
Terms containing module | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSBusiness Logic Moduleűzletilogika-modul (A module that contains Business Logic software and is called to enforce data constraints and/or perform tasks that are loaded and executed in a host-specific run-time environment)
comp., MSCatalog Designer modulekatalógustervező modul (The Commerce Server Business Desk module used to create and manage catalog schema. Catalog schema consists of category definitions, product definitions, and property definitions. These components are the foundation of the categories, products, and properties in catalogs)
comp., MSCatalog Editor modulekatalógusszerkesztő modul (The Commerce Server Business Desk module used to edit and manage catalogs. The Catalog Editor module supports adding, editing, and deleting products and categories, as well as, importing and exporting catalogs and refreshing full-text indexing)
comp., MSCatalog Sets modulekatalóguskészlet-modul (The Commerce Server Business Desk module used to create and manage catalog sets)
environ.civil protection modulepolgári védelmi modul
comp., MSclass moduleosztálymodul (A module that can contain the definition for a new object. Each instance of a class creates a new object. Procedures defined in the module become properties and methods of the object)
fin.Contingency Modulerendkívüli helyzetekre vonatkozó modul
comp., MSdevice-specific moduleeszközspecifikus modul (A storage array manufacturer's module that incorporates knowledge of the manufacturer's hardware and interacts with the MPIO driver. The DSM plays a crucial role in device initialization and I/O request handling, including I/O request error handling)
comp., MSdual inline memory modulekétsoros memóriamodul (A type of memory board comprised of RAM chips mounted on a circuit board with a 64-bit data path and pins on each side that are on different circuits and that respond to different signals)
med., pharma.EudraVigilance Clinical Trial ModuleEudravigilance klinikai vizsgálati modul
comp., MSform moduleűrlapmodul (A module that includes code for all event procedures triggered by events occurring on a specific form or its controls)
comp., MSFriends moduleBarátok modul (A module that shows a photo list of your friends and provides for adding, editing, and deleting people from your friends list)
comp., MSHome modulekezdőmodul (The Microsoft CRM module that contains a summary of activities scheduled over a three-day period for the logged-on user. Home also displays announcements, the Create an Activity and Create a Record areas, and a side tab leading to the Settings area)
comp., MSHTTP moduleHTTP modul (A component that can be registered as part of the ASP.NET request lifecycle and that can read or change the request or response as it is processed. HttpModules are often used to perform special tasks that need to monitor each request, such as security or site statistics)
comp., MSIIS Manager moduleIIS-kezelő modul (A set of extension to IIS Manager. Windows Server AppFabric extensions to IIS Manager allow you to configure, control, query, and monitor WCF and WF services (in .NET Framework 4))
bank., ITInformation and Control Moduleinformációs és felügyeleti modul
transp., mil., grnd.forc., el.LED moduleLED-modul
transp., mil., grnd.forc.light source modulefényforrásmodul
comp., MSLower Provisioning ModuleAlsó előfizetés-kezelő modul (A component of the Local Provisioning System (LPS) that is hosted within a Secured Execution Environment (SEE) and carries out provisioning, metering, and enforcement for pay-as-you-go and subscription computers)
comp., MSmerge moduleegyesítő modul (A module that packages components together with any related files, resources, registry entries, and setup logic. Merge modules can be used to install components that multiple applications share. Merge modules cannot be installed directly; they must be merged into deployment projects)
comp., MSMobile PCI Express Modulemobil PCI Express modul (An industry standard connector used in mobile platforms for attaching peripherals to the PCI bus)
comp., MSmodule levelmodulszintű (Describes any variable or constant declared in the Declarations section of a module or outside a procedure. Variables or constants declared at the module level are available to all procedures in a module)
comp., MSmodule-level variablemodulszintű változó (A variable that's declared in the Declarations section of a module by using the Private keyword. These variables are available to all procedures in the module)
bank.payments modulefizetési modul
bank., ITPayments Module accountPM-számla
energ.ind.photovoltaic modulefényelektromos napelemmodul
energ.ind.photovoltaic modulenapelemmodul
energ.ind.photovoltaic solar modulenapelemmodul
energ.ind.photovoltaic solar modulefényelektromos napelemmodul
comp., MSreport modulejelentésmodul (A module that includes code for all event procedures triggered by events occurring on a specific report or its controls)
comp., MSReports modulejelentésmodul (A Microsoft CRM module used to create, view, and print metrics and statistical reports)
comp., MSRich Previewer Modulebetekintő modul (A technology that allows Vista to show "live" icons of the actual content of a file in the file thumbnail instead of the usual static icons. It is also used to render content in the Reading Pane in folders)
comp., MSSales moduleértékesítési modul (The Microsoft CRM module used to access business records pertaining to sales, such as accounts, contacts, quotes, orders, and sales literature. In this module, users can create leads, convert them to opportunities, accounts, and contacts, and view and track information about competitors. Users can also create quotes and orders, and generate invoices)
comp., MSService moduleszolgáltatásmodul (The Microsoft CRM module used to access business records pertaining to customer service, such as cases, accounts, contacts, contracts, and the Knowledge Base Manager (KB Manager). In this module, users can open and resolve cases, create and view service contracts, and create and manage information in the Knowledge Base)
comp., MSsmall outline dual inline memory modulekis méretű kétsoros memória (A smaller version of a DIMM used in laptops)
energ.ind.solar modulenapelemmodul
energ.ind.solar modulefényelektromos napelemmodul
comp., MSstandard modulestandard modul (A module in which you can place Sub and Function procedures that you want to be available to other procedures throughout your database)
comp., MSTrusted Platform Moduleplatformmegbízhatósági modul (Security hardware that provides a hardware-based root of trust and can be leveraged to provide a variety of cryptographic services, such as early-boot component checking)
comp., MSUpper Provisioning Modulefelső szintű ellátó modul (A component of the Local Provisioning System (LPS) that manages the provisioning of the computer from within the operating system or software)
comp., MSWeb Server Management Enumerator modulerendszerfelügyeleti webszolgáltatás enumeráló modulja (A probe action module type that performs a WS-Management Enumerate operation)
comp., MSWindows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShellWindows Azure Active Directory modul Windows PowerShellhez (A group of cmdlets used to administer Windows Azure Active Directory. You can use these cmdlets to manage users, groups, domains, cloud service subscriptions, licenses, directory sync, single sign-on, and more)
comp., MSWindows Azure AD Module for Windows PowerShellWindows Azure AD-modul Windows PowerShellhez (A group of cmdlets used to administer Windows Azure Active Directory. You can use these cmdlets to manage users, groups, domains, cloud service subscriptions, licenses, directory sync, single sign-on, and more)
comp., MSWorkplace modulemunkaterület-modul (The Microsoft CRM module that contains the work a user has been assigned, is currently working on, and is available in queues to which the user has access. Users can accept, assign, and delete assignments from here. Users can also access their calendars and the Knowledge Base)