
Terms for subject Procedural law containing with | all forms | exact matches only
adult with incapacitymajeur incapable
assistance with the upbringing of the childassistance éducative
contract of employment in accordance with civil lawcontrat de travail de droit civil
Convention of 11 October 1977 with Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway on the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in the Field of Private Lawconvention du 11 octobre 1977 entre le Danemark, la Finlande, l'Islande, la Norvège et la Suède relative à la reconnaissance et à l'exécution des jugements en matière civile
dispensation with impediment to marriagedispense à l'empêchement à mariage
marriage with a foreigner or of foreignersmariage de ressortissants étrangers sur le territoire national
person with a duty to maintaindébiteur alimentaire
person with a duty to maintaindébiteur d'aliments
person with authority to solemnize a marriageautorité compétente pour célébrer le mariage
protection of an adult with incapacityprotection du majeur incapable
right to maintain personal relations and direct contact with the childdroit de visite
sex with an adult relativeinceste