
Terms for subject Microsoft containing systems | all forms | exact matches only
Accelerated Cost Recovery SystemGyorsított költségelszámolási rendszer (A system of depreciation that assigns depreciation methods to different classes of assets. Created by the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 for U.S. tax purposes and modified by the Tax Reform Act of 1986)
accounting systemkönyvelési rendszer (The accounting program)
Active Directory System Discovery methodActive Directory rendszerfelderítési módszer (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for system resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
Active Directory System Group Discovery methodActive Directory rendszercsoport-felderítési módszer (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for system group resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
Automated System Recovery Preparation WizardAutomatikus rendszer-helyreállítás előkészítése varázsló (A wizard that backs up the partition used by the operating system, but it does not back up other partitions, such as program or data partitions. Those partitions must be backed up using Backup or other standard routines)
autonomous systemautonóm rendszer (A group of routers or networks controlled by a single administrative authority using a common Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) for routing packets. Each autonomous system is assigned a globally unique number called an autonomous-system number (ASN))
autonomous system boundary routerautonóm rendszer határútválasztója (A router that exchanges routing information with routers that belong to other autonomous systems. The ASBR then advertises external routes throughout the autonomous system. ASBRs can be internal or area border routers, and they might or might not be connected to the backbone)
Banks Automated Clearing SystemBACS (An automated clearinghouse system for electronic financial transactions)
basic input/output systemBIOS (The set of essential software routines that test computer hardware at startup, start the operating system, and support the transfer of information between hardware devices. The BIOS is stored in read-only memory (ROM) so that it can be run when the computer is turned on. Although critical to performance, the BIOS is usually invisible to computer users)
Bulletin Board Systemhirdetőtábla (An application or computer that makes it possible to join an online community and exchange messages, share files, and participate in Usenet and chat rooms, often at not cost. The BBS found its inspiration in traditional bulletin boards that held participants' posted communication)
CD-ROM File SystemCD-ROM fájlrendszer (A 32-bit protected-mode file system that controls access to the contents of CD-ROM drives)
centralized payment systemcentralizált fizetési rendszer (" A payment processing system in which one company in an organization manages the incoming and outgoing payments between other companies in the same organization. The other companies still own the invoices. During the settlement process, applicable "due to" and "due from" transactions are generated.")
clean systemalaprendszer (An installation of Windows that has not been modified and has not had any additional software installed on it)
common type systemnyelvfüggetlen típusrendszer (The specification that determines how the common language runtime defines, uses, and manages types)
Compact Disc File SystemCD-ROM fájlrendszer (A 32-bit protected-mode file system that controls access to the contents of CD-ROM drives)
computer systemszámítógéprendszer (The configuration that includes all functional components of a computer and its associated hardware. A basic microcomputer system includes a console, or system unit, with one or more disk drives, a monitor, and a keyboard. Additional hardware, called peripherals, can include such devices as a printer, a modem, and a mouse. Software is usually not considered part of a computer system, although the operating system that runs the hardware is known as system software)
Copy General Management System Analogáltalános másoláskezelő rendszer (A method for controlling the copying of broadcast media content that allows only one generation of copying)
Diagnostic System HostDiagnosztikagazda (A service that hosts the WDI (Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure) components that need to run in Local System context and enables problem detection, troubleshooting and resolution for Windows components)
display systemképmegjelenítő rendszer (The combination of monitor, video adapter, and display software)
Distributed File Systemelosztott fájlrendszer (A service that allows system administrators to organize distributed network shares into a logical namespace, enabling users to access files without specifying their physical location and providing load sharing across network shares)
document management systemdokumentumkezelő rendszer (An application service for storing and handling an organization's documents)
Domain Name Systemtartománynévrendszer (A hierarchical, distributed database that contains mappings of DNS domain names to various types of data, such as IP addresses. DNS enables the location of computers and services by user-friendly names, and it also enables the discovery of other information stored in the database)
EFI system partitionEFI-rendszerpartíció (A small portion on a GUID partition table (GPT) disk that is formatted with the file allocation table (FAT) file system and contains the files necessary to start the computer and pass execution to an operating system which resides on another partition)
ellipsoidal coordinate systemelliptikus koordináta-rendszer (A coordinate system in reference to a flattened sphere)
Encrypting File Systemtitkosított fájlrendszer (A Microsoft file-based encryption technology that enables users to encrypt files and folders on NTFS volumes. EFS helps protect the confidentiality of data by ensuring that only authorized users can decrypt the encrypted files or folders)
Exchange System ManagerExchange rendszerkezelő (A collection of Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-ins that Microsoft Exchange provides)
