
Terms for subject Microsoft containing social | all forms | exact matches only
Messenger socialKözösségi hírek (The UI label for the social activity stream that Windows Live programmatically displays in a collection. Items listed may originate within a Windows Live program, service, or landing page (Messenger, SkyDrive, Windows Live Photos), or in third-party activities people connect to their profiles, such as Facebook)
Outlook Social ConnectorOutlook Közösségi Összekötő (A set of features that incorporates elements of social networking into the Outlook experience. It provides relevant contextual information about the people whom users interact with in Outlook, based on local data (e-mail and calendar items) and social activity (news feeds and status updates))
social channelközösségi csatorna (An account on a social networking site such as Facebook or Twitter that you connect to from Microsoft Dynamics CRM)
social dataközösségi adatok (A collection of features that can be used to store and share comments, shortcuts, descriptions, and other information about Web pages and items on a SharePoint site or the Internet)
social distanceközvetlenség (The relationship between the user who typed the query and the people who are listed in the search results as defined by their positions in the organization)
social feedbackközösségi visszajelzés (Feedback about any content, page, or site that is provided using social bookmarks, tags or comments)
social networkközösségi hálózat (A network made of people or organizations linked by some type of social relationship)
social networkingközösségi hálózatok (The use of Web sites and services that provide enhanced information and interaction capabilities with regard to people and resources)
social security numberTAJ szám (In the United States, a Taxpayer Identification Number assigned to citizens and some noncitizens. The number is required for anyone to obtain work or to receive governmental benefits, such as social security payments after retirement)
social sliceközösségi szelet (" In a pie chart that represents records, for example, cases broken out by source, the part of the "pie" (the slice) that represents social sources such as Facebook, Twitter, and other social channels.")
social tagközösségi címke (A custom keyword or description and shortcut to a Web page or item on a SharePoint site or the Internet. All of these tags can be viewed, managed, and shared by using My Site)
social updateközösségi frissítés (An action taken on Windows Live or on partner websites such as Facebook that is considered to have social relevance and that might appear in an activity feed. For example, photo activity and status updates are considered to be socially relevant. Within Windows Live, friends see one another's relevant actions in feeds within Messenger, on Windows Live Home, and other places. Depending on the partner and their settings, actions that a customer takes on Windows Live may be visible on partner sites, actions they take on partner sites may be visible on Windows Live, or both)
Social updatesKözösségi levelek (The UI label for the Hotmail quick view that displays only the e-mail messages that originate from a social networking service such as Facebook)