
Terms containing the | all forms | exact matches only
gen.across the riverdaryoning narigi tomonida
gen.an act of the lawyuridik akt
gen.an actual state of the marketbozordagi mavjud amal qilayotgan holat
gen.an administrator with the will annexedvasiyning vazifasini bajarish uchun tayinlangan shaxs
gen.are you free in the afternoon?kunduzi siz bo‘shmisiz?
gen.attack is the best method of defencehujum - himoyaning eng yaxshi usulidir
gen.beginning from the next monthkelasi oydan boshlab
gen.by the agency of......yordamida
gen.by the agency of...... orqali
gen.by the agency of...... yordami vositasi bilan
gen.by the calendarkalendar hisobi bo‘yicha
gen.by the help of...yordamida
gen.by the kilogramkilolab
gen.by the kilogrammekilolab
gen.by the litrelitrlab
gen.by near the riverdaryo yoqasida
gen.by the wayaytmoqchi
gen.by the waydarvoqe
gen.by the weekhaftalab
gen.by the weekhar haftada
gen.concussion of the brainmiyaning chayqalib lat yeyishi
gen.disposal of the deadmurdalarni ko‘mish
gen.early in the yearyilning boshida
gen.even with the groundyer bilan teng
gen.fatty degeneration of the heartyurakning yog‘ bosib ketishi
gen.fortune favours the bravebaxt botirlarga yo‘ldosh bo‘ladi
gen.if the proposal is acceptable to youagar taklif sizga ma'qul bo‘lsa
gen.into the pocketcho‘ntakka
gen.it is not the questiongap bunda emas
gen.it is out of the questionbuning imkoni yo‘q
gen.it is the largest specimen yet foundbu shu paytgacha topilgan eng yirik nusxa
gen.it's too soon to tell what's the matter with himunga nima bo‘lganligini hozir aytish qiyin
gen.keep the rest for yourselfqolganini o‘zingizga oling
gen.negative form of the verbfe'lning bo‘lishsiz shakli
gen.ready to the last gaiter buttonto‘la-to‘kis tayyor qilib qo‘yilgan
gen.round the cornerburchakda
gen.round the cornermuyulishda
gen.round the worldyer yuzi dunyo bo‘ylab
gen.she was rapt in listening to the musicu musiqaga berilib quloq solardi
gen.Tashkent is the capital of UzbekistanToshkent - O‘zbekistonning poytaxti
gen.the abatement of actionsud ishini jarayonini to‘xtatish
gen.the abatement of noiseshovqinning pasayishi
gen.the abatement of noiseshovqin bilan kurashish
gen.the abatement of taxsoliq chegirmasi
gen.the AbbeyVestminstr abbatligi
gen.the ABC of Uzbek Grammaro‘zbek tili grammatikasining asoslari
gen.the ability to heareshitish qobiliyati
gen.the ability to payto‘lashga qodirlik
gen.the ability to reado‘qish qobiliyati
gen.the abominable weatherjuda yomon ob-havo
gen.the abridgement of tablejadvalni qisqartirish
gen.the absence of mindfikri tarqoqlik
gen.the absence of mindparishonxotirlik
gen.the abstinence from meatgo‘sht yemaslik
gen.the abundance of one's heartsevinchi ichiga sig‘maslik
gen.the abundance of one's heartortiq darajada hissiyotga berilish
gen.the abundance of one's hearthissiyotga boylik
gen.the abundance of peoplexalqning yog‘ilib kelib to‘planishi
gen.the abundance of the heartsevinchi ichiga sig‘maslik
gen.the abundance of the heartortiq darajada hissiyotga berilish
gen.the abundance of the hearthissiyotga boylik
gen.the abuse of environmentatrof-muhitni iflos qilish
gen.the abuse of lawqonundan o‘z manfaati uchun foydalanish
gen.the abuse of lawqonunni buzish
gen.the abuse of poweramaldan o‘z manfaati uchun foydalanish
gen.the abuse of privilegeimtiyozdan o‘z manfaati uchun foydalanish
gen.the academic professiono‘qituvchi pedagogning kasbi
gen.the acceptance of an invitationtaklifni qabul qilish
gen.the acceptance of personsoshna-og‘aynigarchilik
