
Terms containing full | all forms | exact matches only
transp.at full powerteljes teljesítménnyel
gen.child of full agenagykorú gyermek
ed.compulsory full-time schoolingtankötelezettség
agric.cow with full milking capacitybefejt tehén
agric.field work in full swingmezei munkák csúcspontja
comp., MSfull accessteljes hozzáférés (A privilege on a computer system that allows a user to read, write, and delete data)
comp., MSfull access tokenteljes körű hozzáférési jogkivonat (An access token with the maximum privileges authorized for the account. Used by User Account Control (UAC))
gen.full addressteljes cím
comp., MSFull Administratorteljes körű rendszergazda (A security role that grants all permissions in Configuration Manager to an administrative user)
proced.law.full adoptionteljes örökbefogadás
proced.law.full agenagykorúság
gen.full amountteljes összeg
tech., lawfull apertureteljes nyílás
IT, dat.proc.full aperture of the reflectora fényszórótükör teljes felülete
health., pharma.full applicationteljeskörű kérelem
work.fl.full application filepályázati anyag
work.fl.full application fileteljes pályázati anyag
econ.full appreciationujraértékelés
patents.full authorityszabad kéz
agric.full-bloodtiszta fajtájú
agric.full-blooded horsetelivér ló
biol.full-bloodednessnemes jelleg
biol.full-bloodednesstiszta fajtajelleg
agric.full-blossom conditionteljesvirágúság (of flower)
agric.full-boledteljesen kifejlett (fa)
agric.full-boledhengeres (fa)
agric.full-boledtömött (faanyag)
agric.full-boledkellő magasra nőtt (fa)
forestr.full-boled timbervastagfa (having over 7 cm in diameter at the butt end)
shoot.full-bore riflenagyöbű puska
proced.law.full community property systemvagyonösszesítő rendszer
market., life.sc.full competitionteljes körű verseny
transp., mil., grnd.forc.full contour markingteljes körvonaljelzés
gen.full controlteljes körűen ellenőrzés
comp., MSfull crawlteljes bejárás (A crawl that scans a content source in its entirety and refreshes the index to reflect new, changed or deleted content, as well as existing, unchanged content)
agric.full cream milkteljes tej
comp., MSfull delegationteljes delegálás (A delegation in which a layout behavior requests complete control over the visual layout of elements)
gen.full descriptionteljes leírás
market.full disclosureteljes körű tájékoztatás
gymn.full distanceegész távolság
pharma.full dose-response curveteljes dózis-válasz görbe
econ.full employmentteljes foglalkoztatottság
comp., MSfull enforcement modeteljes kényszerítési mód (The enforcement mode in which client computers immediately have their network access restricted if they are not in compliance with network health requirements)
agric.full feedingtakarmányozás ad libitum
platf.div.full GainerAuerbach szaltó
biol.full-grain conditionteltszeműség (of ear)
agric.full-grainedtejles v jól fejlett szemű
agric.full-grownteljesen kifejlett
comp., MSfull importteljes importálás (An import of all data from a file, or a scoped view, of a connected data source to the connector space. Data from the connected data source is compared with data in the connector space. If there are no attribute changes, the object is not changed in the connector space)
math.full information methodteljes információs módszer
comp., MSfull installationteljes telepítés (A type of update installation in which all the files needed to complete the installation are in a single package)
gymn.full intervalféltávolság
h.rghts.act.full legal partnerteljesen törvényes partner
h.rghts.act.full legal partnerteljes jogú partner
moto.full loadteljes teljesítmény
stat., el.full loadteljes terhelés
gen.full load hourkihasználási időtartam
comp., MSfull loggingteljes körű naplózás (A type of logging available to capture information about mailbox searches that includes information about all results that meet the search criteria)
h.rghts.act.full marriage rightsteljes körű házassági jogok
lawfull memberteljes jogú tag
comp., MSfull modeteljes nézet (The default operational state of Windows Media Player in which all of its features are displayed. The Player can also appear in skin mode)
comp., MSfull nameteljes név (A user's complete name, usually consisting of the last name, first name, and middle initial. The full name is information that Local Users and Groups or Active Directory Users and Computers can maintain as part of the information identifying and defining a user account)
agric.full of dustporszerű
agric.full of dustporalakú
agric.full of dustporlasztott
agric.full of ravinesvízmosásos
agric.full of ravinesszakadékos
industr.full okoumé plywoodteljes okoumé
gen.full operating capabilityteljes műveleti képesség
gen.full operational capabilityteljes műveleti képesség
comp., MSfull outer jointeljes külső illesztés (A type of outer join in which all rows in all joined tables are included, whether they are matched or not. For example, a full outer join between titles and publishers shows all titles and all publishers, even those that have no match)
gen.full performanceteljes teljesítés
comp., MSfull PIDLteljes PIDL (A PIDL that uniquely describes an object relative to the desktop folder)
patents.full powerszabad kéz
mech.eng.full power conversionteljes teljesítményátalakítás
lawfull powersmeghatalmazás
