
Terms containing box | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSalert boxriasztási ablak (An on-screen box, in a graphical user interface, that is used to deliver a message or warning)
comp., MSalignment boxigazítókeret (The rectangle that appears around shapes and objects from other applications as you move them)
transp., construct.automatic gear-boxautomata sebességváltó
interntl.trade., agric.blue boxkék doboz
comp., MSbounding boxhatárolókeret (The smallest rectangle that can enclose the text in a text frame)
math.box and whisker plotdoboz és pálcika ábrázolás
stat.Box-Cox transformationBox-Jenkinsmodell
math.Box-Cox transformationBox-Cox-transzformáció
agr.box for seedlingspalántaláda
agric.box hive beekeepingtönkkaptáros méhészet
math.Box-Jenkins modelBox-Jenkinsmodell
math.Box-Jenkins modelautoregresszív mozgó átlagolás
comp., MSbox modeldobozmodell (A cascading style sheet (CSS) model where rectangular boxes are generated for elements in the document tree and laid out according to the visual formatting model)
math.Box-Muller transformationBox-Müller-transzformáció
stat.Box-Müller transformationBox-Müller-transzformáció
IT, dat.proc., agric.box of silkworm eggsselyemhernyó-petéket tartalmazó doboz
med.box palletszekrényes rakodólap
math.box plotdoboz ábrázolás
math.Box's testBox-próba
moto.box spannercsőkulcs
zoot.box stallbox
zoot.box stalllóállás
agric.box trapüreginyúl-csapda
moto.box-type framedoboztartós alváz
zoot.calf boxfiaztató fogadtató ketrec
zoot.calf boxfiaztató ellető ketrec
agric.casting boxkovaföldet tartalmazó agyag
comp., MScheck boxjelölőnégyzet (" A control that indicates whether or not an option is selected. A check mark or "x" appears in the box when the option is selected.")
forestr.cigar box cedarillatos susogófa (Cedrela odorata, Cedrela mexicana)
tech.cinder boxhamuzó (berendezés)
tech.cinder boxhamugödör
tech.cinder boxhamuláda
tech.cinder boxhamutér
moto.closed gear boxzárt sebességváltó
fenc.colophony boxgyantás láda
comp., MScolor boxpaletta (A set of color choices located in a workpane)
comp., MScombo boxkombinált lista (A standard Windows control that combines text box and list box functions)
comp., MScombo box controlkombinált lista (A standard Windows control that combines text box and list box functions)
comp., MSconfirmation dialog boxmegerősítő párbeszédpanel (A dialog box in which a user confirms that he or she wants a specified action to occur, usually by clicking OK)
comp., MScustom dialog boxegyéni párbeszédpanel (A modal pop-up form you create to ask the user for additional information or to display a message)
comp., MScustom properties dialog boxegyéni tulajdonságbeállító párbeszédpanel (A custom property sheet that allows users to set properties for an ActiveX control)
patents.deposit of documents in the mail boxiratok elhelyezése a postafiókban
comp., MSdialog boxpárbeszédpanel (A secondary window that allows users to perform a command, asks users a question, or provides users with information or progress feedback)
comp., MSDialog Box Launcherpárbeszédpanel-megnyitó (A specific Office icon that is used within a group to launch a related dialog box)
agric.driver's boxbak
agric.driver's boxfűrészbak
agric.driver's boxkocsibak
agric.driver's boxkecskeláb
agric.driver's boxbakállvány
agric.driver's boxszekérbak
comp., MSdrop-down list boxlegördülő lista (A control on a menu, toolbar, dialog box, or data access page that displays a list of options when you click the small arrow next to the list box)
comp., MSedit boxbeviteli mező (A rectangular control in an application that allows the user to enter or edit text)
moto.exhaust boxhangtompító (dob)
moto.exhaust box silencerkipuffogódob
comp., MSexpression boxkifejezésmező (A control on a form that displays read-only data as the result of a lookup or calculation against the data using an XPath expression)
agric.fire boxfűtőtest
agric.fire boxolvasztás
agric.fire boxfűtés
zoot.foaling boxfiaztató fogadtató ketrec
zoot.foaling boxfiaztató ellető ketrec
moto.foot change of the gear boxlábsebességváltó
moto.foot change of the gear boxlábkapcsolás (sebességváltó)
earth.sc., met., el.fuse boxbiztosítódoboz