gen.the acceptance of personsyuzidan o‘tolmaslik
gen.the acceptance of personsyuz-xotir qilish
gen.the accretion of territorymaydonning kengayishi
gen.the accuracy of translationtarjimaning aniqligi aynan to‘g‘riligi
gen.the ace of trumpsasosiy kuzir
gen.the achievement of goalmaqsadga erishish
gen.the acme of skillmahorat cho‘qqisi
gen.the acquisition of componentsdetallarni yig‘ish
gen.the acquisition of expert knowledgemaxsus bilimlarni egallash o‘zlashtirish
gen.the acquisition of goodsmollar tovarlarni sotib olish
gen.the acquisition of incomedaromad olish
gen.the acquisition of knowledgebilimni egallash o‘zlashtirish
gen.the acquisition of landyerni o‘zlashtirish
gen.the acquisition of licenseruxsatnoma litsenziya olish
gen.the acquisition of nationalityfuqarolikni qabul qilish
gen.the acquisition of nationalityfuqarolik olish
gen.the acquisition of nationality by marriageoila qurish natijasida fuqarolikni qabul qilish
gen.the acquisition of patentpatent olish
gen.the acquisition of patent informationpatentga oid ma'lumot olish
gen.the acquisition of propertymulkka egalik qilish
gen.the acquisition of righthuquqqa egalik qilish
gen.the acquisition of righthuquqni qo‘lga kiritish
gen.the acquisition of skillmalaka hosil qilish
gen.the act of bankruptcybankrotlik sinish haqidagi qonun
gen.the act of condonationjavobgarlikdan ozod qilish akti
gen.the act of maternityonalik haq-huquqlarini himoya qiluvchi qo nun
gen.the act of Parliamentparlament qarori
gen.the activity of a commissionkomissiyaning ish faoliyati
gen.the activity of an agencyagentlik faoliyati
gen.the activity of an agentagent vakilning harakati
gen.the activity of an enterprisekorxonaning faoliyati
gen.the activity of cementsementning faolligi
gen.the actress is the main feature of the showaktrisa tomoshaning tayanchi hisoblanadi
gen.the addition of clayloy qo‘shish
gen.the addition of conceptstasniflash tushunchaning tuzilishi
gen.the addition of interestfoizning ko‘payishi o‘sishi, ortishi
gen.the addition of sandqum qo‘shish
gen.the addition of starterekiladigan materiallar qo‘shish
gen.the addition of starterivitish
gen.the addition of starteroshirish
gen.the addition of starterko‘pchitish
gen.the addition of starterachitish
gen.the addition of tanninvinoga tanin tishni qamashtiradigan modda qo‘shish
gen.the adhesion of soilq.x. yopishqoq tuproq
gen.the admiral of the fleetflot admirali
gen.the affair of the heartishqiy sarguzasht
gen.the affair of the heartoshiq-ma'shuqlik
gen.the affair of the heartishq-muhabbat
gen.the age of consentbalog‘at yoshi qizlarda
gen.the age of consentturmushga chiqish mumkin bo‘lgan yosh
gen.the apple of discordjanjal adovat sababchisi
gen.the apple of one's eyeko‘z qorachig‘i
gen.the apple of Sodomammo chirigan meva"
gen.the apple of Sodomammo faqat achchiq musibat keltiradigan qandaydir narsa
gen.the apple of Sodomrohat bag‘ishlaydigan
gen.the apple of Sodom"chiroyli
gen.the Arab of the gutterbebosh darbadar bola
gen.the Arab of the gutterqarovchisiz ko‘chada qolgan bola
gen.the Arab of the gutterboqimsiz bola
gen.the Arab of the gutterko‘cha bolasi
gen.the arbiter of elegancemodalarni rasm qiluvchi
gen.the long arm of the lawqonunning kuchi qudrati
gen.the armaments drivezo‘r berib qurollanish
gen.the armaments drivequrollanish poygasi
gen.the armaments racezo‘r berib qurollanish
gen.the armaments racequrollanish poygasi
gen.the Armeniansarmanlar
gen.the arms race yoki drivezo‘r berib qurollanish
gen.the arms race yoki drivequrollanish poygasi