comp., MSfull privilege access tokenteljes jogú hozzáférési jogkivonat (An access token with the maximum privileges authorized for the account. Used by User Account Control (UAC))
med., mater.sc., met.full quality assuranceteljes minőségbiztosítás
gen.full rangeteljes kör
comp., MSfull-range speakerteljes kivezérlésű hangszóró (A speaker that is able to reproduce the widest sound spectrum possible within the entire audible range (20Hz to 20kHz))
gen.full rateteljes bér
gen.full remunerationteljes javadalmazás
agric.full ripenessteljesérés
agric., industr., construct.full scale1:1 léptékű
agric.full-scope surveyteljes áttekintés
comp., MSfull screenteljes képernyő (Capable of using or being displayed on the full area of a display screen. Applications running in windowing environments, although they might use the entire area of the screen, commonly allocate different areas to different windows, any of which can be enlarged to fill the entire screen)
comp., MSfull-screen modeteljes képernyős üzemmód (A display mode that shows as much content as possible by hiding elements such as navigation and toolbars)
comp., MSfull-screen programteljes képernyős alkalmazás (A program that displays in the entire computer screen)
agr.full seed developmentvetőmag teltszeműsége
comp., MSfull serverteljes kiszolgáló (A single physical or virtual server that contains all the server roles)
proced.law.full sibling relationshipkétoldalú rokonság
shoot.full sightdurva célzás
el.full size battery operated vacuum cleanerteljes értékű akkumulátoros porszívó
forestr.full-size timbervastagfa
transp., el.full speedteljes sebesség
transp., industr., construct.full speed aheadteljes sebességgel előre
transp., industr., construct.full speed asternteljes sebességgel hátra
agric.full sproutingteljesen kikelt vetés
chem.full study reportteljes vizsgálati jelentés
gen.full textteljes szöveg
comp., MSfull-text catalogteljes szöveges katalógus (A collection of full-text index components and other files that are organized in a specific directory structure and contain the data that is needed to perform queries)
comp., MSfull-text indexteljes szöveges index (An index that enables full-text search for a group of managed properties)
comp., MSfull-text searchteljes szöveges keresés (A search for one or more documents, records, or strings based on all of the actual text data rather than on an index containing a limited set of keywords)
comp., MSfull-text search indexteljes szöveges keresési index (An index that enables full-text search for a group of managed properties)
gen.full-timenappali tagozatos
econ.full-time employmentteljes munkaidőben történő foglalkoztatás
stat., social.sc., lab.law.full-time equivalentteljes munkaidős egyenérték
lab.law., environ., construct.full-time trainingnappali tagozatos képzés
social.sc.full-time workers in povertyszegénységben élő munkavállalók
comp., MSfull trustteljes megbízhatóság (A code access security (CAS) state assigned to managed assemblies. The level of trust granted to an application or Web service affects its ability to use system resources while executing. Assemblies that have full trust can access any resource that is subject to operating system security, and all privileged operations are supported)
gymn.full turn somersaultszabadátfordulás teljes fordulattal
gen.full useteljes használat
agric.full-valueteljes értékű
agric.full value conditionteljesértékűség
zoot.full-value foddertakarmány teljesértékűsége
comp., MSfull versionteljes verzió (The default version that includes drag-and-drop functionality, right-click menus, and a reading pane)
comp., MSfull volume encryptionkötet titkosítása (The process of converting volumes into a coded form so they cannot be read without first authenticating to Windows; or, if on different hardware, without an escrowed recovery key)
comp., MSfull volume encryption keyteljes kötetet titkosító kulcs (The algorithm-specific key that is used to encrypt (and optionally, diffuse) data on disk sectors. Currently, this key can be either 128 bits or 256 bits advanced encryption standard (AES). The default encryption algorithm that BitLocker Drive Encryption uses is AES 128 bit with diffuser)
gen.full wagonteljes vagon
moto.full weightösszsúly
moto.full widthlegnagyobb szélesség
gen.full yearteljes év
comp., MSfull zone transferteljes zónaletöltés (The standard query type supported by all DNS servers to update and synchronize zone data when the zone has been changed. When a DNS query is made using AXFR as the specified query type, the entire zone is transferred as the response)
patents.have full authorityszabad kézzel rendelkezik
patents.have full powerszabad kézzel rendelkezik
gen.having exchanged their Full Powerskicserélve jó és kellő alakban talált meghatalmazásaikat
gymn.heel raising and knee full bendingsarkonülés
patents.of full agenagykorú
shoot.open sight full bore riflenyíltirányzékú nagyöbű puska
comp., MSShow Full Screen VideoTeljes képernyős videó megjelenítése (The button in a Video conversation window that displays the current video conversation in full-screen mode)
swim.swim to full exhaustion"kiússza magát"
handb.throw from running at full speeddobás teljes futásból
patents.with full validityteljes hatállyal