
Terms for subject Microsoft containing name | all forms | exact matches only
access point namehozzáférési pont neve (The name of the access point used to establish wireless connectivity)
address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by thee-mail cím
Address NameCímzett neve (An attribute of the Address entity used to identify an address. It is a required field on the Address form)
app namealkalmazásnév (The name of a product in the store that appears to customers. To the end user, this is the name of the product)
authoritative name servermérvadó névkiszolgáló (A DNS server that is responsible for the DNS records that are associated with a domain)
canonical namekanonikus név (An object's distinguished name presented with the root first and without the (LDAP) attribute tags (such as CN=, DC=). The segments of the name are delimited with forward slashes (/). For example, CN=MyDocuments,OU=MyOU,DC=Microsoft,DC=Com is presented as microsoft.com/MyOU/MyDocuments in canonical form)
canonical name recordkanonikus név rekord (A type of resource record in the Domain Name System that associates a computer's true (canonical) name with any alias names also used by the computer. Some domain registrars use CNAME records to redirect or redelegate domain names)
class nameosztálynév (A predefined name used to refer to an OLE object in Visual Basic. A class name consists of the name of the application used to create the OLE object, the object's type, and, optionally, the version number of the application)
community namelogikai csoport neve (A name that identifies groups of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) hosts. This name is placed in SNMP messages that are sent between SNMP-managed devices such as servers running Windows Server 2003 and SNMP management stations. Typically, all hosts belong to Public, which is the standard name for a common community of all SNMP hosts)
computer nameszámítógépnév (A unique name with as many as 15 characters that identifies a computer to the network)
Container NameTárolónév (In mail forwarding, the name of the object that bundles e-mail accounts for forwarding)
data source nameadatforrásnév (The collection of information used to connect an application to a particular ODBC database)
DBA namekereskedelmi név (The registration of an assumed, fictitious, or trade name under which a business operates, which must be included on U.S. tax reports. In the U.S., any business that operates under a name other than a personal or corporate legal name must register a DBA name with the appropriate government agency)
default namealapértelmezett név (The name automatically assigned to an object by a program or process when the user does not specify an alternative)
defined namedefiniált név (A word or string of characters in a formula that represents a cell, range of cells, formula, or constant value)
device nameeszköznév (A user-defined description of a particular device)
Dial by Namehívás név alapján (A feature that enables a caller to enter a person's name using the keys on a telephone)
display namemegjelenítendő név (A name of a person as it is shown in a user interface)
display namemegjelenített név (A descriptive or user-friendly label for a control or object, displayed on the screen. The display name may differ from the internal name)
distinguished namemegkülönböztető név (A name that uniquely identifies an object by using the relative distinguished name for the object, plus the names of container objects and domains that contain the object. The distinguished name identifies the object as well as its location in a tree. Every object in Active Directory has a distinguished name)
doing business as namekereskedelmi név (The registration of an assumed, fictitious, or trade name under which a business operates, which must be included on U.S. tax reports. In the U.S., any business that operates under a name other than a personal or corporate legal name must register a DBA name with the appropriate government agency)
domain nametartománynév (The name given by an administrator to a collection of networked computers that share a common directory. Part of the DNS naming structure, domain names consist of a sequence of name labels separated by periods)
domain name registrartartományregisztráló (The owner of the customer relationship with customers who buy second-level domains. There may be many registrars for a single top-level domain. Registrars maintain detailed customer information in their databases, such as the customer's contact address, telephone number, and e-mail address. Customers usually manage their second-level domains at the registrar's Web site, and the registrar updates the registry database when necessary (for example, when a customer renews a domain name))
Domain Name Systemtartománynévrendszer (A hierarchical, distributed database that contains mappings of DNS domain names to various types of data, such as IP addresses. DNS enables the location of computers and services by user-friendly names, and it also enables the discovery of other information stored in the database)
e-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by thee-mail cím
email address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by thee-mail cím
end namevégpontnév (A name that appears as a text string near the end of a binary association. It indicates the role played by the class attached to the association end, so each end can have its own end name)
field namemezőnév (" The name of a category of information in a mail-merge data source. For example, "City," "State," and "PostalCode" are commonly used field names in an address list.")