gen.the art of the filmkino san'ati
gen.the article interests everybodybu maqola hammada qiziqish uyg‘otadi
gen.the article needs correctionmaqolaga tuzatishlar kiritish lozim
gen.the articles of Faithqandaydir dinning asosiy qoidalari
gen.the articles of Faithdin aqidalari
gen.the assumptive armsmeros bo‘lib qolmagan gerb
gen.the assumptive armsqaytadan yana o‘zlashtirib olingan
gen.the Atlantic OceanAtlantika okeani
gen.the audience applauded the actortomoshabinlar aktyorni olqishladilar
gen.the Augustan ageadabiyot va san'atning ravnaq topish rivojlanish davri
gen.the author of a bookkitobning muallifi
gen.the awkward agebalog‘atga o‘tish davri
gen.the ax falls onkimningdir zarbasi -ga tushadi
gen.the axe falls onkimningdir zarbasi -ga tushadi
gen.the bag is minebu sumka meniki
gen.the banner of peace freedomtinchlik ozodlik bayrog‘i
gen.the bee gathers honeyasalari asal yig‘adi
gen.the black artsehrgarlik
gen.the black artfolbinlik
gen.the black artamal
gen.the black artjodu
gen.the black artafsungarlik
gen.the book includes essayskitob asarlarni o‘z ichiga oladi
gen.the broad arrowinglizlarning davlat tamg‘asi keng uchli kamon o‘qiga o‘xshagan, davlat omborlari va b. ga qo‘yiladi; ilgari u mahbuslar libosiga qo‘yilar edi
gen.the Cbojxona boshqarmasi
gen.the car is to sellmashina sotiladi
gen.the child favours his motherbola onasiga o‘xshaydi
gen.the chimney discharges smokemo‘ridan tutun chiqyapti
gen.the climate disagrees with himbu iqlim unga to‘g‘ri kelmaydi unga zararli
gen.the coat fits yousizga palto yaxshi o‘tiribdi loyiq kelibdi
gen.The Commonsparlamentning quyi palatasi Angliyada
gen.the conclusion of a speechnutqning yakuniy qismi
gen.the consequences of an actionxatti-harakat oqibati
gen.the contract is validshartnoma kuchini yo‘qotmagan
gen.the cry goes thatmish-mishlarga ko‘ra
gen.the current of eventsvoqealarning borishi
gen.the cycle of the seasonsyil fasllarining davriy almashishi
gen.the darkness favour ed his escapeqorong‘ilik uning qochishiga qo‘l keldi
gen.the date of birthtug‘ilgan kun
gen.the day after tomorrowertadan keyin
gen.the day after tomorrowindinga
gen.the day before yesterdayo‘tgan kuni
gen.the day of abstinencesutli ovqatlarni yeyish taqiqlangan kun xristianlarda
gen.the day of abstinencego‘shtli
gen.the dean of the facultyfakultet dekani
gen.the defuncto‘lib ketgan kishi
gen.the deuce and alljin ursin! obbo
gen.the devil and alljin ursin! obbo
gen.the differential calculusdifferensial hisob
gen.the dip of oarseshkaklarni suvga botirish
gen.the direction of a bankbankni boshqarish
gen.the director of studiestadqiqot rahbari
gen.the discharge of a riflemiltiqdan otish
gen.the disease yields to treatmentbu kasallikni davolasa bo‘ladi
gen.the doctor cannot guarantee a cureshifokor sog‘ayish kafolatini bermaydi
gen.the document was undoubtedly a fabricationhujjat so‘zsiz soxta edi
gen.the dollarsboylik
gen.the dollarspullar
gen.the door yield ed to a strong pushqattiq zarbadan eshik ochildi
gen.the EarthYer sayyora
gen.the Earth goes round the SunYer Quyosh atrofida aylanadi
gen.the edge of a mountaintog‘ qirrasi
gen.the edge of a woodo‘rmon chekkasida
gen.the education of the willirodani tarbiyalash
gen.the effect of lightyorug‘likning ta'siri
gen.the efficiency of labourmehnat unumdorligi
gen.the elder brotherkatta aka
gen.the elevation of styleuslubning ulug‘vorligi
gen.the end of the yearyil oxiri
gen.the old Enemyshayton
gen.the old Enemyiblis
gen.the Englishinglizlar
