
Terms for subject Environment containing process | all forms | exact matches only
aerobic process A process requiring the presence of oxygenaerob/oxigént igénylő folyamat
anaerobic process A process from which air or oxygen not in chemical combination is excludedoxigén nélküli anaerob folyamat
atmospheric process Atmospheric processes are distinguished in physical and chemical processes and both types may be operating simultaneously in complicated and interdependent ways. The physical processes of transport by atmospheric winds and the formation of clouds and precipitation strongly influence the patterns and rates of acidic deposition, while chemical reactions govern the forms of the compounds depositedlégköri folyamat
batch process A process that is not in continuous or mass production; operations are carried out with discrete quantities of material or a limited number of itemsszakaszos folyamat
biochemical process Chemical processes occurring in living organismsbiokémiai folyamat
Biogas processbiogázeljárás
biological process Processes concerning living organismsbiológiai folyamat
bleaching process 1. Removing colored components from a textile. Common bleaches are hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochloride, and sodium chlorite. 2. The brightening and delignification of pulp by the addition of oxidizing chemicals such as chlorine or reducing chemicals such as sodium hypochloridefehérítés
chemical process The particular method of manufacturing or making a chemical usually involving a number of steps or operationsvegyi folyamat
chemical processvegyi eljárás
data processing Any operation or combination of operations on data, including everything that happens to data from the time they are observed or collected to the time they are destroyedadatfeldolgozás
data processing lawadatfeldolgozási törvény
data processing system An assembly of computer hardware, firmware and software configured for the purpose of performing various operations on digital information elements with a minimum of human interventionadatfeldolgozó rendszer
decision processdöntési folyamat
digital image processing technique Techniques employed in the calibration of image data, the correction or reduction of errors occurring during capture or transmission of the data and in various types of image enhancement-operations which increase the ability of the analyst to recognize features of interestdigitális képfeldolgozó módszer
energy process Any natural phenomenon or series of actions by which energy is converted or made more usableenergiafolyamat
environmental legislative process The systematic course of proceedings in which a bill that would preserve or protect ecological resources may be enacted as a lawkörnyezeti jogalkotási folyamat
food processing industry A commercial establishment in which food is manufactured or packaged for human consumptionélelmiszerfeldolgozó-ipar
geological process Dynamic actions or events that occur at the Earth's surface due to application of natural forces resulting from gravity, temperature changes, freezing and thawing, chemical reactions, seismic shaking, and the agencies of wind and moving water, ice and snow. Where and when a force exceeds the strength of the earth material, the material is changed by deformation, translocation, or chemical reactionsföldtani folyamat
geomorphic process The physical and chemical interactions between the Earth's surface and the natural forces acting upon it to produce landforms. The processes are determined by such natural environmental variables as geology, climate, vegetation and baselevel, to say nothing of human interference. The nature of the process and the rate at which it operates will be influenced by a change in any of these variablesgeomorf folyamat
legislative process The entire course of action necessary to bring a law, resolution or special act to an authoritative, legally binding statustörvényalkotási folyamat
Marrakech ProcessMarrakech-i folyamat
physical process A continuous action or series of changes which alters the material form of matterfizikai folyamat
physicochemical process Processes involving changes in the physical properties and chemical structure of substancesfizikai-kémiai folyamat
process analysisfolyamatelemzés
process technology Any technical strategies, methods or tools used for the conception, design, development or implementation of any systemfolyamattechnológia
process water Water used in a manufacturing or treatment process or in the actual product manufactured. Examples would include water used for washing, rinsing, direct contact, cooling, solution make-up, chemical reactions, and gas scrubbing in industrial and food processing applications. In many cases, water is specifically treated to produce the quality of water needed for the processfolyamatvíz
propagation process Process by which a disturbance at one point is propagated to another point more remote from the source with no net transport of the material of the medium itself; examples include the motion of electromagnetic waves, sound waves, hydrodynamic waves in liquids, and vibration waves in solidsterjedési folyamat
reporting processjelentési folyamat
rubber processing industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the manufacture and marketing of natural or synthetic rubber productsgumifeldolgozóipar
social process A continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner and pertaining to the life, welfare, and relations of human beings in a communitytársadalmi folyamat
soil process The major processes in soils are gains, losses, transfers, and transformations of organic matter, soluble salts, carbonates, silicate clay minerals, sesquioxides, and silica. Gains consist normally of additions of organic matter, and of oxygen and water through oxidation and hydration, but in some sites slow continuous additions of new mineral materials take place at the surface or soluble materials are deposited from groundwater. Losses are chiefly of materials dissolved or suspended in water percolating through the profile or running off the surfacetalajfolyamat
technological process No definition neededtechnológiai folyamat
thermoselect process Trade-Mark-Name for a thermic waste processing technology. Gasification is emerging as an alternative to combustion in the treatment and energy recovery from Municipal Solid Waste. Several innovative processes and demonstration plants are trying to achieve higher electrical efficiencies and lower emissions using this technology, Trade mark for a thermic waste processing technologyhőkezelést választó eljárás
waste processing industryhulladékfeldolgozó-ipar
wet process Process used to remove particulate matter and/or gaseous pollutants by means of an aqueous stream or slurrynedves kezelés