuguese SectionRannóg na Portaingéilise
transp., construct.power supply sectioncuid soláthair leictreachais
transp., construct.power supply sectioncuid soláthair chumhachta
comp., MSpresentation sectionrannán cur i láthair (A labeled group of consecutive slides that helps the user navigate and organize presentations)
patents.Receiving SectionRannóg Glactha
comp., MSrepeating section content controlrialtán inneachair an athfhilltithe rannáin (​A content control that enables a user the repeat its contents as many times as the user wants to repeat it)
transp.road sectionstráice bóthair
polit.Romanian SectionRannóg na Rómáinise
comp., MSsection breakbriseadh rannáin (A nonprinting mark you insert to show the end of a section)
environ., agric.Section for Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environmentan Rannóg Talmhaíochta, Forbartha Tuaithe agus Comhshaoil
transp., mil., grnd.forc.section heightairde an teascáin
anim.husb.section honeymil chíre
comp., MSsection layoutleagan amach rannáin (A pre-defined layout that users can select for their InfoPath form sections. Options include single column, two-column, three-column, and four-column layouts)
comp., MSsection markcomhartha rannáin (The § character)
gen.section widthleithead boinn
med.serial sectioning methodmodh sraithghearrtha
life.sc., coal.shaft cross-sectiontrasghearradh sloic
polit.Slovak SectionRannóg na Slóvaicise
polit.Slovene SectionRannóg na Slóivéinise
polit.Spanish SectionRannóg na Spáinnise
nucl.phys.specialised sectionrannóg shainfheidhme
polit.Swedish SectionRannóg na Sualainnise
med.transverse sectiontrasghearradh
law, crim.law.US Department of State Narcotics Affairs Sectionan Roinn Gnóthaí Támhshuanach in Ambasáid na Stát Aontaithe
transp., construct.weaving sectiontreoir-raon ionramhála