gen.the entrance of the springbahorning kelishi
gen.the equality of menodamlarning tengligi
gen.the essence of the proposaltaklif mohiyati
gen.the essentials of educationtarbiyaning asosi negizi
gen.the establishment of a new stateyangi davlat barpo etish
gen.the external worldtashqi dunyo
gen.the extreme edge of a fieldmaydonning eng uzoq tomoni
gen.the F. Officetashqi ishlar vazirligi Angliyada
gen.the fabric of societyijtimoiy tuzum
gen.the face of a dooreshik tomonlari ichki va tashqi tomon
gen.the facility of the taskvazifaning yengilligi
gen.the faculty of lawo‘qituvchi-professorlar tarkibi
gen.the faculty of lawyuridik fakulteti
gen.the fag-end of the daykunning oxiri
gen.the failure of a pompnasosning buzilishi
gen.the failure of rainyomg‘irsizlik
gen.the failure of rainqurg‘oqchilik
gen.the failures discouraged himmuvaffaqiyatsizliklar uni sindirdi
gen.the fall of the leafbargning to‘kilishi
gen.the falls of NiagaraNiagara sharsharasi
gen.the Far EastUzoq Sharq
gen.the fathomless depths of the seadengizdagi tubsiz chuqurlik
gen.the fear of death was upon himo‘lim dahshati uni chulg‘ab olgandi
gen.the fewbaxtlilar
gen.the fewimtiyozlilar
gen.the fewozchilik
gen.the final day of the termmashg‘ulotlarning yakunlovchi oxirgi kuni
gen.the first of Aprilbirinchi aprel
gen.the first scholar of the dayzamonasining ilg‘or buyuk olimi
gen.the first thing to dobirinchi galda qilinadigan narsa
gen.the flag of truceparlament bayrog‘i
gen.the flavour of foodovqat hidi
gen.the flight of a beeasalarilarning uchishi
gen.the floor of the Housemajlislar zalidagi parlament a'zolarining joyi
gen.the focus of interestqiziqish doirasi
gen.the food here is excellentbu yerning ovqatlari juda yaxshi
gen.the force of the blowzarba kuchi
gen.the foremost authorityeng zo‘r mutaxassis
gen.the fortunate fewsanoqli baxtlilar
gen.the foundation of a librarykutubxona tashkiloti
gen.the fountain of youthyoshlik sarchashmasi
gen.the four quarters of the globeyer sharining hamma tomonlari
gen.the fraternity of all mendo‘stligi
gen.the fraternity of all menhammaning qardoshligi
gen.the freedom of a countrymamlakat mustaqilligi
gen.the freedom the liberty of consciencevijdon erkinligi
gen.the freedom of speechso‘z erkinligi
gen.the frequency of the pulsetomir urishining tezligi
gen.the fringe of curtainpardadagi popuk
gen.the frustration of smb.'s planskimningdir rejasining buzilishi
gen.the fulfilment of one's desiresxohishni bajarish
gen.the full agebalog‘at Angliyada 21 yosh
gen.the full ageyoshiga voyaga yetish
gen.the fundamental rulesasosiy qoidalar
gen.the game of chessshaxmat o‘yini
gen.the geographical feature of a districtjoyning o‘ziga xos geografik xususiyatlari
gen.the Georgiansgruzinlar
gen.the gift of tonguestil bilish qobiliyati
gen.the gist of the matterishning mohiyati
gen.the globe of the eyeko‘z soqqasi
gen.The Great Powersbuyuk davlatlar
gen.the happy meanqiyinchilik tug‘dirmaydigan jon koyitmaydigan ish
gen.the happy meanishning beg‘alva tomoni
gen.the happy meanbeg‘alva ish
gen.the harmony of interestsmanfaatlarning umumiyligi
gen.the head of the schoolmaktab direktori
gen.the highest mountains are in Asiaeng baland tog‘lar Osiyoda joylashgan
gen.the horrors of warurush dahshatlari
gen.the hotel doesn't find teamehmonxona choy bilan ta'minlamaydi
gen.the house is in a terrible conditionuy juda yomon holatda
gen.the house was blown to atomsportlash natijasida uy tilka-pora bo‘lib ketdi
gen.the house went to the elder sonuy katta o‘g‘ilga nasib etdi tegdi
