
Terms containing Fastest | all forms
swim.fast beginningerős kezdés
sport, bask.fast breakfless
sport, bask.fast breaklerohanás
comp., MSfast cardmobiltárca (An NFC-enabled card (like a credit card) that users can use for payments or other transactions even when the phone is locked)
agric.fast-growinggyorsan növő
zoot.fast growing breedgyorsan fejlődő fajta
footb."fast raid"lefutás
environ.fast reactor Nuclear reactor which produces more fissile material than it consumes, using fast-moving neutrons and making plutonium-239 from uranium-238, thereby increasing the reactor's efficiencygyorsreaktor
comp., MSfast startupgyorsindítás (A method of starting the computer that speeds boot time by ending the user session and hibernating the computer, rather than shutting down all running services)