Extensible Firmware Interface system partitionEFI-rendszerpartíció (A small portion on a GUID partition table (GPT) disk that is formatted with the file allocation table (FAT) file system and contains the files necessary to start the computer and pass execution to an operating system which resides on another partition)
External SystemKülső rendszer (A supported source of data that can be modeled by Business Connectivity Services, such as a database, Web service, or custom .NET Framework assembly)
file systemfájlrendszer (In an operating system, the overall structure in which files are named, stored, and organized. NTFS, FAT, and FAT32 are types of file systems)
file system cachegyorsítótár (An area of physical memory that holds frequently used pages. It allows applications and services to locate pages rapidly and reduces disk activity)
Finance and Accounting System ImplementationPénzügyi és számlázási rendszer bevezetése (A template that outlines the steps needed to implement a finance and accounting system. It assumes an existing system or process is in place and a new system will be replacing it. It also assumes that the new application software system has already been chosen)
firmware system binaryrendszerfájlok pótlása belső vezérlőprogramból (A feature that enables partners to place a system binary from firmware into Windows without modifying a Windows binary or executable file. OEMs can use this to make sure that, even after a user has removed or reinstalled the operating system, features such as theft-recovery applications, remote data-deletion software, or the ability to provide a missing device driver are still available to the user)
game rating systemjátékminősítő rendszer (A rating system for online games)
global system keyglobális rendszerkulcs (A tool used to configure the startup key, a random, 128-bit, symmetric cryptographic key created at system startup and used to encrypt all of the user`s symmetric cryptographic keys)
guest operating systemvendég operációs rendszer (The operating system running on a virtual machine)
high performance file systemHPFS fájlrendszer (A fixed-disk file system that organizes the disk into volumes, rather than partitions and logical drives. HPFS supports long, mixed-case filenames and extended attributes, and implements several levels of caching, for improved operating-system performance. The IBM OS/2 operating system supports HPFS)
high-performance file systemHPFS fájlrendszer (A fixed-disk file system that organizes the disk into volumes, rather than partitions and logical drives. HPFS supports long, mixed-case filenames and extended attributes, and implements several levels of caching, for improved operating-system performance. The IBM OS/2 operating system supports HPFS)
Human Resources Information System ImplementationHumánerőforrás-információs rendszer bevezetése (A template that outlines the steps, from an HR perspective and at a very high level, needed to implement a Human Resources Information System (HRIS))
International System of UnitsSI mértékegységrendszer (The international metric system of units of measurement)
Internet-based site systeminternetalapú helyrendszer (A site system role that allows connections from clients when they are managed over the Internet)
intrusion detection systembehatolásérzékelés (A type of security management system for computers and networks. Intrusion detection systems (IDS) provide real-time monitoring of network traffic. An IDS can detect a wide range of hostile attack signatures (patterns), generate alarms to alert operations staff and, in some cases, cause routers to terminate communications from hostile sources)
Keyboard Access Systemhívóbillentyű-rendszer (A set of accelerator keys with associated icons)
Live File Systemlezáratlan fájlrendszer (A file storage system that can be used to create CDs and DVDs. Discs formatted with Live File System allow you to copy files to the disc at any time, instead of copying (burning) them all at once)
Local Provisioning SystemHelyi előfizetés-kezelő rendszer (A Windows component that resides in the operating system and enforces pay-as-you-go and subscription metering rules)
management systemkezelőrendszer (A network-enabled host running Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) management software. This software requests information from SNMP agents)
management systemfelügyeleti rendszer (The management server for Operations Manager for System Center 2012)
Microsoft Disk Operating SystemMS-DOS operációs rendszer (A Microsoft computer operating system with a command-line interface that is used to control many internal computer functions, such as running programs and organizing and maintaining files)
Microsoft OEM System Builder AgreementMicrosoft OEM rendszerépítői szerződés (The license agreement between a system builder and Microsoft Licensing, Inc., affixed to the side of every OEM Distribution Pack. By opening the package, you agree to all the terms of the Microsoft OEM System Builder Agreement. If you do not agree to all the terms of the agreement, contact the Microsoft OEM authorized distributor from which it was purchased and make arrangements to return the software)
Microsoft OEM System Builder License AgreementMicrosoft OEM rendszerépítői licencszerződés (The license agreement between a system builder and Microsoft Licensing, Inc., affixed to the side of every OEM Distribution Pack. By opening the package, you agree to all the terms of the Microsoft OEM System Builder Agreement. If you do not agree to all the terms of the agreement, contact the Microsoft OEM authorized distributor from which it was purchased and make arrangements to return the software)
Microsoft® Office systemMicrosoft® Office rendszer (An integrated system of Microsoft core desktop productivity tools, programs, servers, and services designed for information work)
2007 Microsoft® Office system2007-es Microsoft® Office rendszer (A version of the integrated system of Microsoft core desktop productivity tools, programs, servers, and services designed for information work)
Microsoft Web Rating SystemMicrosoft webminősítő (A content rating system for Web sites developed by Microsoft)
Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery Systemmódosított gyorsított költségelszámolási rendszer (A method of accelerated depreciation permitted by tax codes that classifies depreciable assets into one of several recovery periods, each of which has a designated pattern of allowable depreciation)
monitored systemfigyelt rendszer (The system where a monitored ASP.NET application or web service runs and where the APM service is started)
mounted file systemcsatlakoztatott fájlrendszer (A file system located on a removable medium, such as a PC Card storage device. The operating system loads, or mounts, the file system when the medium is inserted into the device. It unloads, or unmounts, the file system when the medium is removed or when the user issues a command to do so)
MS-DOS operating systemMS-DOS operációs rendszer (A Microsoft computer operating system with a command-line interface that is used to control many internal computer functions, such as running programs and organizing and maintaining files)
network basic input/output systemhálózati egyszerű bemeneti-kimeneti rendszer (An application programming interface (API) that can be used by programs on a local area network (LAN). NetBIOS provides programs with a uniform set of commands for requesting the lower-level services required to manage names, conduct sessions, and send datagrams between nodes on a network)
network file systemhálózati fájlrendszer (A distributed file system that allows users to access remote files and directories on a network as if they were local. NFS is compatible with Microsoft Windows and UNIX-based systems, including Linux and Mac OS X)
Network Inspection Systemhálózatvizsgáló rendszer (A detection system that helps guard against intrusion attempts targeting known and newly discovered vulnerabilities in network protocols)
NTFS file systemNTFS fájlrendszer (An advanced file system designed for use specifically with the Windows NT operating system. It supports long filenames, full security access control, file system recovery, extremely large storage media, and various features for the Windows NT POSIX subsystem. It also supports object-oriented applications by treating all files as objects with user-defined and system-defined attributes)
number systemszámrendszer (Any system for representing numbers. The four number systems available are decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary)
on-premises messaging systemhelyszíni üzenetküldő rendszer (The messaging system that an administrator runs on their own servers in their own company as compared to a messaging system that is run in the cloud (hosted))
operating system deploymentoperációs rendszer központi telepítése (A Configuration Manager feature that allows you to create operating system images and deploy those images to target computers)
Operating System Deployment Manageroperációs rendszer központi telepítője (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can create, deploy, and manage operating system images)
operating system volumeoperációs rendszer kötete (A volume that contains an operating system (for example, Windows Vista) that can be loaded by Windows Boot Manager. A given system can have multiple operating system volumes. The operating system on the current volume can be started only if it has an entry in the Boot Configuration Data (BCD))
planar coordinate systemsíkkoordináta-rendszer (A system of coordinates in reference to a planar space)
relational database management systemrelációsadatbázis-kezelő rendszer (A database system that organizes data into related rows and columns as specified by a relational model)
Resilient File SystemReFS fájlrendszer (A file system, introduced with Windows Server 8, that provides resiliency to both software and hardware errors. ReFS allows customers to maximize server uptime and prioritize volume availability without the use of expensive storage hardware)
Resource Management Systemerőforrás-kezelési rendszer (A technology that enables developers to localize their apps based on each user's preferred language and current resolution)
site systemhelyrendszer (A server or share that provides SMS/Configuration Manager functionality to an SMS/Configuration Manager site. The functionality provided by a site system depends on the assigned role. A site system can perform one or more roles)
small computer system interfacekis méretű számítógépes rendszercsatlakozó (A standard high-speed parallel interface defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). A SCSI interface is used for connecting microcomputers to peripheral devices, such as hard disks and printers, and to other computers and local area networks (LANs))
status systemállapotrendszer (The overall system that generates, collects, processes, replicates, and presents status messages and other data to the SMS/Configuration Manager Administrator console)
system access control listrendszerszintű hozzáférés szabályozási listája (An ACL that controls the generation of audit messages for attempts to access a securable object. The ability to get or set an object's SACL is controlled by a privilege typically held only by system administrators)
System AgentRendszerügynök (An agent that monitors checkpoints for potential threats making unauthorized or hazardous changes to your computer, such as altering your security permissions or system settings)
system caretbeszúrási jel (The location where text or graphics will be inserted. Also used for text box controls to indicate input focus)
System Center Audit Forwarding serviceSystem Center naplótovábbító szolgáltatás (The service that is used by an Operations Manager agent to be an Audit Collection Services (ACS) forwarder, which sends information about security events to the management server that is acting as the ACS collector when Audit Collection is enabled)
System Center Data Access serviceSystem Center adatelérési szolgáltatás (A Windows service that runs on the management servers in each management group, and that allows client applications to access Operations Manager data and functionality)