gen.the human raceinsoniyat
gen.the human raceinson zoti
gen.the humanitiesgumanitar fanlar
gen.the image on the coin is effacedtangadagi tasvir siyqalanib o‘chib ketgan
gen.the irony of fatetaqdirning sho‘ri-g‘avg‘osi
gen.the irony of fateg‘alati tasodif
gen.the Japanese languageyapon tili
gen.the Kazakhsqozoq xalqi
gen.the Kazakhsqozoqlar
gen.the knife has no edgepichoq o‘tmas bo‘lib qoldi
gen.the Kurdskurd xalqi
gen.the Kurdskurdlar
gen.the lads of the villageqishloq bolalari
gen.the land of dreamsorzular mamlakati
gen.the landed interestyer egalarining manfaatlari qiziqishlari
gen.the larger halfkatta qism
gen.the late presidentsobiq prezident
gen.the lawyer's feeadvokat haqi
gen.the lecture was follow ed by a concertma'ruzadan so‘ng konsert bo‘ldi berildi
gen.the length of the daykunning uzunligi
gen.the lesson is overdars tugadi
gen.the light is onchiroq yoniq yonib turibdi
gen.the local doctormahalliy shifokor
gen.the long arm of coincidencekamdan-kam uchraydigan favqulodda hodisa
gen.the long arm of coincidenceajoyib ajib o‘xshashlik
gen.the lungso‘pkalar
gen.the main featureasosiy fazilatlari
gen.the main pointasosiy punkt
gen.the main reasonasosiy sabab
gen.the main streetasosiy katta ko‘cha
gen.the man at the helmrahbar
gen.the man at the helmrahnamo
gen.the man at the helmko‘ch. yo‘lboshchi
gen.the man now facing mehozir oldimda turgan kishi
gen.the management of state affairsdavlat ishlari bo‘yicha boshqarma
gen.the manager decided to use the ax to solve his staff problemishchilar muammolarini hal etish maqsadida boshqaruvchi ishchi o‘rinlarni keskin qisqartirishga qaror qildi
gen.the manager decided to use the axe to solve his staff problemishchilar muammolarini hal etish maqsadida boshqaruvchi ishchi o‘rinlarni keskin qisqartirishga qaror qildi
gen.the manly art of self-defenceboks
gen.the manly art of self-defenceo‘zini jasurona mardonavor himoya qilish san'ati
gen.the manner of lifehayot turmush tarzi
gen.the manner of speakinggapirish usuli
gen.the mark of accenturg‘u belgisi
gen.the mayor electyangi endigina saylangan mer
gen.the meeting is overyig‘ilish majlis tugadi
gen.the mental facultiesaqliy qobiliyatlar
gen.the Middle EastO‘rta Sharq
gen.the more the bettershunchalik yaxshi
gen.the more the betterqanchalik ko‘p bo‘lsa
gen.the morning newsyangiliklarning ertalabki soni
gen.the Muhammedan faithislom dini
gen.the naked truthchin sof, bor haqiqat
gen.the national emblem of the Republic of UzbekistanO‘zbekiston Respublikasining davlat gerbi
gen.the Near EastYaqin Sharq
gen.the news will about finish your fatherbu xabar otangizni o‘ldirishi mumkin
gen.the night is younghali kech emas
gen.the noble art of self-defenceboks
gen.the noble art of self-defenceo‘zini jasurona mardonavor himoya qilish san'ati
gen.the odd moneyqaytim
gen.the officer of the courtsud ijrochisi sud hukmini ijro varaqasi asosida amalga oshiruvchi xodim
gen.the old countrydiyor
gen.the old countryvatan
gen.the old folk at homeota-onam uydagilar
gen.the old folk at homeqariyalar
gen.the Olimpic GamesOlimpiada o‘yinlari
gen.the oncoming of springbahorning yaqinlashishi
gen.the onlooker sees most of the gamechekkadan yaxshiroq ko‘rinadi maqol
gen.the onset of windshamolning birdan kuchayishi
gen.the optic nerveko‘rish asabi
gen.the P. agepaleolit davri eng qadimgi tosh davri
gen.the PacificTinch okeani
gen.the patient's heart failedbemorning yuragi urishdan to‘xtadi
gen.the PeninsulaPireneya yarimoroli
gen.the plagueqora o‘lat