transp., construct.gear-boxsebességváltómű
moto.gear boxsebességváltó
agric.grease boxolajozószelence (grease chamber)
comp., MSgroup boxelemcsoport (A standard Windows control that groups a set of controls)
comp., MSin-box driverbeépített illesztőprogram (A driver contained in the default Windows installation)
comp., MSinteractive dialog boxinteraktív párbeszédpanel (A dialog box that requires a response from the user. Intermediary devices such as a security host require such a dialog box as an added layer of security between the client and the remote access server. In such dialog boxes, the user types an access code or a user name and password on the remote access terminal screen)
transp., tech., lawlight boxkivilágított doboz
comp., MSlist boxlista (A control in Windows that enables the user to choose one option from a list of possibilities)
patents.mail boxpostafiók
obs., zoot.mating boxfedeztető helyiség
comp., MSMicrosoft box shotMicrosoft termékdoboz képe (A photo of a Microsoft product box)
comp., MSmodeless dialog boxnem kizárólagos párbeszédpanel (A dialog box that allows the user to supply information and return to a previous task without closing the dialog box)
agric.mold boxkovaföldet tartalmazó agyag
gen.monobloc boxesegyrészes dobozok
met.moulding boxlombik
comp., MSmultiple-selection list boxtöbbszörös kijelölési lista (A list box that is optimized for making multiple, independent selections)
gen.negotiating boxtárgyalási keret
agric.nest boxházikó
agric.nest boxfülke
agric.nest boxbódé
agric.oil boxolajozószelence
comp., MSout-of-box drivernem beépített illesztőprogram (A driver that is not included with Windows)
comp., MSout-of-box experiencekezdőélmény (The experience that is presented to end users the first time they start a new computer)
comp., MSout-of-box experience applicationkezdőélmény-alkalmazás (An application that determines what the out-of-box experience will be)
comp., MSpizza boxpizzadoboz (A chassis type that can be reported by the Win32_SystemEnclosure class in Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and that refers to the chassis type that consumes 1U of rack space on a standardized 42U rack)
trav.provision boxételdoboz
mech.eng.refrigerated boxitalhűtő
agric.retting boxáztató (helyiség)
comp., MSscroll boxgörgetődoboz (A component of a scroll bar that indicates the relative position (and optionally the proportion) of the visible information relative to the entire amount of information. The user can drag the scroll box to view areas of information not currently visible)
comp., MSsearch boxkeresőmező (A text box in which someone types words to begin a search)
comp., MSset-top boxdekóder (A device that converts a cable TV signal to an input signal to the TV set. Set-top boxes can be used to access the World Wide Web and are a type of information appliance)
commun.simple set-top box SSTBegyszerű set-top box
comp., MSsplit boxosztósáv (A special control added to a window, typically adjacent to the scroll bar, that allows a user to split a window or adjust a window split)
comp., MSstatic dialog boxstatikus párbeszédpanel (A scripted dialog box between the client computer and an intermediary device. This kind of dialog box requires no response from the user)
tech.stuffing boxolajzár (of pump)
tech.stuffing boxszivattyútömítés (of pump)
med.stuffing box glandmirigy
trav.summit boxcsúcsdoboz
beekeep.swarm boxrajbefogó
transp., avia., tech.test boxhordozható ellenõrzõ egység
comp., MStext boxszövegmező, szövegbeviteli mező (A rectangular control in an application that allows the user to enter or edit text)
comp., MSTo boxCímzett mező (A text box where someone enters the e-mail addresses of the primary recipients of an e-mail message)
beekeep.upright box hivefenék nélküli kas
gymn.vaulting boxugrószekrény
comp., MSVertical Box ListFüggőleges lista mezőkkel (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show several groups of information, especially groups with large amounts of Level 2 text. A good choice for bulleted lists of information)
athlet.wooden box of the take-off for the pole vaultrúdugrószekrény
industr.zapper boxzapper box