
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing the | all forms | exact matches only
one's ace in the holeqo‘shimcha imkoniyatyashirincha ustunlik
one's ace in the holeразг."zaxiradagi kuzir"
an ace in the holeqo‘shimcha imkoniyat yashirincha ustunlik
an ace in the hole"zaxiradagi kuzir"
do the ... actish tutmoq harakatning xarakteri act so‘zidan oldin kelgan sifat orqali aniqlanadi
do the ... actish ko‘rmoq
do the ... act&&&ish harakat qilmoq
general of the Armyarmiya generali
on the armtekin
on the armpulsiz
on the armbepul
on the armtekinga
on the arm"kreditga"
on the armbekorga
on the armpul olmay to‘lamay
the Dutch acto‘z joniga qasd qilish
the Dutch acto‘zini o‘zi o‘ldirish
to get into the actfoydali ishda qatnashmoq
to join the angelso‘lmoq
to join the angelsnarigi dunyoga jo‘namoq ravona bo‘lmoq
to play the advantages over smb.kimnidir aldamoqaldab ketmoq, tovlamoq, firib bermoq
to twist the arm of smb.kimnidir qiyinchilik bilanzo‘rg‘a ko‘ndirmoq
to twist the arm of smb.tazyiq qilmoq
to twist the arm of smb.nojo‘yamumkin bo‘lmagan usullarni qo‘llamoq
to twist the arm of smb.birovga ta'sir etmoq
to twist the arm of smb."qo‘lni siqmoq"