gen.the plaster fastens slowlysuvoq sekin qotadi
gen.the play went wellpyesa muvaffaqiyat bilan tugadi
gen.the playground adjoins the schoolsport maydonchasi maktabga tutashgan
gen.the president of...ning prezidenti
gen.the price of admissionkirish haqi
gen.the prisoner made a dash for freedomasir qochishga harakat qildi
gen.the production of oil drop pedneft qazib olish pasaydi
gen.the question isgap shundaki
gen.the question is now under considerationmasala hozir ko‘rib chiqilyapti
gen.the question of the daydolzarb masala
gen.the quick and the deadtiriklar va o‘liklar
gen.the rain fell in torrentsqattiq shiddatli yomg‘ir yog‘di
gen.the rainstropik yomg‘irlar davri
gen.the refinement of one's languagetil nafisligini ta'minlash
gen.the remote pastuzoq o‘tmish
gen.The Renaissanceuyg‘onish davri
gen.the reversal of judgementsud qarorini hukmini bekor qilish
gen.the riches of the soilyerosti boyliklari
gen.the right of feudxun olish huquqi
gen.the rights of maninson huquqlari
gen.the rights of the individualshaxsiy huquq
gen.the rising generationo‘sib kelayotgan avlod
gen.the rising of the sunquyosh kun chiqishi
gen.the road is as straight as an arrowyo‘l o‘qdek to‘g‘ri ketgan
gen.the road is as straight as an arrowsiz yo‘ldan adashmaysiz
gen.the rule of the gameo‘yin qoidasi
gen.the rumour was hardly truemish-mish gaplar to‘g‘ri bo‘lishi dargumon
gen.the saidyuqorida aytilgan ko‘rsatilgan
gen.the said themeyuqorida ko‘rsatilgan mavzu
gen.the same askabi
gen.the same assingari
gen.the same as-dek
gen.the same asxuddi
gen.the Scalestarozi yulduz burji va zodiak belgisi
gen.the scheme has worked well as yetbu chizma o‘zini umuman oqlay oladi yaxshi ishlaydi
gen.the science of languagetilshunoslik
gen.the sequence of eventsvoqealarning borishi rivojlanishi
gen.the shades are downpardalar tushirilgan
gen.the ship drove across the wavesyeldek uchib borardi
gen.the ship drove across the waveskema to‘lqinlarni kesib
gen.the situation is tenseahvol murakkab
gen.the slope of a rooftomning nishabi
gen.the social fabricijtimoiy tuzum
gen.the son gives the father much troubleog‘il otasiga ko‘p tashvish keltiradi
gen.the sooner, the betterqancha erta bo‘lsa shuncha yaxshi
gen.the sovereign goodeng ulug‘ ne'mat
gen.the story was fabricated from beginning to endhikoya boshidan oxirigacha to‘qilgan edi
gen.the story won't film wellbu hikoyani ekranlashtirib bo‘lmaydi
gen.the strong armkuch ishlatish asosan, o‘q otish qurollarini ishlatgan holda kuch ishlatish bilan bog‘liq bo‘lgan
gen.the stronger sexerkaklar
gen.the sun is shiningquyosh nur sochyapti
gen.the tap is drip pingjo‘mrakdan suv tomchilayapti
gen.the thieves' lairo‘g‘rilar makoni
gen.the Thirty-nine Articlesanglikan protestant dinining Angliyada ustun bo‘lgan turi cherkovining 39 din aqidalari
gen.the ticket is valid for a weekyo‘l chiptasi bir haftaga yaraydi bir haftagacha kuchini yo‘qotmaydi
gen.the tide of public discontentxalq g‘azabining to‘lqini
gen.the time is upvaqt tugadi
gen.the train goes to Londonpoyezd Londonga boradi
gen.the tropicstropikdagi issiq joylar
gen.the two cups are made after the same fashionikkala piyolaning shakli bir xil
gen.the Upper Houseyuqori palata lordlar palatasi — Angliyada; Senat — AQSHda
gen.the upper tenzodagon
gen.the upper tenaslzoda
gen.the upper tenoqsuyak
gen.the utmost ends of earthyerning eng olis joylari
gen.the vast of oceanokean kengligi
gen.the vault of a churchcherkov gumbazi
gen.the vault of heavenosmon gumbazi
gen.the vernal equinoxbahorda kechasi bilan kunduzi teng bo‘ladigan payt 21- mart
