
Terms for subject Environment containing Zone | all forms | exact matches only
climatic zone A belt of the earth's surface within which the climate is generally homogeneous in some respect; an elemental region of a simple climatic classificationéghajlati öv
coastal zonepart menti övezet
coastal zone planning The objective of coastal management and planning is the preservation of coastal resources whilst simultaneously satisfying the sometimes conflicting interests and requirements of protection, development, usage and conservationtengerparti területtervezés
cold zone ecosystem The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings located in climatic regions where the air temperature is below 10° Celsius for eight to eleven months of the yearhidegövi ökoszisztéma
controlled hunting zone An administered geographic area in which the pursuit, capture and killing of wild animals for food or sport, is allowed, often with certain restrictions or regulationsvadászterület
disaster zone Zone that has been stricken by a disaster and where measures must be taken to reduce the severity of the human and material damage caused by itkatasztrófazóna
economic zoning A land-use planning design or control where specific types of businesses or private sector investment are encouraged within designated boundariesgazdasági övezetekre osztás
industrial zoning A system of land use planning that forms zones or boundaries to be used only by manufacturing or business enterprisesipari övezet meghatározás
intertidal zone 1. The area between land and sea which is regularly exposed to the air by the tidal movement of the sea. Marine organisms that inhabit the intertidal zones have to adapt to periods of exposure to air and to the waves created by wind, which makes it the most physically demanding of the marine habitats. 2. The shore zone between the highest and lowest tidesdagálykor elárasztott parti sáv
military zone Area whose utilization is exclusively reserved to the armykatonai terület
pedestrian zone Area where vehicles are not allowedgyalogos övezet
pre-emption zone Areas that are subject to the pre-emption right which is a privilege accorded by the government to the actual settler upon a certain limited portion of the public domain, to purchase such tract at a fixed price to the exclusion of all other applicantselővásárlási övezet
protected marine zone Sea area where marine wildlife is protectedvédett tengeri övezet
riparian zone 1. Terrestrial areas where the vegetation complex and microclimate are products of the combined pressure and influence of perennial and/or intermittent water... and soils that exhibit some wetness characteristics. 2. Zone situated on the bank of a water course such as a river or streamfolyóparti övezet
special protection zonekmt
special protection zonekülönleges madárvédelmi terület
touristic zone Any section of a region which attracts travelers, often because of its scenery, objects of interest or recreational activitiesidegenforgalmi övezet