file namefájlnév (The set of letters, numbers, and allowable symbols assigned to a file to distinguish it from all other files in a particular directory on a disk. A file name is the label under which a computer user saves and requests a block of information)
file name extensionfájlnévkiterjesztés (A set of characters added to the end of a file name that identifies the file type or format)
First NameUtónév (In the Add a Contact Wizard, one of the fields by which you can search for a contact)
first namekeresztnév (The given name for an individual)
friendly namevalódi név (A way of displaying contact names that uses the first and last name instead of the email address or sign-in name, for each contact in the user's contact list)
full nameteljes név (A user's complete name, usually consisting of the last name, first name, and middle initial. The full name is information that Local Users and Groups or Active Directory Users and Computers can maintain as part of the information identifying and defining a user account)
fully qualified domain nameteljes tartománynév (A DNS name that has been stated to indicate its absolute location in the domain namespace tree. In contrast to relative names, an FQDN has a trailing period () to qualify its position to the root of the namespace (host.example.contoso.com))
group namecsoport neve (A unique name that identifies a group of contacts in the Contacts list)
group namecsoportnév (A unique name identifying a local group or a global group to Windows. A group's name cannot be identical to any other group name or user name in its own domain or computer)
host nameállomásnév (The DNS name of a device on a network, used to locate computers on the network)
internet e-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by theinternetes e-mail cím
Last NameVezetéknév (In the Add a Contact Wizard, this is one of the fields by which you can search for a contact)
legal namehivatalos név (The name of an organization used for legal and governmental documents)
long file namehosszú fájlnév (A folder or file name longer than the 8.3 file name standard (up to eight characters followed by a period and an extension of up to three characters). Most versions of Windows, including WindowsXP, Windows2000, WindowNT, Windows95, and Windows98 support long file names up to 255 characters)
mailbox namepostaláda neve (The name or label (in a UI) of a specific user mailbox)
Matched Name Selection Methodnévmegfeleltetési eljárás (The mechanism used to help a caller differentiate between users with names that match the touch-tone or speech input)
matched name selection methodnévegyeztető kiválasztási módszer (The mechanism used to help a caller differentiate between users with names that match the touch-tone or speech input)
Name AutoCorrectAutomatikus névjavítás (A feature that automatically corrects common side effects that occur when you rename forms, reports, tables, queries, fields, or controls on forms and reports. However, Name AutoCorrect cannot repair all references to renamed objects)
name devolutionnévhozzáfűzés (The process by which a DNS resolver attempts to resolve a name by appending the DNS search suffix to the name and, if that query fails, by iteratively querying for the name in the next higher level of the domain hierarchy)
name registration requestnévregisztráció (A message sent to a NetBIOS name server when a TCP/IP host begins an attempt to register the domain name)
name releasenévfelszabadítás (A message sent to a NetBIOS server to indicate that a domain name has been released and is available for use by another server)
name resolutionnévfeloldás (The process of having software translate between names that are easy for users to work with and numerical IP addresses, which are difficult for users but necessary for TCP/IP communications. Name resolution can be provided by software components such as DNS or WINS)
name servernévkiszolgáló (A server that maintains information about a portion of the DNS database and that responds to and resolves DNS queries)
name/value pairnév-érték pár (The name of a form field and the value of the field at the time the form is submitted)
name-value pairnév-érték pár (The name of a form field and the value of the field at the time the form is submitted)
NetBIOS nameNetBIOS-név (A 16-byte name of a process using network basic input/output system (NetBIOS). The NetBIOS name is a name that is recognized by WINS, which maps the name to an IP address)
network namehálózatnév (A resource that Exchange 2007 Setup assigns to a clustered mailbox server. This resource represents the network name of the clustered mailbox server)
Network Name resourcehálózatnév erőforrás (In a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC), a logical server name that is managed as a cluster resource. A network name resource must be used with an IP address resource)
postmaster (" The logon name and therefore the email address of an account that is responsible for maintaining email services on a mail server. When an account holder is having trouble with email, a message to postmaster or ""postmasterpostamester
property nametulajdonságnév (A string value that is used to identify a named property within a given property set. Note that property names and property IDs are mutually exclusive)
realm nametartománynév (An identifying prefix or suffix appended to a user name to enable appropriate routing and authentication during a remote logon process)
role nameszerepnév (A name that appears as a text string near the end of a binary association. It indicates the role played by the class attached to the association end, so each end can have its own end name)