gen.the vernal equinoxbahorgi tengkunlik
gen.the very sameot bo‘lib kelganda xuddi o‘sha
gen.the very samebir xil
gen.the very sameaynan shunday shunaqa, shunga o‘xshagan
gen.the very truthchin ayni haqiqat
gen.the vicissitudes of fatetaqdirning bevafoligi o‘zgaruvchanligi
gen.the vicissitudes of lifetaqdirning bevafoligi o‘zgaruvchanligi
gen.the volume of knowledgebilimlar ko‘lami
gen.the volume of tradesavdo ko‘lami
gen.the way to the lyceumlitseyga olib boradigan yo‘l
gen.the weaker sexxotin-qizlar
gen.the weaker sexayollar
gen.the Welshuelsliklar
gen.the Welshvalliylar
gen.the whole daykuni bilan
gen.the wicked oneajina
gen.the wicked oneshayton
gen.the wicked oneiblis
gen.the wicked onejin
gen.the wind failedshamol tindi
gen.the window fronts on the gardenderaza bog‘ tomonga qaragan
gen.the window fronts towards the gardenderaza bog‘ tomonga qaragan
gen.the window opens on a seaderaza dengizga qarab ochiladi
gen.the world fairjahon ko‘rgazmasi
gen.the yellow pressburjuaziyaga sotilgan matbuot
gen.the yellow presssotqin matbuot
gen.the ZooLondondagi hayvonot bog‘i
gen.to abridge the labourmehnat xarajatlarini qisqartirmoq
gen.to drown the landjoyni suv bosmoq
gen.to educate the eareshitish qobiliyatini o‘stirmoq
gen.to endure to shake off the yokezulmga chidamoq
gen.to endure to shake off the yokejabrga chidamoq
gen.to keep money in the savings bankomonat kassada pul saqlamoq
gen.to keep on the alerttinchini buzmoq
gen.to keep the flag flyingtaslim bo‘lmaslik
gen.to keep the houseuyda o‘tirmoq
gen.to knit the browsqovoq solmoq
gen.to lay down the lawqonun o‘rnatmoq
gen.to lay the ax to the root of smth.nimanidir yo‘q qilishga kirishmoq
gen.to lay the ax to the root of smth.ildiziga bolta urmoq
gen.to lay the axe to the root of smth.nimanidir yo‘q qilishga kirishmoq
gen.to lay the axe to the root of smth.ildiziga bolta urmoq
gen.to lay the foundations of smth.nimagadir zamin yaratmoq
gen.to lessen the hours of workish kunini qisqartirmoq
gen.to make preparations for the departurejo‘nashga hozirlik ko‘rmoq
gen.to make the acquaintance of smb.kim bilandir tanishmoq
gen.to make the air bluehaqorat qilmoq
gen.to make the air blueqarg‘amoq
gen.to make the air bluebeodob behayo gaplar gapirmoq
gen.to make the air blueog‘zidan bodi kirib
gen.to make the air blueshodi chiqmoq
gen.to make the air blueolishmoq
gen.to make the air bluexafalashmoq
gen.to make the air blueso‘kinmoq
gen.to make the air blueso‘kmoq
gen.to make the air blueurishmoq
gen.to make the air blueso‘kishmoq
gen.to play the apeko‘r-ko‘rona taqlid qilmoq
gen.to play the sedulous apeko‘r-ko‘rona ergashmoq
gen.to play the sedulous apebiror yozuvchi yoki shoirning uslubiga ko‘r-ko‘rona taqlid qilmoq
gen.to walk down the hilltepalikdan tushmoq
gen.up to the present timehozirgacha
gen.up-to-the-minuteeng so‘nggi
gen.up-to-the-minuteeng oxirgi
gen.up-to-the-minutehozir yaqindagina bo‘lgan
gen.we the undersignedquyida imzo chekkan imzo chekuvchi kishilar
gen.we the undersignedbiz
gen.within ten miles of the lyceumlitseydan o‘n mil uzoq bo‘lgan masofada
gen.within the framework of smth.biror narsa ichida doirasida
gen.without the knowledge ofbilmasdan
gen.without the knowledge ofkimdandir ijozat olmasdan
gen.yeoman of the Guardqo‘riqchilari
gen.yeoman of the GuardAngliyaning saroy soqchilari
gen.you cannot miss the wayyo‘l o‘qdek to‘g‘ri ketgan
gen.you cannot miss the waysiz yo‘ldan adashmaysiz
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