
Terms containing branch | all forms | exact matches only
patents.adjacent branch of technologya technika szomszédos ága
math.age-dependent branching processkortól függõ terjeszkedési folyamat
agric.axillary branchhónaljhajtás
gen.branch accountsfióktelepi beszámoló
math.branch and bound methodsugrásszerűen módszerek
math.branch and bound methodságazati és kötelező módszerek
comp., MSbranch codefiókkód (A numeric code used in combination with a bank code to identify a specific bank branch)
agric.branch cuttingágnyesés
comp., MSbranch distribution pointfiókirodai terjesztési pont (A Configuration Manager site system that has the role of storing package source files and is designed to be located in a distributed location with limited network bandwidth or a limited number of clients)
agric., construct.branch drainleágazó cső
comp., MSbranch elementelágazás elem (An element of workflow logic that defines an alternative condition and action or additional steps, in cases when the criteria in a condition element are not met. A logical "else-if-then" statement in a workflow)
forestr.branch faggot-woodvékonyfa
forestr.branch faggot-woodgallyfa
forestr.branch faggot-woodágfa
environ.branch of activity A specialized division of a business or other organizationtevékenységi ág
econ.branch of activityvállalkozás tevékenységi köre
econ.branch of economic activityágazat
econ.branch of economic activitygazdasági ágazat
econ.branch of economygazdasági ágazat
econ.branch of economyágazat
patents.branch of industryiparág
patents.branch of technologya technika ága
patents.branch of technologyműszaki ágazat
patents.branch of technologyműszaki terület
patents.branch of tradekereskedelmi ágazat
patents.branch of tradeiparág
comp., MSbranch officefiókiroda (A site that is geographically separated from the central management site)
patents.branch officefiók (létesítmény)
comp., MSbranch office deployment scenariofiókirodai telepítési forgatókönyv (A deployment scenario in which connectivity between the central site and the branch office is over a wide-area-network (WAN) and is assumed to be unreliable with low bandwidth)
comp., MSbranch plaquepartnerplakett (An award (plaque) signifiying a particular office, or branch, that is a member of the Partner Program (certified level))
agric.branch rootmellékgyökér
agric.branch rootoldalgyökér
nat.sc., forestr.branch-woodágfa
forestr.branch woodrövidre fűrészelt tűzifa
gymn.branches of gymnasticstorna ágai
math.branching Markov processMarkov-féle öngerjesztõ folyamat
math.branching Poisson processPoisson-féle öngerjesztõ folyamat
math.branching processGalton-Watson-folyamat
math.branching processöngerjesztõ folyamat
math.branching renewal processöngerjesztõ megújulási folyamat
comp., MSconditional branchfeltételes elágazás (An element of workflow logic that defines an alternative condition and action or additional steps, in cases when the criteria in a condition element are not met. A logical "else-if-then" statement in a workflow)
econ.economic branchágazat
econ.economic branchgazdasági ágazat
tech.electric branch trimmervillamos ágnyeső
agric.electric hand disc branch trimmervillamos kézi ágnyeső körfűrész
agric.flower-bearing branchvirágzó ág
agric.flowering branchvirágzó ág
horticult., bot.fruit-bearing branchtermővessző
agric.fruiting branchtermést hordó ág
comp., MShardware branchhardverág (The hardware archive root key in the registry that is a superset of the memory-resident hardware tree. Although the hardware tree contains information only about those devices currently detected and running in the system, the registry contains a complete list of all hardware ever installed on the particular computer. The hardware root key is \\HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE\Hardware)
comp., MShierarchy branchhierarchiacsoport (A group of sites, interconnected via child/parent site connections, that report up to the same primary site)
agric.lacking brancheságmentes
agric.lacking branchesgöcsmentes
agric.lateral brancholdalág
environ.law branch A subdivision of the body of principles and regulations established by a government or other authority, generally defined by its scope or applicationjogi szakterület
forestr.leaf and branch sheddingerdei lombhullás
agric.lopping off branchesgallyazás
gen.main branches of the bronchifõ hörgõágak
trav.mark of branchelágazásjelzés
agric.monopodial branchmonopodiális ág
agric.mother branchtenyészág
patents.official institutions representing the various industrial and commercial branchesa különféle ipari, kereskedelmi ágazatok hivatalos szakmai képviseleti szervei
comp., MSparallel branchpárhuzamos ág (An element of workflow logic that defines an alternative wait condition with a corresponding set of additional steps that are only performed when the initial criterion is met)
agric.parent branchtenyészág
patents.patent branchszabadalmi szakterület
agric.perennial branchévelő ág
agric.primary branchelsőrendű ág
comp., MSPrivate Branch Exchangeházi alközpont (A private telephone network in an organization. Individual telephone numbers or extension numbers are supported, and calls are automatically routed to them. Users can call each other using extensions. They can also place calls to outside numbers)
agric.pruning branchesgallyazás
trav.road branchútelágazás
agric.secondary branchmásodrendű ág
patents.special branch of technologyműszaki szakterület
agric.specialised branch agronomistüzemág-agronómus
comp., MSSurvivable Branch Appliancehibatűrő fiókirodai berendezés (A telephony device that keeps the phones working if the connection to the central site is lost)
comp., MSSurvivable Branch Serverhibatűrő fiókirodai kiszolgáló (A server running Windows Server that meets specified hardware requirements, and that has Lync Server Registrar and Mediation Server software installed on it. Like Survivable Branch Appliances, this device can provide voice mail survivability for branch users during a WAN outage)
agric.sympodial brancháltengelyes ág
patents.the branch of technology consideredaz érintett műszaki terület
med.tibial nerve calf muscle branchsípcsonti ideg lábikraizom-ága
agric.tree branch harrowfonott faborona
agric.trimming of brancheságnyesés
forestr.upper branch woodcsúcsfa
agric.vegetative branchtermőnyárs
agric.windfall branchesszéldöntvény