security principal namerendszerbiztonsági tag neve (A name that uniquely identifies a user, group, or computer within a single domain. This name is not guaranteed to be unique across domains)
server namekiszolgálónév (A name that uniquely identifies a server computer on a network)
Server Name IndicationKiszolgálónév jelzése (The IIS feature that supports the SSL/TSL protocol extension and allows a virtual domain name, or a hostname, to be used to identify the network endpoint)
service principal nameegyszerű szolgáltatásnév (The name by which a client uniquely identifies an instance of a service. It is usually built from the DNS name of the host. The SPN is used in the process of mutual authentication between the client and the server hosting a particular service)
share namemegosztási név (A name that refers to a shared resource on a server. Each shared folder on a server has a share name used by personal computer users to refer to the folder. Users of Macintosh computers use the name of the Macintosh-accessible volume that corresponds to a folder, which may be the same as the share name)
shared namemegosztott név (A name that consists of an assembly's identity-its simple text name, version number, and culture information (if provided)-strengthened by a public key and a digital signature generated over the assembly. Because the assembly manifest contains file hashes for all the files that constitute the assembly implementation, it is sufficient to generate the digital signature over just the one file in the assembly that contains the assembly manifest. Assemblies with the same strong name are expected to be identical)
short namerövid fájlnév (A valid MS-DOS or OS/2 8.3 file name (with up to 8 characters followed by a period and an extension of up to 3 characters) that a computer running any member of the Windows Server2003 family, or any similar operating system, creates for every Macintosh folder name or file name on the server. Personal computer users refer to files on the server by their short names; Macintosh users refer to them by their long names)
Show Friendly NameValódi név megjelenítése (A selection that displays the first and last name, instead of the e-mail address or sign-in name, for each contact in the user's Contacts list)
sign-in namebejelentkezési név (The ID that the user enters to sign in to Lync or Communicator)
strong nameerős név (A name that consists of an assembly's identity-its simple text name, version number, and culture information (if provided)-strengthened by a public key and a digital signature generated over the assembly. Because the assembly manifest contains file hashes for all the files that constitute the assembly implementation, it is sufficient to generate the digital signature over just the one file in the assembly that contains the assembly manifest. Assemblies with the same strong name are expected to be identical)
subject alternative nametulajdonos alternatív neve (An extension (defined in RFC 4985) used to store extra identifiers for a subject including the User Principal Name (UPN) of the user that is used by Windows for smart card logon and the user e-mail address (RFC 822 name))
System Data Source Namerendszer-adatforrásnév (A data source name that can be used by any process on the computer)
table nametáblanév (A name for an Excel table, which is a collection of data about a particular subject that is stored in records (rows) and fields (columns))
Uniform Resource Nameegységes erőforrásnév (A scheme for uniquely identifying resources that may be available on the Internet by name, without regard to where they are located)
Universal Naming Convention pathegységes elnevezési konvenciónak megfelelő elérési út (The standard path to access network shares)
UPN (A user account name sometimes referred to as the user logon name and a domain name identifying the domain in which the user account is located. This is the standard usage for logging on to a Windows domain. The format is: useregyszerű felhasználónév
user namefelhasználónév (A unique name that identifies a user account to Windows. An account's user name must be unique among the other group names and user names within its own domain or workgroup)
user principal name (A user account name sometimes referred to as the user logon name and a domain name identifying the domain in which the user account is located. This is the standard usage for logging on to a Windows domain. The format is: useregyszerű felhasználónév
user principal name suffix (The part of the user principal name UPN to the right of theegyszerű felhasználónév utótagja
username (The name by which a user is identified to a computer system or network. During the logon process, the user must enter the username and the correct password. If the system or network is connected to the Internet, the username generally corresponds to the leftmost part of the user's e-mail address (the portion preceding thefelhasználónév
Windows user nameWindows felhasználónév (A unique name that identifies a user account to Windows. An account's user name must be unique among the other group names and user names within its own domain or workgroup)
wireless network namevezeték nélküli hálózat neve (The name used to identify a wireless network)
World Wide Nameglobális név (A unique identifier used in storage technologies for physical (e.g. ports) and logical objects (e.g. RAID array LUN) and created and managed by IEEE. It is composed in a variety of formats and often contains an organizationally unique identifier)