System Center Global Service MonitorSystem Center globális szolgáltatásfigyelő (A cloud-based service that monitors the availability of external web-based applications from multiple locations around the world)
System Center Management APM serviceSystem Center felügyeleti APM-szolgáltatás (A service that processes events collected from the monitored systems)
System Center Management Health serviceSystem Center felügyeleti állapotfigyelő szolgáltatás (The Windows-based service responsible for executing management packs as part of the Operations Manager agent and server components)
system control arearendszervezérlő terület (An area in the taskbar that shows icons for network connectivity, volume control, clock, and on laptops and Tablet computers, the battery)
system currency unitrendszer pénzegysége (A currency unit that is used as the default currency unit if no currency unit is specified when entering monetary amounts)
System Data Source Namerendszer-adatforrásnév (A data source name that can be used by any process on the computer)
system-defined financial dimension typerendszerbeli pénzügyi dimenziótípus (A financial dimension mapped to a table or view in the database that represents an entity type and whose values are in the domain of one attribute of that entity type)
system–DPI awarerendszer DPI-jéhez igazodó (Pertaining to an application that always renders at the system DPI setting, which is calculated by Windows based on the primary display at first logon)
System DSNadatforrásnév (A data source name that can be used by any process on the computer)
system health agentrendszerállapot-ügynök (A client software component that declares a client's health state (by providing a statement of health) to a NAP agent)
system health validatorrendszerállapot-érvényesítő (A server software counterpart to a system health agent (SHA). A system health validator verifies the statement of health (SoH) made by its respective SHA)
System Health Validator pointrendszerállapot-érvényesítési pont (The tool in the Configuration Manager console that is used to browse the status messages in the Configuration Manager site database)
System InformationRendszerinformáció (A program that shows details about a computer's hardware configuration, computer components, and software, including drivers)
system languagerendszer nyelve (The default language that is used by the application text localization system)
system-locked preinstallationrendszerzárolt előtelepítés (Technology that helps restrict legitimately licensed operating system software to use with the computer system upon which it was originally distributed by a royalty OEM, all in accordance with the license rights granted)
system management interruptrendszerkezelési megszakítás (An interrupt generated by the host-controller-emulation hardware when a universal serial bus (USB) keyboard or mouse data is received and steered by the host controller hardware to a System Management Interrupt (SMI) or the standard host controller interrupt)
System Management Moderendszerkezelési üzemmód (A mode used by some systems, typically portable computers, to perform specialized keystroke or other processing in BIOS firmware. While in SMM, the processor does not field interrupts that add to interrupt service routine (ISR) latencies)
system media poolrendszer-adathordozókészlet (In Removable Storage, one of two classes of media pools: system and application. The system media pool holds cartridges that are not in use and includes free media pools, unrecognized media pools, and import media pools)
system-preferred interface languagerendszerfelület nyelve (The language that displays on a system when the user has not selected a user-preferred interface language)
System ProtectionRendszervédelem (A Windows technology that protects OS resources (files, folders registry keys) and prevents applications and administrators from making changes to a computer's resources in an arbitrary way)
System RecoveryRendszer-helyreállítás (A Windows feature that enables users to easily roll back their PC to an earlier good state while keeping their data safe)
System Restorerendszer-visszaállítás (A tool that lets you restore your computer to a previous state, if a problem occurs, without losing your personal data files (such as Microsoft Word documents, browsing history, drawings, favorites, or e-mail))
systems integratorrendszerintegrátor (People or organizations that integrate devices that independent hardware vendors (IHVs) provide and solutions that independent software vendors (ISVs) provide, with the goal of developing enterprise applications)
U.S. Customary SystemUSA-mértékegységrendszer (The system of weights and measurements maintained by the National Bureau of Standards in the United States)
user account systemfelhasználóifiók-rendszer (The LAN Manager user account database)
username (The name by which a user is identified to a computer system or network. During the logon process, the user must enter the username and the correct password. If the system or network is connected to the Internet, the username generally corresponds to the leftmost part of the user's e-mail address (the portion preceding thefelhasználónév
virtual file systemvirtuális fájlrendszer (The subsystem that intercepts and redirects file system requests from application processes running in a virtual environment. These requests are processed based on the virtual files and directories defined in the application package and created or modified through interaction with a virtual application)
voice mail systemhangpostarendszer (A system that records and stores telephone messages in a user mailbox)
Windows System Assessment ToolWindows rendszerfelmérő eszköz (A tool that provides performance metrics and other information necessary for Windows and applications to make scaling decisions. It measures the performance attributes of: system memory, the storage sub-system, the CPU (or CPUs), and the graphics sub-system)
Windows System Image BackupWindows rendszerkép biztonsági mentés (A tool in Windows Vista that backs up the system image)
Windows System Image ManagerWindows Rendszerképkezelő (A utility for creating and modifying answer files and configuration sets)